On Mon. 29 Aug. World Crises Happened – the news of which never made the Mainstream Media:
- The Three Gorges Dam was destroyed by the Alliance.
- War broke out in Iraq – likely caused by the Globalists in an attempt to prevent the Global Currency Reset
- The Cabal ordered the Canadian Freedom Truckers arrested this week.
- The FBI admitted interfering in the 2020 Election, which was bound to make the 2020 Election void, dissolving the US Presidency and government and bringing in Martial Law until a new Election could be held.
- Military Arrests General Conspiring Against Trump: On Mon. 29 Aug. the White Hat partition of the U.S. military arrested one of its own officers after learning that she had abused her position to inject deceptive and false data into Trump’s Mar-a-Lago computer network and conspired with FBI Director Christopher Wray to sink Trump’s 2024 presidential aspirations by any means necessary, sources in General David H. Berger’s Office told Real Raw News. https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=206617
- German scientists have found Toxic Metallic Compounds in all Covid Vaccine samples analyzed.
- Since early 2014, 20 HADI operations have targeted and destroyed vast networks of underground tunnel systems, liberated those born in darkness and ended the Deep State Empire that dates back thousands of years to Biblical accounts.
- Alliance Special Forces found ton after ton of cocaine worldwide.
There was a legal deadline that the 2020 Election Ballots could be destroyed on Sat. 3 Sept. Because Fraud in the 2020 Election had now been verified by 46 of the 50 US States, an announcement to void the 2020 Election should happen sometime this week.
By voiding the 2020 Election, the US government as now organized, would be dissolved. Mainstream Media Satellites would be taken down, the Emergency Broadcast System put into effect on the new Star Link Satellite System and nations around the world would go into Martial Law. The US would maintain Martial Law until a new Election could take place.
- The deadline to declare the 2020 Election void was this Sat. 3 Sept. After that all ballots, and evidence of voter fraud, would be destroyed.
- On Mon. 29 Aug. the FBI’s credibility was destroyed after admitting they interfered in 2020 Election: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=206553
- On Mon. 29 Aug. President Trump said he needed to be declared the rightful winner of the 2020 Election (because he was), or we needed to have a new election. The fake news was picking up on this massive bombshell from 45 as well. https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-demands-either-new-election-immediately-or-make-him-rightful-president-now
- Before the 2020 Election Joe Biden openly admitted to putting together “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” AND to stealing the election (his quote about “again”) with said voter fraud organization. https://t.me/+AFml1VZiebM0YmZk
Colombia: ten tons of cocaine, two laboratories seized from Marxist Liberation Army
Madagascar: 600 kilos of cocaine (new record)
Jamaica: one ton of cocaine on ship
Austria: cocaine syndicate busted, 8x imprisoned
There were 209 countries around the globe that now had their gold/asset-backed currency trading on the Forex. The last to come in was Canada and Mexico last Sun evening.
Iraq has formed their new Republic, with their Commander in Chief sworn in tomorrow morning Wed. 31 Aug. The Iraqi Dinar rates should be out Wed. 31 Aug.
A Weaponized IRS is Coming After You:
- Hidden footage shows IRS Agent with Prosecutor not able to confirm there is a law to pay income tax. This case of tax fraud was dismissed because there is in fact no law requiring taxes. https://t.me/+L29DjTJwfNJlYThk
- The entire legal system operating in America is under the Crown Corporation. The flag with the gold tassels represents that corporation.
- Congress recently approved $80 billion for the IRS, which was hiring, weaponizing and SWAT training an additional 87,000 IRS Agents to collect tax and interest on your new digitalized money account.
- It Happened to Grandparents Ken and Barbie and It Could Easily Happen to You: Twice IRS SWAT Teams have descended on Ken and Barbie Cromar’s home, confiscated that home, thrown away all their personal property including equipment Ken used to make a living, charged and found them guilty of living in their own home AFTER a Federal Tax Court ruled they owed no monies to the IRS. After five years of court manipulations where Ken and Barbie’s basic rights were not honored, now there were warrants out for the Cromar’s arrests and they faced possible prison time.
Real News:
Tik Tok was a Weaponized Military Espionage Application designed to obtain information on you and your personal life – information that could be used against you at the Cabal’s will.
