The Real News 21st July

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From Judy Byington

According to General Christopher Miller, Secretary of the Army and Head of the Provisional Military Government of the United States:

On November 3, 2020 the US Election was won by President Donald Trump in all 50 states as proven in watermarked ballots counted by the Military.

On January 20, 2021, at 12:00 a.m., the United States was taken over by a military government led by Military Secretary General Christopher Miller and Commander in Chief, the duly elected President Donald Trump.

Michelle Obama’s mother Mary Robinson recently died. In her Will she left all possessions to “my son Michael Robinson Obama.”

Covid/Monkey Pox/Vax Hoax:
DEATH SHOTS: Not only does Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) not protect against COVID, but official government data from Canada shows that COVID “vaccines” INCREASE the risk of death from Covid.

New COVID-19 vaccines will be designed for “immune imprinting,” leading to more vaccinated people getting sick

Desperate media trying to keep Covid delusion alive, but hospital officials reveal it’s all “hype”

Germany: German Ministry of Health: “One in 5,000 is affected by a severe adverse reaction after a COVID vaccination.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Responds After Fauci Admits Vaccines Don’t Protect ‘Overly Well’ Against Virus:

Do you understand the Big Pharma Evil scam now? Everybody they kill with their toxic pills and opioids are just classified as Cancer, Sudden deaths, cardiac arrests, etc. Big Pharma are protected by the Law and Government with no liabilities. So they are poisoning people worldwide and making TONS of money doing it. Then if they die, they will NEVER correlate to any pills they take and they will say any other cause of deaths. Why do you think prescription drugs rises at the same time as cancer and heart attacks, etc. While Big Pharma profits rises too. It’s a MASSIVE global scam. And all Doctors are just Drug dealers paid commission by corrupt Big Pharma criminals. When doctors clients dies, it doesn’t matter at all, they just replace them with new clients bringing even more money. Do NOT trust your killer Doctor. They are killing people and this is crimes against humanity. This is also why Trump wants death penalty for “Drug Dealers”. This is NOT for natural Cannabis/Mushrooms sellers. This is for Killer Big Pharma Opioids and Doctors sellers that are killing MILLIONS per year with this disguised scam. People are getting poisoned by toxic chemicals in petrolium based meds prescribed by Doctors that are supposed to be health experts helping us not killing us. Doctors get paid commission for selling meds for Big Pharma. Do you really think they think about your health or about money? If one pill is making them more money but worse for you, they’ll always choose money. That’s why they are making supwr high salaries $300k/year and even more. They get paid all inclusive travels and vacations to attend Big Pharma fake “Seminars” and getting brainwashed and bought. This is straight up selling your soul to the Devil. Time to wake up NOW!

Bill Gates Doctor Evil #2. Stanley Johnson, father of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, wrote a novel called ‘The Virus’ in 1982. The novel was originally titled ‘The Marburg Virus’. Johnson got this out-of-print novel republished in 2020 to capitalize on the hysteria generated by the plandemic.

The Real News for Wed. 20 July 2022:

  • Joe Biden just announced he has Cancer.
  • Italy’s PM Draghi is expected to resign tomorrow.
  • Tues. 19 July Barcelona: Catalonia Battles Wildfires: Firefighters, along with local volunteers, are battling huge blazes in the Manresa area near Barcelona, which have engulfed 46 hectares, sending huge columns of smoke into the sky.
  • London: Multiple fires have broken out in the Greater London Area. Firefighters were battling the blazes amid the UK’s hottest day on record where temperatures hit 40.2ºC (104.4ºF), according to The Times.
  • Greece: Massive wildfire rages near Athens, multiple homes destroyed. Cleanout – the battle has arrived at the surface.
  • Idaho: Idaho has an underwater Area 51 and it’s fascinating. In this mysterious lake, there’s more than just a legendary water monster hiding beneath the surface!
  • Nevada: Strange holes have appeared in the Nevada Desert. Under the desert, besides DUMBS and Tunnel Systems, there was a huge submarine port connected to Hoover Dam, and Hoover Dam was undercut from a huge fire at the bottom of the Dam on Tues. 19 July 2022.
  • Dutch government conspiring with WEF to usher in “Great Reset”
  • Dutch government conspiring with WEF to usher in “Great Reset”:
  • Trump confirmed that Hillary Clinton was executed years ago. Trump posted a video of HRC at Gitmo mixed with his debate against her where he said he would appoint a special counsel to investigate her. Trump’s text: She knows where she’s going – 276 – Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay. By posting at 12:04 => 124 = One You See = Body Doubles = Real 1 Executed. These confirmations from Trump help re-assure those in the High IQ Anon community that there are multiple levels of reality occurring right now. In truth, HRC was likely executed in 2019, but in ‘the movie’ HRC is alive, will soon be arrested publicly, tried for her crimes & sentenced accordingly. In truth, Trump is likely still POTUS and we are in Devolution (Shadow Government) and Law Of War. In the movie, Biden is destroying America.
  • On Sat. 23 July the full show of “Antarctica, no longer a Conspiracy Theory” will be available. Highlights only here:
  • Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz slams woke leaders for ‘abdicating their responsibility’ to fight crime causing his chain to shutter 16 profitable stores because of assaults on staff – with MORE closures to come.
  • Russian military recently dropped a new finalized report on the entire US Biological weapons scheme… They claim the four masterminds atop the biological weapons network are Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, Joe Biden, and George Soros. As well as 12 other NATO countries knew of and assisted the US in this operation to develop biological weapons. They also include the US pharmaceutical companies Pfizer, Moderna, and others.
  • Michelle Obama’s mother Mary Robinson dies in Illinois, leaving all her possessions to “my son Michael Robinson Obama.” (It’s against the law in Illinois to change a person’s gender).
  • United Nations announces Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum and UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres have signed an agreement to ‘accelerate’ Agenda 2030. Everyone should be on RED ALERT RIGHT NOW.