WORLD UPDATE – General Berger Update 17/01 -More

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The Cabal is trying to stop us searching for the real news. I can no longer visit “Before Its New” via Firefox, Brave or Vivaldi. But I can with Yandex – thank you Russia!
Judy Note: I’ll give it to you straight: My email is being monitored and hacked, but just in emails of the Situation Update. Early Sat. morning I sent out the Sat. 14 Situation Update to Patrick of Dinar Chronicles and those on my email list, but it went into everyone’s trash. 
Posted By: Seawitch 
Date: Tuesday, 17-Jan-2023

Captured CIA Spook Claims Defense Sec. Lloyd Austin Put Bounty on Gen. Berger’s HeadBy Michael BaxterJanuary 17, 2023The CIA spook captured during the rescue of General David H. Berger claims he and his unalive comrades were “off the reservation” and engaged in an unsanctioned operation when they intercepted the general’s personal vehicle near Lakeland Village, California, a few miles east of the Santa Anna Mountains.That agent, now in confinement at an undisclosed location, reportedly told NCIS interrogators that his team shadowed the general’s car as it left Camp Pendleton and travelled northeast into isolated areas where houses were spaced far apart and roads were devoid of heavy traffic. He said they ambushed the vehicle by pulling alongside it on a narrow, winding stretch of road and shooting out a front tire, causing it to careen into ditch.General Berger, he said, appeared from the vehicle unscathed and put 10 rounds center mass in a spook who haphazardly charged him armed only with a Taser. The agent fell dead as Gen. Berger took cover behind his vehicle and reloaded his pistol.The captive spook said the team carried a “directional acoustic weapon” that immobilized Gen. Berger as he tried to defend himself against the three remaining assailants. The general fought valiantly, emptying several more rounds before collapsing to the ground. Gen. Berger was put in a vehicle and driven off, while a standby “cleanup” team sanitized the area and removed all traces of the incident. His Ford F-250 was taken to a nearby auto crushing yard.A source in Gen. Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News that the treasonous agents were determined to capture Berger alive because “[Defense Secretary] Lloyd Austin wanted him that way.”“If the prisoner is telling the truth, and right now that’s an ‘if,’ Austin put a $10m bounty on Gen. Berger’s head, payable only if he was taken alive and intact. He says a group operated autonomously, outside the agency, to collect the reward. He said CIA Director Burns, a proven Deep Stater, had no knowledge of their actions. He told us Austin’s people were scheduled to pick up the general the day after we recovered him,” our source said.NCIS investigators, he added, asked the prisoner why they had beaten Gen. Berger to within an inch of his life, shattering his kneecaps and nearly prying one of his eyes from its socket, if Austin wanted him in one piece.“Practice makes perfect,” the sadistic agent told them.White Hats, our source said, now must deal with conflicting information: Although the prisoner insists the agency itself had no knowledge of the kidnapping, the whistleblower who tipped White Hats off to Gen. Berger’s location said it’s highly improbable a handful of renegade agents could’ve masterminded the abduction and stashed the general at a safehouse without the approval of either Burns or his immediate subordinate, Deputy Director David Cohen.They also wonder why their prisoner has confessed voluntarily.“We’re taking his word with a grain of salt until we can verify,” our source said. “He’s lucky he hasn’t been given the same treatment they gave the general.”In closing, our source said Gen. Berger is being treated for burns, fractures, lacerations, and blunt force trauma, and is expected to recover.

Previously the General made these statements:
“There will be no mandatory vaccinations for my Marines,” Gen. Berger said.
General Berger lambasted Austin and branded him a traitor.
“In case you haven’t heard, Biden’s not in charge of the military, and neither are you.
You can sell whatever lies you want to the media.
You sold your soul, Lloyd, and I hope you can live with yourself,”

United States Marines on Friday rescued General David H. Berger from a Central Intelligence Agency “safehouse” in northeast California, sources in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

As reported previously, Gen. Berger went missing on January 6 after leaving Camp Pendleton at 6:30 p.m. His disappearance alarmed White Hats because Gen. Berger characteristically informed persons in the White Hat chain-of-command if he planned to embark on extended sabbaticals. After 36 hours had elapsed without hearing from him, Marines systematically searched the Camp Pendleton area and nearby towns and wooded terrain for signs of him or his vehicle. Their efforts, though, proved futile. Camp Pendleton staff monitored law enforcement frequencies for any mention of a decorated Marine Corps officer crashing his car or showing up at local hospitals. Meanwhile, U.S. Army Cyber Command and Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command scrutinized Deep State chatter in hopes of gleaning some insight into the general’s whereabouts, in case he had been abducted, but their efforts were in vain.

