How to Live Life

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Our prophet/truth announcer Billy Meier, the last of the lineage of 7 prophets, gives this advice to the human beings of Earth. From Contact 829, Jan. 2 2023.

“But now please listen to what i have written for the human beings of the Earth.”

1) Remain independent at all times, and be self-aware; think for yourself, independently, and do not let others think for you, if you are never a believer and ever will be.

2) Trust only yourself, and also only if you think correctly and are able to make correct decisions, which will bring you success, but never disadvantage.

3) Never rely on what other people say, but consider and check everything for its reality and truth, and only then, when you have recognised the correctness of what you have been told or advised as truth, use what you have been told or advised for your benefit, as well as for your knowledge and advantage.

4) Do not look at what other people are and do, but always strive to think for yourself and to decide and do what is best in order to recognise what is correct.

5) Whatever you do, do it with modesty, decency, honour and dignity, as well as with understanding and reason.

6) Be always alone for yourself in thought, decision and action, and never indulge in arrogance, megalomania and haughtiness, as well as dishonesty, arrogance, recklessness, conceit, lying, heedlessness, vulnerability and deceit, etc.

7) Never believe in a higher power above you, not in an imaginary god, gods or any other power, because you yourself are the power, energy and strength above yourself, therefore it is you yourself who leads and manages your own life.

8) Know about yourself, about your own energy and power; know about your abilities and skills, and use everything at all times in a correct and inviolable way.

9) Believe not in human beings, but know reality and its truth, and use it alone to do right, to lead your life, and also to act with honour and dignity.

10) Know for yourself the formation of your life, existence and well-being, and know only your actions in reality and truth, and recognise for yourself the reality and its power, as well as the knowledge of the truth of life, far from any belief in a god or human beings.

11) Cultivate your own life, your own thoughts, your own way of life, your own ability, your own logic and your own understanding, as well as your own reason, in order to evaluate and decide everything, your actions, your success in life, as well as your true peace, tranquillity and righteousness, but also your true love, your well-being towards all living things and towards effective reality, and create your own effective true knowledge in incontrovertible truth.

12) What belongs especially to true humanity is the good and valuable, but never the negative and evil, all of which is to be controlled, tamed and conquered. Consider everything always correctly, for it is for your own good. Above all, guard yourself against all unworthiness, which is to be regarded and conquered as unworthiness, such as the following bad degenerations: Being abstemious, being affected, being aggressive, being ambivalent, being arbitrary, being nailed down, being unsocial, being presumptuous, being malicious, being suspicious, being arrogant, being pushy, being pompous, being blasé, being bigoted, being choleric, being spiteful, being demagogic, being despotic, being dogmatic, being dominant, being brazen, being selfish, being egomaniacal, being self-centred, jealous, high-handed, simple-minded, mendacious, hypocritical, conceited, one-sided, elitist, disgusting, arrogant, mean, frustrated, stubborn, impatient, irascible, nasty, slovenly, craving for favours, gracious, merciful, pompous, being arrogant, being insidious, being condescending, being aloof, being boring, being snobbish, being ignorant, being spiteful, being a rabble-rouser, being hysterical, being devious, being cunning, being arrogant, being hopeless, being resigned, being rascally, being infamous, being scheming, being petty, being complicated, being boring, being lethargic, being malicious, being manipulative, being despondent, being naive, being narcissistic, being neurotic, being superficial, being ostentatious, being pedantic, being phlegmatic, being reserved, rejecting advice, being inconsiderate, being self-satisfied, being self-righteous, being self-addicted, being in love with oneself, being unscrupulous, being inflexible, being devious, and so on.
*Due to translation errors, there are some repeats in the above list.

“So this is what I thought should be written down, what actually results from the ‘Teaching of Truth, Teaching of Creation-energy, Teaching of Life’ and is very important for human beings. However, it should not simply be perceived and taken note of, read and ‘believed’, but consciously, clearly and effectively thought about and reflected upon, so that reality and its truth can be recognised, understood and everything that is right can also be implemented and comprehended according to reality. This, however, requires clear and conscious self-thinking, which is absolutely free from any form of influence, and consequently must also not simply be taken at face value what I teach. If, however, what I teach were simply accepted as reality and its truth and thought, decided and acted upon, then the whole thing would only amount to a belief. But this is not to be, consequently only a conscious and clear self-thinking and the effective reality and its truth brings what is to be indisputable, namely the recognition and knowledge, which are related to the absolute reality.