The Final Phase

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Extracts from Judy Byington:

The Silence Has Broken
We are Entering the Final Phase
The enormity of what is coming will blow your mind.
Destruction ahead.
Mission Completed.
…President Donald Trump

Military is the Only Way
We are inside the Devolution Plan Continuity of Government under the Military Operation and Laws of War 11.3. Before Trump left office, he signed an Executive Order that put the US into a State of Emergency and handed power over to Military Operations. (The same Military Operation that placed Trump into power).

Everything you’re watching is scripted – in a Plan to Save the World. Military is the only way.

Trump Database, Telegram: The silence has broken! We are entering the final phase!
*Yes – It’s TRUE! The enormity of what is coming will blow your mind. Destruction ahead. Mission Completed.
*Highly classified documents and information are already posted. WE HAVE IT ALL!
*We have classified government files which are being leaked, exposing the country to espionage and unhindered access to political, economic, military, and other forms.The whole mission is divided into 2 parts – because of security reasons.

China military’s Eastern Theater Command launches sea and air combat drills around Taiwan island
Over the past 24 hours, 28 Chinese aircraft entered Taiwan’s air defence zone, the defense ministry in Taipei said on Monday, after China said it had carried out more drills near the island.

Judiciary threatens Military Commanders to stop Protesters in Brazil. Military are going to stand with the people. They are talking about Disabling the Internet.  24 hr Ransom from Judiciary.
Early reports suggest a military coup could be underway in Brazil, as military protects Bolsonarist protesters from police at a barricade and take positions in the capital city Brasilia. tanks are shown protecting Bolsonarist protesters.

he German Government claims investigating covid vaccines would be dangerous for democracy.  Governments everywhere are now petrified of the truth coming out.

Q34 = US Military Law WORLDWIDE.
Write “Kraken” Covid in News. The Cure Will Spread Worldwide.

  • Military removes President and Dissolves Govt. Suspends Constitution (THIS IS ALREADY DONE IN U.S with Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Filed in May 2020 & Actioned in January 2021)
  • Suspended HABEUS CORPUS just like ABRAHAM LINCOLN. He Freed the Slaves.
  • POTUS bankrupted The 3 Pillars: Washington D.C, Vatican & City Of London. SEE THOSE OPERATIONS I LISTED in 2019 against the UK Royals & Operation Defender Europe on St Patrick’s Day 2020 (Vatican, EU Royals & Central Banks.)
  • Then as I explained in the 3 Executive Orders (13818, 13848 & 13959) write up including the LIMA Agreement of 1975 signed by Gough Whitlam selling Australia to the United Nations. POTUS has seized all Royal Assets & New York Stock Exchange which has AUSTRALIA & PFizer listed. He is by Default the owner of Australia.
  • As of February 1 Russia is taking control of the United Nations.
  • I previously mentioned an Air War that already took place early 2020 everyone vs China. China is going to a Republican Govt.
  • So they are now ready for the Transition to Greatness that POTUS always tweeted = Transition to GESARA.
  • All Pre-Laws have been lifted as stated at the bottom of Q34.
  • Military forced all leaders Worldwide previously behind closed doors to sign GESARA LAW.  (POTUS calling out Border Wall Meters was countries being signed off on GESARA)
  •  It was then taken to the HAGUE. International Court Of Justice in the Netherlands to be signed off.
  • Recently the Common Law Court in Canada has charged and convicted multiple corporations for Crimes Against Humanity. This court connects to one in Brussels and also THE HAGUE as mentioned.
  • All Kings, Queens, Royals, Govts, Judges, Police & Lawyers MUST STANDOWN WORLDWIDE. The Corrupt ones Arrested by Military.
  • There will be up to a 120 Day Transition of GLOBAL MARTIAL LAW where we have BLOCKCHAIN ELECTIONS to elect 1 Group of people for the people, 10% the size of what they are currently.
  • No longer 2 Parties ie Dems/Reps & Libs/Lab.
  • If in the future they go against the people the military will remove them.
  • Will be transitioning to 1776 Common Law for ALL on PLANET EARTH.

**All prominent electronic voting systems (Smartmatic, Sequoia, Diebold, ES&S, Dominion and Hart InterCivic) are networked to the same software engine and controlled by the same financiers tied to George Soros and the Queen’s Privy Council, thus making corrupt practices in elections a foregone conclusion. Lord Mark Malloch-Brown and Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie bragged about their ability to “bend” elections, protected by the Queen.

For the Next 14 Months “Follow the White Rabbit” Q Military Operation To Expose US Government Corruption:

  • Military COMMS – When Musk mentioned Follow the White Rabbit it meant that the final year and a half of White Hat Military Operations were given the GO.
  • These next 14 months into 2024 is the final year of Q Operations, the last year known as follow the White Rabbit Operations that connect to Laws of War Operations 11.3.
  • These Military COMMS were associated with the death of the Queen, Rothschild and the death of the Pope on the last of day of 2022, 31 Dec. These deaths were Military Communications that the final 14 months of the Follow the White Rabbit Operations were in progress.
  • As January 22, 2023 begins the Year of the Rabbit (world exposure of the Deep State Cabal), China will take Taiwan and Russia will overpower the EU, US, NATO, UN Forces as Iran and Turkey subdue the Kazarian, Rockefellers CIA Pentagon Regime.
  • Serbia, several African nations, South America, Brazil, North Korea and Belarus will help to bring apart the Dark Side Deep State that controls the US Military.
  • The White Hat US Military will also help in exposing their own corrupt Deep State Military connected to creation of the virus and Pentagon, Obama Rockefeller connection to the creation of the Plandemic, Virus Money Laundering System – connected to human trafficking at the highest levels.
  • Several countries will see the Military coups and Election Fraud exposure.
  • This important Follow the White Rabbit Operation is exposure of the worldwide Cabal System that launches into it’s final 14 months phase into 2024.
  • Several countries will come close to Near Death Civilization Events: Civil War, Nuclear Standoff, Economic Collapse.
  • These Events will trigger the exposure of their governments corruption to the Plandemic, Fraud, Banking Systems and the:
  • NCSWIC, MILITARY is the only way. You are already inside the DEVOLUTION PLAN CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT AND LAWS OF WAR 11.3 is taking shape.
  • There is a reason Trump signed secret orders that put the US into a State of Emergency and handed power to the Military Operations – the same Military Operations that placed Trump into power.
  • Everything you were watching was scripted – A Plan to Save the World