“The Time Has Come”

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From a GCR by Judy Byington – 4th Nov

Cyber War of the Century Incoming.
Deep State Obama to Push Internet Kill Switch

Pics will surface of Obama Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire.
One of many.
Net shut down.

Fake pic push by MSM.
Videos / backup.
Google kill.
YouTube kill.
FB kill.
Twitter kill.
Yahoo kill.
Bing kill.
Instagram kill.
Net will be paused.

“Remember Remember the 5th of November. 11.5. It’s coming! Get ready for a Military takeover, Blackout Shutdown, Martial Law, WW Three, Nuclear False Flag, Stock Market crash.”  …Great Awakening World Q+ Trump

  • Martial Law across the Globe in some form or another appeared imminent.
  • Mass Arrests on 450,000 indictments were wrapping up according the Charlie Ward, Head of the GCR Redemption Committee.
  • Internet to be paused, with Youtube, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Bing, Instagram Killed
  • Iraqi Dinar RV’d Oct. 15 2022.
  • Markets Tumble
  • Researchers at Boston Lab have developed a Covid Strain with a 80% Death Rate.
  • Global Food Shortages Pending: It would be wise to have 2-3 weeks worth of food, water, cash and essential items on hand.

Restored Republics:

  • A New World Order years in the planning. Banks, NGOs and those with vested interest are all working towards a societal change you did not vote for. It isn’t a conspiracy theory, it’s Agenda 30.
  • Q Drop 51:The time has come to take back our great land. The time is now.”…The White Hats
  • Judy Note: There have been Mass Arrests across the US during a 36 hour period that ended at 4pm Tues. 1 Nov. That included a final cleanup effort heavily targeted in the DC area. Reporter Nancy Drew claimed that Washington DC has been emptied, “Currently there are NO troops in the streets of DC. Occasionally I see someone in uniform walking into the WH conference center, but not very often. We only see “tan pants” sometimes. Other than the other day when Israel was there, the city has been extremely quiet. In fact, it’s basically empty.”
  • On Wed. 2 Nov. Reserve Troops were called up nationwide to be available in 70 cities for the possibility of implementation of Martial Law later in the week (Fri-Sat). That Martial Law would be the cover for Tier 4B to exchange.
  • Denzel Washington: “God Has a Huge Plan for Tues. 8 Nov: One Nation Under God.”
  • Donald J. Trump: “Fri. 11 Nov. 2022 is Resurrection Day.”
  • Every evening the falsely imprisoned Patriots of the Jan. 6 so-called “Raid” on the National Capitol gather to sing our national anthem, “The Star Spangle Banner.” Please join them each night at 9 pm EST in Song and Prayer for their, and our, Freedom. The Star-Spangled Banner (Music Video) | The Tabernacle Choir – YouTube

Election Fraud: Fox News – The CIA has been interfering in the Brazilian elections for more than a year, pressuring the office of President Jair Bolsonaro not to question the elections.

The Real News for Thurs. 3 Nov. 2022:
Synbio Infiltration of Human Race: “SynBio” means synthetic biology. If a corporation develops a gene-altering technology that gets injected into your body and permanently alters your chromosomes to be something other than fully human, they have turned you into a part-synthetic organism. Under existing US law and court precedent, that corporation may have an intellectual property claim to your physical body, which would make you a slave to that corporation.
Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse to rise on Election Day over the United States. The Election Day eclipse is the last total lunar eclipse the Earth will see for the next three years. The prophecy is coming now!

Deep State Plans:

  • When Deep State General Petraeus talks, take warning. He’s dropping hints what the Deep State is planning.
  • NATO countries (White Hat Generals, Military Commanders inside of NATO have begun a silent mutiny and advised their counter parts not meddle in the Russian Deep State Military Affairs.
  • The infighting among NATO countries and commanders has put NATO in jeopardy as they lose tens of millions daily with Turkey planning to leave NATO and join the Russia/Chinese Alliance and several EU countries rejecting NATO UN military Agenda.
  • The Deep State was now looking outside of NATO. They are trying to bring several countries into the conflict, with the US Coalition leading the scenario.
  • Several sources belief two scenarios will happen:
  • First a False Flag strike on their own NATO member country (Poland had declined to be involved in a False Flag self attack. The scapegoat falls to Lithuania or Estonia or Latvia.
  • The second scenario of a False Flag Event is to sacrifice the 101st. Airborne Division (I had stated this two weeks ago – that the Deep State was looking to this plan).
  • If this happens the MSM World Deep State Media is on standby to turn the event into a world 911 scenario.
  • Currently the Belarus Military was on High Alert and conducting raids in their own country to find terrorist that plan to attack Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia in a False Flag Event to blame on Russia.
  • As NATO falls and countries start to push away the regime and reach secret deals with Russia, NATO, UN Deep State US Military in a panic.
  • Obama was waiting for the perfect moment to push the Internet kill switch: Cyber War of the Century Incoming.

Wed. Nov. 2 2022: Mass Arrests Underway. Tues. 8 Nov. is a Pivotal Day:

  • We are under a six day clock (to Midterm Election Day Nov. 8, a pivotal day).
  • Dan Scavino, involved in the Q movement, put up a video cross referenced with the Q Board, goes to Q Drop 51: Nov. 2 2017: The time has come to take back our great land. The time is now.” (signed The White Hats)
  • This past week Mass Arrests have been going on 24/7
  • Particularly in Southern California operations for organ harvesting have been uncovered.
  • Troops involved will need psychological help for some time for what they have uncovered.
  • The Coalition has been monitoring elections for at least ten years
  • The reason Trump will have so many rallies back to back this week was because after Nov. 8 we will be moving into a very different phase.
  • DUMB Tunnel destruction was nearly complete – we have cut off their lifeline where the Deep State has fled to get away.
  • The next 30 days will be world altering.
  • The future for our culture and species was in the balance six months ago. The Deep State was almost complete in their plans.