NEWS Tuesday 11 Nov

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Quote – German MEP Christine Anderson. Print this, frame it & take it to heart.

“I will not be reduced to a mere guinea pig by getting vaccinated with an experimental drug, and I will most assuredly not get vaccinated because my government tells me to and promises, in return, I will be granted freedom.
Let’s be clear about one thing: No one grants me freedom, for I am a free person.”

New Zealanders Wake Up: This was mentioned in the Nov 10 Byington Report.
Thousands swarm NZ govt building in Covid protest. Scuffles reportedly broke out near New Zealand’s ‘Beehive’ government building as around 3,000 anti-Covid restriction protestors forced the parliament’s largest security response in almost 40 years, according to House Speaker Trevor Mallard. Protest against COVID-19 measures and restrictions outside Wellington Parliament in New Zealand.

**Bar Codes of Vaxxed: These showed up on my recently bought Oppo A5 2020. When the software was updated over the weekend, the Oppo would not display any bar codes. Google was obviously aware of the “problem” & solved it to the advantage of the Cabal – thanks Google! I will delete the bluetooth software & install an earlier version.
*Update: I reset my Oppo A5 2020 to factory settings, assuming that this was the setting when I bought it a few months ago. Strangely, bar codes still don’t show up!

Astroworld “Like A Concert In Hell”? Dead Bodies In VIP Section?! Illuminati Ritual Mass Sacrifice Test Of New Technology?
Nov 7

The Devil’s Frequency! A Concert In Hell! – SGT Report Must Video

A Must Charlie Ward & Mel K: Prince Andrew Exposes All![not in the flesh!!] Indictments Coming Out Soon!
Vax is a distraction. Nothing in vax to help you.
Nanotech in vaccine.
Miracle pill now – more money
Italy 130,000 reduced to 4,000
Classified Vaccines: Regeneron, HCO, Ivermectin, CDS
Then definition changed: The mRNA vaxxes are not vaccines.

Trump took Regeneron. so he did take a real vaccine.
Pr Andrew exposes Epstein & Maxwell
MSM culpable.

28,103 Deaths & 2,637,525 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database of Adverse Reactions
European Members of Parliament Speak Out
A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries.
Total reactions for the mRNA vaccine Tozinameran (code BNT162b2, Comirnaty) from BioNTech/ Pfizer: 13,271 deaths and 1,168,872 injuries to 19/10/2021

Top-Selling Drug in the World — Pfizer COVID Vaccine 2021 Sales on Track to Hit $36 Billion


Some quick news this morning which caught my eye. The first may be a false start; we shall see!

Queen Elizabeth Has Passed- 10 Days Of Darkness
Nov 8
Judy Byington
London Bridge is Falling Down. Queen Elizabeth has passed. Evidently the Global Currency Reset started in London at 12:00 am GMT on Mon. 8 Nov.

Global Currency Reset: “According to a certain Intelligence source, the Reset starts at 12:00 am Mon. 8 Nov, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) in Greenwich, London, UK and goes throughout the day (traveling through each time zone around the globe).” …Bernd Scheffler

Restored Republic:
BBC to announce Queen Elizabeth has passed. This afternoon they believed she had passed and were just waiting word from the family. We are there at the tipping point for kick off: London Bridge is falling down. This is what Princess Diana said we are all waiting for. They are on standby.

Sue Grey on removal of the Clause 7A No Jab No Job Exemption
Nov 7
Sue Grey sharing ideas about how to deal with the Friday night’s mean spirited removal of the No Jab No Job Clause 7A exemption by Minister Hipkins, Bill of Rights, Health and Safety and other implications, and ideas to protect yourself, your family and colleagues.

Some other important headlines to be expanded later:
Children are Dying – Funeral Director John O’Looney

Heart Attack Ingredient Added to Pfizer’s Jab for Kids
A teeny, tiny tweak in the Pfizer mRNA injections that U.S. children ages 5 to 11 will be getting is actually a significant difference in formulation that for some reason isn’t being discussed in the media. The change in ingredients is listed on page 14 of the FDA’s Pfizer briefing document as a “buffer” called tromethamine (Tris), which is intended to provide an “improved stability profile.”

2,433 fetal deaths recorded in VAERS
There have now been 2,433 fetal deaths recorded in VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) from pregnant women who have been injected with one of the COVID-19 shots.

Many, Many Children Are About To Be Murdered
*A graphic picture which drives the message home.
Don’t Allow Them To Inject The BioWeapon Into Your Kids – If this doesn’t Enrage you nothing will

Dr. Peter McCullough: The Spike Protein Does Damage the Heart, and Is Deadly in the Human Body

UK Funeral Director: 10 Times More Dead Babies

Leader in Waiting Tells the World’s People: Shut Everything Down, Watch How Fast Mandates Disappear
Wil Paranormal –