Real News 30th July

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UK Now Under White Hat Military Control; Deep State Falling Apart:

  • The removal of the UK prime minister ( BORIS J) has led to long expected plans of Military control of the country.
  • This long awaited EVENT took over 16 years to bring into play. As the fake UK majesty dynasty (German bloodlines loyal to the communist Vatican regime) has fallen.
  • The new UK government under military control has now started to comply with bringing down the UN. And NATO by FULLY restructuring the regimes.
  • All assets deployed to other countries including the return of their GOLD in 2021 ( direct flights from Cheyenne mountains U.S military base delivery)  that helps run the northern EU currency is now coming into FULL Whites HATS control as the Euro falls and EU continues to FALL under the regimes of the 4rth Reich.
  • Xi, China White Hats are watching the development of the new UK system being put into place. The old Central Banking system help created by the Vatican – Rothschilds –  Chinese Clans has come to an end and the Chinese Dragon families who help create allot of the chaos in the world were making sure the EU-US Deep State falls apart.
  • The old Dragon families of China had been lied to several times through the Vatican and U.S. handlers to create a better equal world and had given trillions in Gold back in early 1900s to develop the world into unity, but the lies of the CABAL led to World Wars and the creation of the Deep State World Banking System.
  • Now the Chinese Elders, Clans and Dragon Families are helping current their mistakes and also dismantling the CCP Communist Regime in their own country.

White Hat Intel:

  • There was no military flight to Biden’s “Inauguration”, the uniforms had no insignia and so were just suits, there was no salute, Biden has no military followers on Twitter, he does not seem to receive military briefings, and there is no sign that he controls the US nuclear arsenal through the “football”.
  • Huge numbers of unusual military flight operations are underway, both within the US and internationally. The more than 200k sealed cases on PACER would logically lead to arrests during this period. “This is a balancing act: going too fast will cause the sleepers to revolt. Too slow, on the other hand, will cause the awakened to revolt.”
  • At the right time, it may be revealed that the arrests of Congressional traitors – and many others – have been completed.
  • The Second Republic can be announced, with Donald Trump as its legitimately elected president. By showing how “The Biden Show” was staged, all public trust and credibility of the mass media is destroyed. That, in turn, puts an end to the scam – and the Globalists’ power to impose their Big Reset. The reality that the military is in power – during the interregnum period – is unspeakable at this point.
  • The second impeachment process is a mechanism for introducing the harsh truth to the brainwashed portion of the people. Everything is running smoothly, and the mass awakening is progressing only at a pace that prevents the collapse of society.
  • Those misled by propaganda have the following model of the election: We are still seeing precise multi-year planning of these events, such as signing up the second impeachment process via the Q drops to the day accurate.
  • The “movie set” version of the Oval Office and the “Joe Biden Show” is very obvious to anyone who is paying close attention. The discrepancies and errors of the real one can only be assumed to be intentional. There is no way that Joe Biden, if he were real and in power, would appoint General Flynn’s brother to the most important military post in the confrontation with China.
  • General Flynn has effectively confirmed that Donald Trump is still president through his “wine bottle” remark. Everything indicates that “Joe Biden” is not the commander in chief (if he is alive at all).
  • All Governments in the world were being removed by the Military.
  • Everything Connects: The Event – 34 Buildings bombed; Dams; Global Stock Market Collapse via precision Cyber Attacks, think Executive Order 1221.
  • Once Governments are removed, Federal & State Etc, we will be electing people to  governments that are 10% the size of what they are currently.
  • There will never be two Party Preferred Politics ever again. No more Democrats, No More Republicans, No More Liberal, No More Labor.
  • Everyone will be using certain coins, getting Digital Wallets and U.B.I
  • This was all a product of the reversal of the 1871 Act of England (everything 1871 onward was illegal – null and void). 1776 Common Law for ALL.
  • If a person elected in a government does not work for the People they will be removed by the Military. They will only be 20 to 25 People sized.
  • U.S only has to elect a Congress. Julian Assange said 98% do not survive.
  • China is also going to a Republican Government.
  • Countries now with Nuremberg & Magnitsky Act Trials on: Germany, UK, Norway, Kosovo-Serbia & maybe recently Canada.
  • Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption
  • Massive arrests worldwide for crimes against humanity.
  • Nesara/Gesara Activation with added Quantum Technology. Trump’s Version.
  • The Stock Market Collapse that Trump told you 170017 times would happen under Biden will be Precision Cyber – which  is a product of Executive Order 1221.
  • Isaac Kappy Sings About 1221.

Weather Manipulation:

  • Fri. 29 July Spain, Galicia: Firefighters tackle widespread wildfire in Galicia. 
  • Thurs. 28 July Iran: Severe flooding affects the Imamzadeh Davood Mosque, located in Tehran, Iran. Deadly Floods Rip Through Iranian Capital. At least six people have been killed in floods near Tehran, most of whom were killed by a landslide that submerged an entire village in mud.
  • Thurs. 28 July UAE: Destruction in parts of the United Arab Emirates UAE in the wake of monsoon Harvey. 
  • Thurs. 28 July China: Wenshan, Yunnan Province, suddenly experienced a severe storm, flooded streets in some areas, and collapsed large trees.
  • Wed. 27 July Philippines: Tsunami waves at Darigayos Beach, Luna La Union, following last night’s 7.3 earthquake. Aftershocks Rattle Philippines After Deadly Earthquake and Tsunami waves at Darigayos beach, Luna La Union, following 27.07.22 7.3 earthquake. The powerful 7.0-magnitude earthquake that struck the northern Philippines Province of Abra on Wednesday destroyed historic buildings, creating landslides and leaving hundreds of aftershocks. More than 150 people have been injured and five people were killed, according to authorities. 460 buildings have been affected, the governor has revealed. Locals have recorded more than 800 aftershocks since the initial tremor, including 24 that were strong enough to feel.
  • Kentucky Floods: Wild Weather, the Wobble Effect + HEAVING of Mississippi River due to New Madrid adjustment.
Continue ReadingReal News 30th July

The Immune System

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Ptaah explains

As I know, it is also still the case today that the immune system is largely, not solely, the factor that determines whether the human being falls ill or dies from the epidemic. If you, as a doctor, can say something about the immune system for once, I am sure it would be instructive for all those who read our talk reports?

