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The Covid-19 Vaccine is an “Experimental Gene-Editing Injection”, which has been designed as a bio-weapon to reduce the world population.

The roll-out of the “Experimental Gene Therapy Injection” will have dire consequences.
A disaster is rapidly unfolding in New Zealand and around the world – it must be halted.
The New Zealand government is culpable, as is the Ministry of Health, the DHBs and those who are administering the “Experimental Gene Therapy Injections.”
German trial lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich:
“This Scamdemic is a worse crime against humanity than what Nazi Germany did in World War II.”
“Politicians, media, doctors and nurses are accountable, such that if they are complicit in this crime against humanity, they too are subject to the laws set forth in the Geneva Convention and Nuremberg Code.”
*This experimental “vaccine” is in violation of Articles 32 and 147 of the Geneva Convention IV.
*This “experimental vaccine” is in violation of all 10 of the Nuremberg Codes.
“I have all the evidence that the Scamdemic is a Criminal Fraud.
A ‘special’ court may be required to process these crimes against humanity, similar to Nuremberg.”
“An Announcement by Reiner Fuellmich”:


*The video clips below may be slow loading*
Some clips have links to other websites

This Is Not A Vaccine!
Dr. David Martin:

As a New Zealand Patriot I am appalled that New Zealanders are being injected with this experimental, unproven, gene-editing serum which is an unconscionable and irresponsible intervention in the genetics of mankind.

Everyone is capable of researching and determining the truth about the experimental “vaccines”, which are in fact bioweapons designed to decimate the world population, according to a number of doctor’s/researchers.
*When the body of a “vaccinated” person encounters Covid or the spike protein in the wild (another coronavirus), it will cause a cytokine storm (antibody enhanced disease response). 60-70% of fully Covid vaxxed will get ill; many will die.
*The “protein spike” contained in the “vaccine” is also being transmitted from vaccinated to unvaccinated people – see below.
There is a plethora of good, ethical, doctors and researchers who are exposing the truth about these gene-therapy experimental “vaccines”: To name a few –
Lawyer: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.
Doctors: Sucharit Bhakdi, Larry Palevsky, Sherri Tenpenny, Christiana Northrup, Carrie Madej, Lee Merrit, Ariyana Love, Judy Mikovits, Joseph Mercola, Mike Yearden, Peter McCullough, Jane Ruby, Vladimir Zelenko, Bryan Ardis, Charles Hoffe.

Dr. Mike Yeardon: Former Pfizer Vice President

This government is desperate to inject all New Zealanders with the Pfizer “experimental gene editing serum”. It constantly bombards New Zealanders with propaganda, such as the “vaccine” is ‘safe and effective’ and ‘well researched’, which is not true -it is a blatant lie. In the 3rd stage of the roll-out they are even wanting pregnant women to get the “vaccine” -this is likely to result in a miscarriage or a compromised fetus. The government is keen to also inject the 12 to 16 year olds with the toxins contained within the Pfizer “vaccine” and thereby sterilise the next generation; this is nothing less than idiocy -have they lost their minds?

The mass vaccination of the human population is turning vaccinated people into “super strain” factories who are churning out mutant, deadly strains of coronavirus that may devastate humanity.
The vaccinated are transmitting the ‘spike protein’ to the unvaccinated.

Transmission of Spike Protein from “Vaccinated” to “Unvaccinated”

**La Quinta Columna (Spain):
Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles in Masks, PCR Swabs & Vaccines.
“The masks being used and currently marketed contain graphene oxide. Not only the ones that were withdrawn at the time, as indicated by the media. Also the swabs used in both PCR and antigen tests also contain graphene oxide nanoparticles.
The COVID vaccines in all their variants, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, etc., also contain a considerable dose of graphene oxide nanoparticles. This has been the result of analysis by optical microscope, electron microscopy and spectroscopy, among other techniques used by various public universities in our country.” Translated from Spanish. Further analysis has revealed that 99.2% of a Pfizer sample was graphene oxide, with 0.8% RNA.