They caught a break late in evening on Friday, Jan. 13.

According to our source, an ex-CIA spook contacted Gen. Smith’s office with a disturbing message: Gen. Berger had been abducted and was being held prisoner at a CIA safehouse near Cedarville, California, about 600 miles from Camp Pendleton and 10 miles from the Nevada border. The agent, our source said, gave a skeptical Gen. Smith a layout of the safehouse and details on its security measures—it wasn’t the monolithic, windowless, brick and mortar structures often depicted in movies, but rather a humble and somewhat dilapidated farmhouse on 10 acres of windswept land.

The agent said the farmhouse had shatterproof windows, a keypad entry system, and between 4-6 CIA operatives on premises. He claimed he did not know the entry code.
“When Gen. Smith asked him why he wanted to help, the guy said a few people at the agency were trying to do the right thing. He couldn’t or wouldn’t give info on how and where the kidnapping happened, but he insisted General Berger was there and still alive, but maybe not for long. He said General Berger could be moved or eliminated,” our source said.

Though suspicious of traps, General Smith at once dispatched a Recon platoon to get eyes on the farmhouse. As time was of the essence, the Marines were flown aboard a V-22 Osprey to a desert clearing a few kilometers southeast of the farmhouse. They then travelled on foot, stopping once close enough to surveil the target without getting spotted themselves.

A single sentry dressed in black tactical gear walked the perimeter.
He was lighting a cigarette when a Marine ambushed him and held the blade of a K-bar against the sentry’s throat, our source said. When threatened, the cowardly sentry input the door code, giving Marines access to the interior.
“They gagged him, told him to take them to the general,” our source said.

The captive sentry first led them to a kitchen where two men in dark suits were sitting at a table and drinking coffee. Marines shot them dead using silenced sidearms. Two spooks napping on sofas met a similar fate.

They found a semi-conscious Gen. Berger in an upstairs bedroom. His left eye was black and blue, swollen shut, and lacerations covered his face. Someone had immobilized him by fastening him to the bed with ratchet straps. He tried to speak, but his words came out slow and odd, as if drugged.
The strongest Marine lifted Gen. Berger using a Fireman’s Carry and humped the 2km with the general slung across his shoulders. The surviving CIA agent was taken into custody as a prisoner of war.

General Berger, our source said, has been transported to a secure location for wound treatment.
“He was beaten, tortured, and drugged, and is recovering,” he said.

Evidently money was moving and all Bank Exchange Centers were on full Alert; the Tier4b notification window was any time through Tues. 31 Jan; Sun. 15 Jan. was the deadline for all levels to be fully loaded and ready to disperse funds according to a High Up Contact.
Sat. 14 Jan. MarkZ: Call Center Staff have been called into work. Redemption Center Staff were on a One Hour Alert to be called in.
Sat. 14 Jan. Okie: As of 5am CST Sat. 14 Jan. we went to Defcon. Bank staff was being assembled and told to pack overnight bags. Pizza ordered. Parking lots being secured. Rates on bank screens were locked in and have the word “pending” beside them. Rates will go into effect (Mon-Tues 16, 17 Jan.) “pending sequence and World Bank Events.”

Fri. 13 Jan. 2023 RV Simon Parkes: “Hello Charlie… I’m doing your thing. Here we go. This is the report I got. All coin tests were done. HSBC will lead the process. [Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation] USA on high alert for redemption process. Temple Texas, NOT Reno, gets it going. The Department of Defense and the Military are bringing everything out tomorrow. Big raid is taking place of the remaining Deep State Cabal since NESARA is fully installed. United States Navy ready to go. Secured gold-backed currency. Advanced healing technologies doing their rounds. Humanitarians around the world will be funded.

