WHO Marburg PLANDEMIC-Update

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The Deep State is panicking & is desperate to regain control. It is up to all sorts of dirty tricks:
* The train derailment in Ohio.
* An Alien invasion:
Senator Kennedy Warns People to ‘Lock Your Doors’ After Classified Hearing on UFO ‘Objects’
That Have Been Shot Down – Says They Have ‘Been Here For A Long, Long, Long Time’
How Much Was The Senator Joking When He Made The ‘Lock Your Doors Tonight’ Comment?
Was He Shaken By What He Learned In The Briefing? Was He Told ‘We Are Not Alone’?
* Another virus: Marburg
Is it a virus? See UPDATE below.

We were warned that there would be another Pandemic, so a Plandemic was created.
*Equatorial Guinea reports 9 Marburg deaths. WHO calls for an emergency meeting.
*Africa has reported a new virus outbreak. This virus is reportedly as deadly as Ebola. At least 9 people have already died. The WHO has called for an emergency meeting. Should you be worried?
*Marburg virus outbreak: researchers race to test vaccines.

Health officials worldwide are sprinting to test whether experimental vaccines can protect against a deadly illness, after Equatorial Guinea confirmed its first outbreak of Marburg virus disease on 13 February. The virus is related to Ebola, and causes similar symptoms of haemorrhagic fever. It has a fatality rate of up to 88%.
The World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland, convened an urgent meeting yesterday (14th Feb) to discuss the feasibility of testing Marburg vaccines that are in various stages of development. But the odds are against a successful trial, they say, because other control measures such as quarantine could end the outbreak before a single vaccine dose can be administered.
“I cannot emphasize enough the need for speed,” said John Edmunds, an epidemiologist at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, at the WHO meeting.

We have been through this before. They want to get those jabs into us. So:
panic, panic, panic
fear, fear, fear – fear porn!

Look forward to tests (PCR?), masks, lockdowns, regular radio & TV propaganda.
Then untested jabs to maim & kill us. With more GO.
The unjabbed will be targeted.

** Above all – resist, don’t fear, don’t comply, don’t be treated as an ignorant sucker! Take precautions – supplements; be prepared to detox if needed.

UPDATE: Dr. Ariyana Love
*See her Telegram channel
I would like to contribute to the conversation with Astrid Stuckleberger, Dr. Lee Vilet, Ann Vandersteele and the lovely gentleman who’s name I’m not familiar with.

The 5G roll out in Wuhan and Italy was predated with the roll out of the H7N9 biological weapons system in the form of a “flu vaccine”. Italy and Wuhan were mandated “flu vaccines” in 2018 that contained the H7N9.

Also, the radiation frequency from the 5G weapons system is most definitely being cranked up but Marburg is not only radiation, it’s also chemical poisoning. Marburg is induced using a chemical and technological weapons system that’s activated using radio waves, through the 5G. “Marburg” was injected into the population using the covid jabs and PCR swabs. A Marburg pandemic will be staged now as the poison within the delayed release nanotech gets activated and released via 5G.
Another very serious issue is the fact that the majority of humanity is now emitting Bluetooth signals from the jabs and the PCR swabs and people are overloaded with graphene. GMO parasites have taken control of their central nervous system while the Neurolace mesh network has grown in almost everyone. People are now changed and connected to the “Internet of Bodies” through Elon Musk’s Starlink.

EPIGENETICS: Vaccines Are Deleting Human Genes & Transfecting Cells With Ebola/Marburg
By Dr. Ariyana Love (Updated Nov. 23, 2021) Stockholm University just released a scientific horror.

Here are some videos worth viewing:
Even if you only watch part. Download – I use a great downloader – ‘4K Video Downloader’ – it does not work on all videos.
“Emergency Defence against WHO – No More Virus Psyops – The Facts/Dr Astrid Stückelberger, Dr Lee Vliet”
It takes a lot of time to write transcripts. Here are some notes which I made –
symptoms don’t indicate the disease – probably emf (WIFI)
AI replacing doctors
viruses don’t spread rapidly
in nature, viruses are less severe with time as they mutate
they will weaponise pics – fear porn
Marburg Virus – weaponised version? Will they spread it around so that cases can be created worldwide?
don’t let fear porn influence you
packaging of so-called mRNA is poisonous – not biological
vials – nothing biological – it is nanotech
mRNA obsession – to confuse us – to side-track us
metals & GO in jab cause inflammation
distractions – genetics. mRNA
evil things in vials – frequencies radiated
change in energy of people after vax – especially as more jabs taken
GO – so they can monitor from a distance/track/trace
zombie world – transmit movement to jabbed – they can be controlled
coroner – circuitry still in body after no blood – in cemetry (even when buried – bluetooth signals picked up)
WHO – no longer do we want this – WHO controls our govts – took out sovereignty of countries
Govts promoting poison jabs – as “ordered” by WHO?!
Get out of WHO – against constitution, etc
there are no good manufacturing processes of jabs

‘Elon Musk SLAMS Globalists Agenda, As WHO Announces Next Virus Outbreak! – Redacted News’

Also this is a “must-see” video. WIFI is a killer. Barry Trower is a em weapons expert.
Published on 12 Feb 2023
Barrie Trower and Reiner Fuellmich – 5G: Microwave as a Weapon – International Crimes Investigative Committee
* 2 BILLION women targeted – the placenta & ovaries are not protected from WIFI by the immune system.
The fetal eggs will be damaged by the WIFI radiations – passed on to 4 generations, hence lineage will END.
* A transcript would be great, but no time to do so.