Trump to be Arrested? Update

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Judy Byington: A criminal organization was trying to indict President Trump on espionage charges in an illegal and fictitious legal system owned and operated under a foreign owned corporation known as the Crown Corporation. Trump was President of the Republic, not the Corporation, and didn’t recognize the Corporation. He only recognized the Constitution. May God bless him for what he, Q and the brave soldiers of the Global Alliance are doing to free the children and all of Humanity.


  • A criminal organization is trying to indict the 19th President on espionage charges in an illegal and fictitious legal system owned and operated under a foreign owned corporation known as the Crown Corporation.
  • The 19th President is the President of the Republic, not the Corporation. He does not recognize the Corporation. He recognizes the Constitution.
  • He may well be arrested, but even that will swing public opinion in his favor, and even when it all looks like it’s going south and all hope is lost, the military who recognize the Constitution and the legitimate president, not the Corporation, will free him. It’s likely they will arrest him, but nothing can stop what is coming. Their system will collapse and be dissolved.
  • The entire legal system operating in America is under the Crown Corporation. The flag with the gold tassels represents that corporation.
  • Different types of warfare exist, in this case the British didn’t win 1776 but they were successful in overruling the constitution and installing their corporation inside America in which every president since the 19th has served up until 2000, since 2000 every Presidency has been fake including Trumps, but when the mass population doesn’t know, then the show goes on.
  • The entire legal system serves the Crown Corporation (Queen). Ask yourself why the announcement of the Queens death is such a big deal? Why did Trump bankrupt the Corporation of America? Why was the Corporation of America recently dissolved? Why is Joe Bidan (not Biden) serving under White House Inc and not the Corporation or constitutional Republic of America? What is going to happen to the legal system that serves the Crown Corporation? What will happen when it’s revealed that the enemy has been inside the gates for the past couple hundred years?
  • Trump gave the green light for the Military to act internally.
  • What happens when Trump gets arrested in an illegal, foreign owned system, and the world gets to a Nuclear standoff, and Trump, the 19th President of the Republic, who holds the Nuclear football is sitting in a cell? While the enemy has absolutely no answer to a (faked) Nuclear threat from Russia, China, NK or all of the above?
  • You can be damn sure there will be EBS, military storming the jail and removing Trump and their Commander in Chief, and then major Declas as Trump neutralizes the Nuclear threat and the foreign owned gangsters all get put in handcuffs.

Health Ranger Incoming Intel:

  • Trump is going to be indicted under the Espionage Act. Bogus documents will be inserted into the numerous boxes of loot that the corrupt FBI stole from Trump’s private residence.
  • A media circus will commence, far larger than any of the “RussiaGate” fiasco we’ve already witnessed. Trump will be railroaded in a completely rigged show trial.
  • One of the key goals in all this is to provoke America’s patriots into an armed uprising in order to justify the Biden regime calling for UN occupation, which will bring in Communist Chinese troops wearing UN helmets. This is how the invasion plan is being morphed right now, according to my sources. An armed uprising is EXACTLY what the regime wants to make happen.

  • FBI Agents Involved in Trump Raid are Under Criminal Investigation by Durham For Abusing Their Power:

IRS Plans to Enforce a Police State on the US
US Incorporated IRS is Privately Owned

  • IRS Deletes Job Posting Seeking Applicants Willing to ‘Use Deadly Force,’ National Review.
  • It took just one FBI raid on President Trump’s private residence to spark an historic backlash against the corrupt, lawless FBI, DOJ and Biden regime. Until today, any talk of abolishing the IRS, dismantling the FBI or nullifying the ATF was just “fringe” talk. But thanks to the FBI, it’s now mainstream conservative talk.
  • The $400 billion Tax, Health Care and Climate package passed by Democrats in the Senate over last weekend provides nearly $80 billion to strengthen the IRS, more than half of which will go specifically to increased enforcement efforts such as audits and to hire 87,000 new IRS agents.
  • On Monday morning 8 Aug. just hours after Kamala Harris’ tie-breaking vote on the Biden Regime’s Climate, Health and Tax Bill empowered the IRS to hire and arm 87,000 new agents, Delta Force Operators intercepted an 18-wheeler packed with pistols and bound for the Internal Revenue Service Building in Washington, D.C., a source in General David H. Berger’s office told Real Raw News.
  • According to the manifest, the trailer held 23,500 crated Sig Saur P229s and 160,000 rounds of .40 caliber ammunition, ostensibly intended for the IRS’s enhanced police force.
  • A week before the seizure, U.S. Army Cyber Command intercepted communications between IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig, Chuck Schumer and Joe Manchin.
  • Rettig had said on a conference call thatthe purchase has been made,” which caused a somewhat agitated Schumer to inadvertently expose the nature of the shipment. “Why now? You were supposed to wait until we passed the bill and its made law. You jumped the gun, and mean that literally and figuratively, and this could come back at us,” Schumer said. Manchin bowed out of the conversation, saying, “I really don’t need to hear any of this,” and disconnected. But Schumer and Rettig bantered on. “We know the bill will pass muster, Kamala will see to it. It isn’t a problem. We’ll just say later on that we bought the guns after the bill got passed and ratified,” Rettig blabbered. “Don’t take possession until Biden makes it law,” Schumer said, to which Rettig blurted, “They can’t sit where they are that long, too risky. I’m moving them here from Maryland storage when it passes. If there’s any blowback, it’ll fall on me.”
  • U.S. Army Cyber Command at once forwarded a recording of the call to both Marine Corps General David H. Berger and a Delta Force commander whose name remains classified. Together, they green lit a mission to confiscate the IRS’s would-be arsenal.