Sun. 15 Jan. Goldilocks: FedNow is in the process of integration within the new digital asset based economy. This interface will connect to Banks globally and allow real-time payments to be done within seconds. RTP or The Clearing House Real Time payments has been settling payments for years. Between May and the 1st of July, the integration into FedNow will launch.
At that time, all Banks, markets, and businesses around the world will have completed their transition into a 100% gold digital-asset economy.

Juan O Savin: In 2018 there was a Press Conference in Maryland. A witness came on the phone. This witness had testified before the House & Senate Judiciary Oversight Committees. He came forward to get on record what he’d said because CONGRESS WASN’T TAKING ANY ACTION on what he’d said. He said that he listened to other contractors at a particular facility & those contractors were bragging on 7-11-16 about how they’d killed Seth Rich & how he had begged for his life & they were laughing about it before they killed him. He was telling you about active ops inside the Justice Department to control information. That he was working for Rod Rosenstein & these other contractors were working for Rosenstein & that their job and the job of Rosenstein overall was Honey-Pots, Blackmail, bribes, extortion and murder in order to maintain control over the country from the judiciary side.

Sun. 15 Jan Charlie Ward: The CBDC will destroy the old banking system and then what the QFS will do is pick up the pieces they need from that. And there will be bridges between the two systems to bring it back to their system, but it’s like blowing a deal and then buying it cheap. And then move it to your big business and that’s what they’ll do, that’s the structure that’s going to be done. And I’m very grateful to know that the good guys, the White Hats are now in full control of the CBDC, but it’s important that people see what could have happened. It’s important that people see that. It was started by the bad guys, the World Economic Forum, which these were the people who wanted total control of the world. And thank God that God has intervened in this. Take control and give it back to the good guys. Zimbabwe backs it up with diamonds. And Iraq, Iran, Syria and Libya back it up with oil. It’s not just about silver, gold and precious metals.

Apparently, Dr. Charlie Ward was asked to tell people to wake up and stand up and say that CBDC belongs to the central bank and is not backed by gold.

Judy: 15 JANUARY 2023  COVERT INTEL: I was contacted this morning by a source in the financial industry. Below is PRECISELY what he told me: “Almost a Trillion dollars has hit the blockchain in just 72 hours as the Federal Government has a big announcement to make on January 20, about the Banking system, over possibly an issue of solvency. The S&P this week will likely see 20-40% falls and banks all get their share prices hit as the rumors start to circulate over what is about to happen.” Now, when someone tells me “over possibly an issue of solvency” that’s akin to saying “over possibly an issue of . . . . . anything.” There really is no way to tell if this person has any proof or is simply talking out of his butt. So I did some checking . . . Turns out, yes, almost a Trillion dollars has flowed into blockchain crypto within the past 72 hours. THAT is staggering. THAT raises red flags to me, and I don’t even own a crypto wallet; don’t know the first thing about crypto. What I __do__ know is that when people start moving large chunks of cash into things outside the banks, that’s unusual. It’s also unusual that the FDIC is going to make some big announcement this coming Friday. Why wait until Friday? The Friday announcement is also raising red flags with me. Friday? Do they mean after the markets close for the week? That’s usually when really bad news gets put out, to leave the weekend for cooler heads to prevail before markets re-open on Monday. Anyway, my head is kinda spinning over this because there’s so much false news and scare mongering these days. One just doesn’t know who is real and who isn’t. Given the nature of this information, and with a clear statement to you that I DO NOT KNOW IF THIS IS ACCURATE

The Real News for Sun. 15 Jan. 2023:

  • Aircraft Grounding in US and Canada tied to Military Operations, Elite fleeing.
  • Rumor: Juan O Savin was the son of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy. Trump’s father was General Patton and Joe Kennedy, who was supposed to have died, was the father of General Flynn. It appeared that the American Camelot was alive and well.
  • Matt Gaetz Responds To Claim That Releasing The 14k Hours Of 1/6 Footage Would Jeopardize Security. “I think that it’s an argument made by the DOJ because they don’t want to expose the extent to which there might have been federal assets or agents enhancing criminal acuity.”