Graphene Oxide is a Toxic Industrial Chemical.
Dr. Jane Ruby:

**Dr. Judy Mikovits:
Dr. Mikovits is the Director of the lab of Antiviral Drug Mechanisms at the National Cancer Institute and is renowned for her groundbreaking research in molecular biology and virology. Her 1991 doctoral thesis revolutionized the treatment of HIV/AIDS.
“So now you’re going to inject an agent into every cell of the body. I just can’t even imagine a recipe for anything other than what I would consider mass murder on a scale where 50 million people will die in America from the vaccine. The numbers from the XMRV’s (xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus) and the vaccine injuries for the (past) 40 years support that.”
**Dr. Baker: Doctor Not Accepting Vaxxed Patients.
Dr Baker will not allow those dumb people who have taken the Covid shot to come to his office so as to avoid harm to his staff and other patients.
**Dr. Mike Yeardon: Former Chief Scientist and Vice-President of Pfizer Respiratory & Allergy Research.
The government has lied:
*The public has not been told about treatment -10s of thousands have died; accuses ministers & senior advisers of mass murder.
*The severity has been over-played to scare people.
*Over-testing, so false positives -PCR tests.
*Those without symptoms do not spread the virus. Asymptomatic respiratory spread a lie.
*Masks to make people frightened.
Based on his analysis of massive amounts of “demonstrably false” information put out by governments to push the injections, he must conclude that elites are trying to “kill you and your family.”
Dr. Yeardon has also said: The whole point of the pandemic & the lies & the vaccine, was to get everyone “vaccinated” to have an internal, electronic, digital ID.
Also “Be terrified of your government.”

Dr. Mike Yeardon                                                Dr. Ted Noel                                                              

**Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
An Announcement by Reiner Fuellmich
Tuesday, June 29, 2021 12:57

1 of 4 members of the German Corona Investigative Committee.
This corona crisis must be renamed the corona scandal.
Those responsible for it must be criminally prosecuted & sued for civil damages.
On the political level everything must be done to make sure that no one will ever again be in a position of such power as to be able to defraud humanity or to attempt to manipulate us with their corrupt agenda.
An international network of lawyers will argue the biggest tort case ever, the corona fraud scandal which meanwhile unfolded into probably the greatest crime against humanity ever committed.
Worldwide PCR testing (defective product when it comes to diagnosis of infection) & lockdowns & consequences.
Class Action Lawsuit – Affected parties worldwide will have the opportunity to join this class action.

Crimes against humanity affect us all. They are a crime against you, your children, your parents, your grandparents, your community and your country and your future.
**Israeli Holocaust Survivor Vera Sharav and Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Talk ‘Global Genocide’
What sets the Holocaust apart from all other mass genocides is the PIVOTAL ROLE PLAYED BY THE MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT… THE ENTIRE MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT.
The genocide by Nazi Germany was Regional. This current genocide is Global.
**Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi -German microbiologist:
“They Are Killing People With Covid Vaccines” To Reduce World’s Population

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Br. Alexis Bugnolo

**”ALERT – The “Vaccine” is a Bioweapon – 5 Doctors Testify”
Doctors -Larry Palevsky, Sherri Tenpenny, Christiana Northrup, Carrie Madej, Lee Merritt.
Thousands of people who have chosen NOT to receive the experimental COVID-19 shots, but have been exposed to those who have received them, have suffered what appear to be infections coming from these fully “vaccinated” people, affecting mainly women who have reported menstruation difficulties (heavy bleeding & blood clots,cramps, contractions); miscarriages (400% increase), including 2nd & 3rd trimesters; women in menopause now have bleeding. Bruises and infertility in both men & women.

Dr. Charlie Ward Video Clips
Vaccine Passports                                           Insurances Nullified

Dr. Ariyana Love
A vitally important panel discussion was held on April 22nd with a group of leading medical experts who are deeply concerned for the continued existence of the human species. There is now an official consensus among the experts that Covid-19 shots are bioweapons.
In the latest episode of “Critical Thinking”, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Larry Palevsky, Dr. Christiane Northrop, Dr. Lee Merritt and Paediatrician Maurine McDonald, expose the hard core truths about Big Pharma’s Covid-19 extermination by genetic experimentation.

