Election Fraudsters Caught!

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Phil Godlewski: “They Caught ‘Em in Election Fraud
This is a must watch video – at least watch part of it:

If time is limited, then here are some exerpts from Judy Byington’s GCR: Phil Godlewski =
FACT:  I was invited to an ‘encrypted video call’. From my end it was ‘READ ONLY’… I could not make any comments… but I could know who was there. It was a Military grade program… I have not seen this particular program before… but on the screen to the right … I could see who was in attendance.  I recognized some of them.

So we watched them… on a super algorithm… every single election machines was tied to this device. There were tabs at the top of the screen during the call… each state had a tab…There was an active cursor… controlled by somebody… and it would cause a flash on things it wanted us to notice.

FACT:  This program was tied in to every state election… IN REAL TIME.

I could not believe what I was seeing…

FACT:  Somebody had hooked this program to EVERY ELECTION MACHINE ACROSS THE COUNTRY.

FACT:  As the votes were tabulated and posted on this screen… I watched it all night long. That is not the best part…The program had an algorithm… so that if a batch of votes coming in was out of the ordinary… the tabs up top ….would flash with blinking… the operator would click on the tab… and we would see all the counties in the state… and there was a yellow area of the vote dump… would tell you something was going on there…

Example:  Arizona started blinking… the cursor went to the tab for AZ… and scrolls down to a county…to the gubernatorial race between Kari Lake and Katie Hobbs…. Katie Hobbs received the exact SAME ratio of votes in four drops… the drops were not in succession… a DROP is when they tabulate the votes, and then press SEND… the drops were at different times separated by time… So the count in those drops in four drops were the same RATIO of Kari to Katie.  Each of the four batches had a different number of votes, but it had the exact same ration Kari to Katie.

FACT:  That means when a vote goes through one of their tabulators… the cabal cheaters are switching it… to fit whatever algorithm they programmed into the Voting machines. This is exactly what happened in 2020 to Donald Trump.

FACT:  That was not the only thing the algorithm was watching… along with the ratios… it looks for numerous irregularities…

Example:  In another state… as totals came in with real time… so the vote count has to go up with the total of votes… so a flash happened… we saw a DOWN VOTE COUNT… votes were DEDUCTED…We caught this on television in 2020, but it was fixed and not showing on television in 2022.

FACT:  Every time this Vote DOWN happened in 2022… it was on Republican candidates… it never happened to a Democrat the entire night.

Those are just two examples of what this program was doing… who and how this type of machine could connect to all of these systems I cannot imagine… but I SAW THIS WITH MY OWN EYES… and so did other people.

WARNING:  WE CAUGHT THEM and I watched it in REAL TIME… I saw it go down.

FACT:  There was cheating across the whole country in every race.  Those ALERTS were popping up like you would not believe.

HATS OFF to whoever put that program together… I look forward to the day when I find out who put that together. Another interesting thing…

FACT:  Every time there was an Alert… we got an explanation what was wrong… and there was an ARCHIVE button… that the cursor would hit and archive the event into a LOG… time, irregularity, state, race, and comments. If you ask, ‘Why were you on there?’… Well, I have a little bit of a background… I make no mystery about the fact that I have a background… but it is private right now… The interesting thing… about this situation… is that even though it was some sort of military intel operation watching the election… they still allowed the elections to occur…

To catch them. Where will they go with the information?There were certain Precincts where they allowed it to occur, and others were not allowed.

Example:  Florida.  There was NO Florida tab.  No Florida alerts.  So apparently there was only one state that had a fair election… and that was Florida.

All the rest of the states had stuff going on.WHY Florida?  I don’t know. It seemed… knowing that Florida was not there, and seeing the things that I saw…. whoever these White Hats are that put this program together…

1. They knew it was going to happen

2. They allowed it to happen in most places

3. Other places they did not.

That tells me they knew cheating was going to occur… they wanted it to occur, but to a certain extent… but they were not going to allow the US House and US Senate to be in Democratic control. So they LIMITED the FRAUD…. So that it would not affect the next phase…They needed to catch them, but they could not lose the Election’s main Goal. GOAL:  Take the US House. Take the US Senate.  Flip Governor seats.

Example:  Schumer… I don’t think he got half a million votes… that tab lit up all night long… his election was completely FRAUDULENT…. And he ‘won’ by a ton of votes. 

Now, some of you are saying:  The White Hats are cheating, too. No, it is not…here is why:  The cabal is cheating and not letting our actual votes go through… so we are stopping the cheating… in some areas… and letting the ACTUAL VOTES come through. In some of the races… they let the actual votes go through… and the Republican candidates lost. But seemingly we knew HOW they were going to cheat. We used 2020 as a template to reverse engineer …and through it into a program… that would let them watch the cheating and archive it.

Who are they sending it to?  I don’t know. BUT THEY GOT CAUGHT.

What is the next step?  What do you think?  Who has this information? Who set this up? It is not Trump… or Ezra… or Scavino…Whoever set this up has to be a major POWER PLAYER entity… and only one group fits that description…

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