Get Out of Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc. and transfer to White Hat Proton Mail. Most Email providers are highly compromised, corrupt Deep-State Globalists. DO NOT TRUST: Google, GMAIL, Microsoft, MSN, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. FREE Secure Proton Mail Here: https://cutt.ly/bestmail
A drive through of the Cabal’s Nazi Concentration Camp. They planned these camps for us. Now they will all end up in these evil places while waiting for their Tribunals: https://t.me/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL/9929
DUMB Underground Tunnels:
- They built the modern tunnel system using boring machines, lasers and Nukes. The machine’s name is Alice: https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/33745
- Elon Musk Announces Big News For The Boring Company: https://youtu.be/rTe3W_ZhaVc
- Orion Lines – the Swastica: https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/34531
- Walmart: https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/14649 https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/14320
- The Underground DUMB, Phil Schneider: https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/36815
- The Geneva Tunnel: It is very likely that Genoa, Italy, marks the entrance to a 275-kilometer underground tunnel that will allow submarines from Greenland to reach CIA headquarters under Lake Geneva. This idea is supported by the fact that the names of Geneva (G+N+V) and Genoa (G+N+V) sound the same, suggesting that “Geneva Tunnel” may indeed be the official name of the tunnel. The flag and coat of arms of Genoa bear a Roman cross similar to the flag of Switzerland and the logo of the Red Cross, which is based in Geneva, Switzerland. In other words, the names and symbols associated with Genoa are essentially Swiss.
- Interestingly, in 1946, a colossal drilling project was launched to dig a tunnel at the foot of Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in the Alps. Said project eventually became known as the Mont Blanc Tunnel, which eventually connected Chamonix in France and Courmayeur in Italy.
- Since CERN was publicly founded on September 29, 1954, the Mont Blanc Tunnel appears to have been a cover project for the construction of the Geneva Tunnel between Genoa and Geneva. In the event that the two tunnels had been built simultaneously, any seismic activity associated with the Geneva tunnel would naturally have been attributed to the construction of the Mont Blanc tunnel.
- The idea that the Mont Blanc Tunnel was a cover for the Geneva Tunnel is supported by the fact that the Mont Blanc Tunnel took 20 years to build, even though it was only 11.611 kilometers long. In contrast, the Gotthard Base Tunnel, which covers 151.84 kilometers of tunnel, was also completed in 20 years.
- If you argue that technological advances are ultimately responsible for the more than tenfold increase in tunnel completion speed, consider the following: The Simplon Tunnel under the Swiss-Italian Alps was only 9 years in construction (1912-1921) and 39,524 kilometers (24.5591 miles) long ).
- Therefore, the 11,611-kilometer Mont Blanc Tunnel, which took 20 years to build, suggests that it served to cover the construction of the Geneva Tunnel immediately to the east.
- The idea that a 275-kilometer tunnel could have been bored under the Alps is supported by the fact that Switzerland is home to or part of at least 11 of the world’s longest and deepest known tunnels, with a total length of 315,937 kilometers) in length.
- The Geneva tunnel system joins the Vatican tunnel system and has over 60 miles of library / underground library hidden from society. Which contains 54 hidden books that were originally part of the Great Aramaic Peshitta Bible.
- These tunnel systems lead through Europe to the Middle East and through Ukraine to Sweden and to underground bases at the North Pole.
- Since early 2014, HADI operations have targeted and destroyed vast networks of underground tunnel systems. 20 (17) Full operations have begun to destroy the world’s tunnel systems and liberate those born in darkness and end the DEEP STATE empire that dates back thousands of years to the Biblical accounts of demons, devils and serpent men born there the underworld. #SiriusBewusstsein
- These tunnels include:
– Gotthard Base Tunnel (57.104 kilometers),
– Mont d’Ambin base tunnel (57 kilometers),
– Ceneri base tunnel (39.8 kilometers),
– Lötschberg base tunnel (34.57 kilometers),
– LEP tunnel (26.659 kilometers),
– Simplon tunnel (19.824 kilometers),
– Vereina tunnel (19.058 kilometers),
– Gotthard road tunnel (16.9 kilometers),
– Furka base tunnel (15.407 kilometers),
– Gotthard tunnel (15.003 kilometers)
– Lötschberg tunnel (14.612 kilometers).