What the “Vaccine” Does to People

Slovakia Report: Covid “Tests” Contaminated With Nanotech Hydrogels And Lithium
Dr. Ariyana Love:
A newly released Slovakian report reveals that “covid tests” are contaminated with nanotech hydrogels and lithium. Lithium is used in the lipid compound coating nanobots which are inserted into the hydrogels for ballistic delivery of biological agents.
Dr. Carrie Madej: PCR tests & masks
Dr. Madej has confirmed that these Biotech weapons are also being delivered through nasopharyngeal penetration via the PCR “testing kits”. The drug and chemical payloads carried by the nanoparticles are delivered via carbon nanotube hydrogels, as she documented previously. Media reports have also revealed that graphene fibers have been found in most masks which are contaminating the respiratory pathways of wearers (including children) and delivering the payload into the body.
**Transmission from Those Vaccinated:
Soon, a majority of doctors (in the US) will be joining the growing ranks of businesses refusing to admit those who have been vaccinated.
Reports have been coming out that what’s now called “Transmission” is now occurring with everyone who has had the “covid vaccine”. That simply means that the symptoms of post vaccinated people have been spreading to those not vaccinated and causing severe reactions, especially to women.
The few Health Officials who are actually telling the Truth are urging the “Non-Vaccinated” to stay well clear of those “Vaccinated”.

   “Vaccinated” Woman – Debilitated           Nurse – Transmission of Spike

The graphene oxide nanoparticles in the “vaccine” create magnetism and the emission of high frequency radiation

**Dr. Charles Hoffe: He has a medical practice in the small town of Lytton (about 300 people) in BC, Canada.
In April Dr. Hoffe released an open letter to Dr. Bonnie Henry (Provincial Health Officer for the Province of BC) on his concerns about the “vaccine”, having collected & analysed data from those who had been vaccinated. Action was taken against him & his income was halved.
Lytton was destroyed by fire on the 30th June, including Dr. Hoff’s medical practice. This fire seems more than a coincidence.
Dr. Charles Hoffe: “Majority Of Tested Patients Have Clotting After ‘Vaccine’”
“Dr. Charles Hoffe: His medical practice was destroyed in the Lytton fire. Now he has he has no income”

**Dr. Christiane Northrop:
“Inoculation means that you’ve been injected with cellular technology that carries the mechanism to make a protein from a synthetic mRNA via ribosomes,”
“This is a raping of your cells and a forced genetic experiment without informed consent of the trial participants and thus violates the Nuremberg Codes. Humanity has a duty to shut down Big Pharma’s genocide experiment immediately.”
**Dr. Lee Merritt interviewed by the Health Ranger: Forced vaccines are a Holocaust-level crime against humanity.
**Contact Report 767:
27th Feb, 2021
Extracts from a conversation between the Plejaren Ptaah (a doctor) and Billy Meier (truth-announcer/prophet)
*As far as vaccines are concerned, they are unconscionably tested on earthly people without being tested (thoroughly beforehand), which means an unconscionable and irresponsible intervention in the genetics of mankind and leads to many deaths. Completely unconscionably, the whole thing goes through a worldwide test, in which vaccines are tested on uninformed and dumb people in a fast and short course, whereby usually test times of 10 to 15 years are needed before a vaccine can be determined as largely effective and harmless to health and can be used as a protective factor against infections.
*It is a fact, which we have verified, that the risk of every vaccine used at the present time is greater than the benefit, consequently every human being who has himself/herself vaccinated now is part of a huge and worldwide experiment, the outcome and effective result of which cannot yet be established and can only be recognised in the future, once the final effects manifest themselves.
*The state leaders consciencelessly demand that the people believe and follow them unconditionally and do not doubt their fundamentally wrong decisions and actions. They denounce healthy, good and clear criticism as seditious, while they allow those to profit who reach out to them and help traumatise all who contradict their lies, deceits, secrecy, high-handed wrong decisions and actions, as well as manipulation of figures and denounce all their wrongdoings.
*Side-effects of vaccinations are, for example, the rapid or later onset of death, whereby late effects can also result in lifelong suffering. Organ haemorrhages of various kinds and blood clots can also result from unsuitable vaccines. This is because the Corona epidemic and untested and dangerous vaccines can quickly form blood clots in the veins of the brain, causing life-threatening cerebral venous thrombosis.