US Nov Election Off

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“I have on extremely good authority from three different sources that the US Election in November will not happen. This has already gone through the Supreme Court. They used a Shadow Document to overturn the 2020 Election.”
…Charlie Ward on Sun. 28 Aug. 2022

*The 2020 Election has been voided by the US Supreme Court, according to Lawyer Lin Wood. We await a formal announcement to dissolve the US Presidency and Congress and bring in Martial Law.
On Sat. 3 Sept. the legal deadline for 2020 Election Ballots to be destroyed would be reached. Because Fraud in the 2020 Election had now been verified by 46 of the 50 US States, an announcement to void the 2020 Election should happen sometime this week.
By voiding the 2020 Election, the US government as now organized, would be dissolved. Mainstream Media Satellites would be taken down, the Emergency Broadcast System put into effect on the new Star Link Satellite System and nations around the world would go into Martial Law. The US would maintain Martial Law until a new Election could take place.
*Obama and Fauci founded the development of Covid-19 in the Wuhan Lab and both were now making big bucks off the vaccines – that were causing heart attacks and killing people in line with their New World Order Agenda.
*The FBI was stalking Trump Supporters at Mar-a-Lago and refused to investigate or even open cases on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children.
*Impeachment Was Being Filed Against Biden:
*“The Rothschild Flag rules over Israel.” …Juan O Savin

*There were blackouts for news out of the Kingpin of the GCR, Iraq; out of China (related to the Three Gorges Dam failure) and Canada – where the Cabal has ordered arrest of the Freedom Truckers.
By Thurs. 1 Sept there was scheduled Mass Arrests of Canadian Freedom Truckers, with a Blackout in Canada by order of the Cabal.
*On Sun. 9/11 the global economy was set to crash according to Attorney Lin Wood. Presently the value of the now-gold backed US dollar was going up fast on the Forex, while the New York Stock Market remained in free fall.
*The US IRS is Literally From Hell: After authorizing trillions in a spending spree Congress has found a way to not increase the National Debt by monetizing tax increases for the future. There will be no IRS tax forgiveness and they were increasing US Taxpayers debt to the IRS by six times. Last month Congress awarded the IRS $80 billion to hire 87,000 new IRS Agents, who they will weaponize and train in SWAT Teams to collect those monies from US citizens. This violation of human rights happened to seniors Ken and Barbie, and it’s on it’s way to happen to you.

**The Global Walkout: Help reignite Freedom throughout the world starting on Sun. 4 Sept. 2022 8:00 pm GMT.

Donald J. Trump Live on Telegram:
“September will be a month of upheaval – a month when all the dirty things of this government will be exposed. The current president is disgusting to people not only in the United States but all over the world. In a few days we will send something that will destroy and expose these Cabbalists. Information will be only among the people who want good for this country, and not the manipulators. Make sure you attract this to more people!”
Charlie Ward:
September and October were going to be very important months… “A lot of things will happen. We will get a confession in that time about the theft of the 2020 Election. They are already caught.”
I have on extremely good authority from three different sources that the USA election in November will not happen. This has already gone through the Supreme Court – SCOTUS – and they used a Shadow Document to overturn the 2020 Election.”
International Military Tribunals in Mariupol:
9 Nov. 2022 (9/11) Military Tribunals, Arrests Revelations. Nazi War Crimes Against Humanity. International Military Tribunals to take place in Mariupol Donezk Republic  and the US State Dept. was freaking out. “The International Tribunal in Mariupol can shed light on the true nature of the Kiev regime, of which the United States is carefully creating a bright and heroic image. American citizens will finally learn that their government is in fact helping those who deliberately kill and torture the Russian people in the Donbass and Ukraine.”