Great Awakening 28-09

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Communications Shutdown Imminent!
Biden Crime Family Arrested by White Hat Military!
Canadian Parliament Seized by Canadian Military and US Federal Marshalls!
Chinese Communist Party Double Coupe Happening Right Now!
UN Storm Troopers Takeover London!
Russian Pipeline to Europe Blown Up!
American Farmers Warn of Severe Food Shortages!

JFK Jr.: We’ve entered the closing Act initiating the EBS, Military Tribunals and Full Disclosure Of The Galactic Alliance. Prepare to archive and be offline. SHUTDOWN.

As of Tues. 13 Sept. 2022 the Federal Reserve and their Central Banks were officially Bankrupt: Watch for Runs on Banks and Bank Closures.
Major banks within the US – Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Chase and several others – were now insolvent and have filed for bankruptcy.

Hal Turner News says Russia will declare war on Fri. 30 Sept, the Vatican’s payment deadline for the owners of US Inc, United Nations, World Bank, and IMF. The US Inc, British Crown and Vatican laundering of slush funds to the Cabal corporations of State Street, Vanguard and Blackrock would now stop.

What you are seeing is a war – an invisible war that Trump keeps talking about. It’s a war between Trump and his Secret Service against the elites, bankers and mainstream media. A war between good and evil.
*Pay attention to the bigger picture. Trump has arrested and caught more pedophile and child trafficking rings in the world… but I bet you didn’t know that because the mainstream (George Soros funded media) make out that he’s a moron. Trump will go down in history in the coming weeks.
*There is no need to panic or have fear. This whole thing is working out as it needs to for Trump and his team to remove the corruption and power that has taxed your hard earned dollars, loaded your loans and credit cards with interest and pulled wool over your eyes. We have been living as slaves to the system for long enough.
*You’re going to see some big names get called out, to the point where you don’t want to believe it.
*If you still believe that 9/11 was a terrorist attack from Osama Bin Ladin who trained donkeys to fly cessnas, which then magically upskilled into Boeing’s and flew aluminum planes into 580m steel reinforced towers that collapsed like a deck of cards, not to mention tower 7 which was a block away but folded. (Let’s not forget the 6 seals who took Osama down that were killed in a mysterious chopper crash. RIP fellas). You’re in for a wakeup call.
*Some of the big banks WILL go bankrupt, they are already on their knees, Income tax WILL go away and the elites will no longer rule you or the world.
*Do the research for yourself. Read the Clinton emails on Wikileaks. Once you read that you’ll believe the rest. Many of the most powerful people are more sick and evil than you could ever imagine. Start listening to Trump’s daily press briefings. This is not about politics. Read between the lines.

Tues. 27 Sept. Benjamin Fulford Report:

  • A world revolution looms when the people of the planet wake up. In many countries there are signs that some kind of world revolution is taking place. These include the power struggle in China, the unrest in Iran, the military mobilization of Russia, the declaration of war by Texas, the royal riots in the UK and much more. All of this points to a kind of historic worldwide black swan event, possibly in October.
  • Let’s start with the events in China. The Internet was buzzing with rumors caused by Jennifer Tseng’s report, a link to which is given below.
  • We checked Tseng, and it turned out that she is a member of the Falun Gong sect, run by the US State Department by Khazar mafia boss Elliott Abrams. Nevertheless, the report turned out to be very reliable. It shows a video of an 80-kilometer military column moving to encircle the capital Beijing. It notes that a major meeting of Chinese military leaders took place, which was not attended by Xi Jinping, the nominal head of the Chinese armed forces. Two members of the politburo associated with the military, at the meeting, which is very unusual, did not mention Xi in their speeches. In addition, a high-ranking northern general, who was supposed to have been dismissed by Xi, was sitting in the front row at the meeting. In addition, Xi apparently quickly abandoned the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Uzbekistan and hurried back to China, but he has not been seen in public since.
  • In China, there is a real split between the military and intelligence groups around Jiang Zemin and the group around Xi Jinping. There can be no doubt that there is a major power struggle going on between the two groups.
  • Those who surround Xi want to make him dictator for life at the big meeting of the Communist Party of China, which takes place every five years in October. The other is fiercely opposed to Xi and the personality cult surrounding him. A source from the Asian secret society close to Xi assured us that the rumors were false and Xi is fine. Our sources close to Jiang did not respond to our messages.
  • The last thing we note is that the move against Xi was taken after he refused to meet with a Khazar mafia agent posing as Pope Francis in Kazakhstan. The Pope attended the “world religious conference” in the future world capital of the Khanty-Mansiysk Astana. There is a photo from the concert at that rally sent to us by Polish intelligence.
  • In any case, there can be no doubt that the Chinese government is under attack because it is telling the world an inconvenient truth about the West’s real track record. In the latest example, China has accused the US of illegally stealing 80% of Syria’s oil production, even though more than 14 million Syrians are in dire need of humanitarian aid after years of Western sanctions.