Dutchsinse Records Mind Blowing Video Of Turkey Earthquake Mystery Spiral Near Epicentre Of Earthquake Area And Storm That Followed!!
Wednesday, February 8

In this video you see the weather system over the quake area rotating anticlockwise, as does the radar pulses to the East & birds are also seen doing the same & being in a very agitated state. It is as if there is a strong, rotating electromagnetic field in that region which is energising the quake fault zone. The screen shot to the left show the radar pulses.
Quakes are natural, but it seems as these quakes were triggered by a DEW – HAARP perhaps.
So, mass murder!!
The damage, the pain & suffering caused should shock the world.
Similar to what happened in Christchurch, New Zealand in 2011 -following one in 2010?
At the time, rainbow-like formations were seen in the sky.
“The Mw 6.2 ( ML 6.3) earthquake struck the Canterbury region in the South Island, centred 6.7 kilometres (4.2 mi) south-east of the centre of Christchurch, the country’s second-most populous city. It caused widespread damage across Christchurch, killing 185 people, in the nation’s fifth-deadliest disaster .”
Strange cloud formation over Bursa, Turkey a week before the earthquake – connected?
“Last week, i looked at this, thought it was unusual… but now, a week on, after a massive tragedy in Turkey – is there a connection? HAARP? Direct energy beam?”

“Shocking Aerial Footage” – 3,000 Dead So Far In Turkey-Syria Quake, 1,000s Of Buildings Collapsed
* Here you will find video clips of the quakes.
OPERATION TURKEY TREMBLORS: Hard evidence points to same powerful DEW geo-weapons U.S. used to trigger the devastating 2010 Haiti earthquake (all the same manmade signatures)
*ZOG Earthquake Weaponry Strategically
Inflicts Overwhelming Catastrophic Damage Across South-Central Turkey—Whodunit & Why?
*ZOG = Zionist Occupied Government such as those which currently
rule the United States, United Kingdom and the State of Israel.
SOTN – Editor’s Note:
The videos in the following post reveal the sheer enormity and gravity of the immense back-to-back earthquake and aftershock that just struck Turkey and Syria in the red areas shown above.
Because of its highly geostrategic location, there is no doubt that these 7.5 and 7.8 quakes were triggered by highly advanced earthquake weaponry which only very few countries possess.
What that really means is that all the usual suspects — US, UK & Israel — are the most likely perpetrators. How so? Because when the $64,000 question is asked — “Cui bono?” — those three geoterrorist states always come up first, second and third—THAT’S WHY!
The unusually widespread and extraordinary degree of destruction wrought by these earthquakes serves as the first major clues proving that this was yet another barbaric act of Zio-Anglo-American geoterrorism. But why? There are actually many reasons why the Axis of Evil is hellbent on bringing Turkey to its knees.
• Turkey has refused to permit Sweden (and Finland) into NATO pending the outcome of the “harboring terrorists” issue
• Turkey has been working closely with Russia, Syria and Iran to permanently resolve the Syrian conflict
• Turkey has been collaborating with Russia all along to help negotiate a peace treaty with Ukraine
• Turkey’s territory has become Russia’s Plan B where it concerns natural gas pipelines that were once operative in Ukraine, as well as presenting an alternative to the destroyed Nord Stream pipelines
• Turkey has made major purchases of armaments from Russia including the S-400 air defense system against the strict demands of the United States
• Turkey has been in an intensifying cold war with fellow NATO member Greece which is viewed as highly disruptive to the central mission of the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization
• Turkey has also recently attacked the Syrian Kurds who are considered the U.S. partner in the fake fight against ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service)
• Turkey was targeted by the Zio-Anglo-American Axis just last week with economic sabotage after the US and several European nations shut down their consulates in Istanbul after falsely warning of terrorist attacks
• Turkey’s Interior Minister recently lambasted US ambassador Jeffry Flake, accused Washington of “working to hurt his country” and incriminated the Western nations for waging “psychological warfare” to undermine tourism in Türkiye, all just 3 days prior to this transparently vengeful geoterrorist attack.