Ptaah: I can gladly do that and say that the immune system of the human being and all those living beings that have it is the factor that largely determines the health of the whole body, but is not absolutely responsible for providing a complete defence against every infection in full effectiveness. This is because other decisive factors besides the immune system are important for a pathogen to penetrate and cause an infection. However, I am not allowed to give more details about this, because this would violate our directives, which do not allow us to interfere in any way with the course of any development in any field, science or other branch, etc. This has nothing to do with such things. It has nothing to do with giving advice on one thing or another. So just by mentioning a certain technical term I would be violating our directives, but I cannot do that in a certain way, so I will limit myself to a more detailed explanation concerning the immune system, which is universally of equal value.The body of the human being as well as of all life-forms is constantly exposed to attacks from environmental influences, parasites, bacteria, viruses, fungi, microbes and toxins, etc., which lurk everywhere. Without the body’s own defence system, the majority of all life-forms would be defenceless against the attacks of these disease influencers. The immune system acts defensively against the attackers and prevents infections, normally rejecting the pathogens that could enter the body from the outside and make it sick.The body’s immune system is mainly distributed among the cells and organs, each of which has specific tasks in the complex system and the defence against pathogens. The following can be mentioned:

  1. The mucous membranes are mainly endangered by the penetration of pathogens, i.e. the causes of infections, but also the throat, the nose and the intestines, and ultimately also the skin.
  2. The organ spleen has to fulfil functions of immune defence, namely with regard to the multiplication of white blood cells, the so-called lymphocytes, whereby overaged red blood cells are also secreted via the spleen. But it also stores defence cells, which are then supplied to the body when an immune defence is necessary.
  3. A few defence cells are also produced as precursors in the bone marrow.
  4. Then the tonsils also have an initial defence function against externally invading pathogens.
  5. The lymph nodes and lymph node tracts simultaneously form a collection point for defence cells and antibodies.
  6. Above the heart is the primary lymphatic organ, the thymus, or glandular tissue, which, as part of the lymphatic system, stores the mature defence cells or T-cells.

The immune system has 2 different types of bacteria and lines of defence for the defence against pathogens, firstly the body’s own immune system, which is based on 2 pillars or 2 lines of defence, namely the natural immune system and secondly the immune system learned and acquired by the body. So there are the 2 following systems:

  1. The natural immune system resp. adaptive resp. non-specific immune system, which is inherent and innate to the human being, as to every other life-form carrying an immune system.
  2. The 2nd specific immune system has to be learned and trained by the human body, but this requires an initial contact with any pathogens, whereby the body then uses its ability to form antibodies.

An early warning of the immune system is given by the so-called branched cells, whose task is to alert a system of early warning of the immune system, immediately after the registration of a foreign invader in the body.

Protective means of the adaptive immune system are mechanical and chemical barriers, whereby the adaptive or innate immune system is the first to come on the scene as soon as pathogens make themselves felt and seek to find their way into the body. The early warning system usually identifies all foreign bodies and pathogens on first contact. This system, however, is divided into external and internal perceptions, which can be explained as follows:

  1. The external protective function is formed by the skin and the mucous membranes, which in their function and existence are also called mechanical barriers, which protect the human body purely mechanically.
  2. The inner protective function, on the other hand, is exercised by the chemical barrier.

This external barrier consists of body fluids as well as the body’s own chemical substances that prevent the deposition of invading pathogens such as bacteria and viruses by immediately directing or flushing them away from the body. The main substances of this chemical barrier are:

  1. cilia of the bronchial tubes, but also the intestinal musculature, which, due to their constant movement, are responsible for ensuring that no bacteria or other pathogenic germs can be deposited in the bronchial tubes or in the intestines.
  2. Saliva,
  3. Eye fluid,
  4. Vaginal fluid,
  5. Urine,
  6. Gastric Juice.

The substances that are available to the chemical barrier for defence or to prevent the invasion of pathogens are the phagocytes and killer cells, which are naturally given. Both types are constantly active in the cellular defence within the scope of their capacity, consequently they directly take up pathogens and foreign bodies, destroy them or transport them away.

  1. phagocytes belong to the leucocytes or white blood cells, which eat up the pathogen, after which what remains of it is transported to the cell surface, where the specific immune system then also carries out the further immune defence assigned to it.
  2. killer cells become active in a different sequence, particularly in the case of viruses and tumour-like cells. If they recognise such cell types, then a production immediately occurs to create special cell poisons, which then destroy the viruses or tumour cells.

If the specific immune system is explained in more detail, then it is to be said that it fights specific pathogens in a very targeted manner. It is important to note that if it is to do its job well, it must first ‘get to know’ the pathogen, which means that identification is necessary. A direct ‘confrontation’, so to speak, takes place between the immune system and the pathogen, whereupon, after identification, the immune system responds by producing special defence cells that serve to destroy the pathogen. This means that the immune system’s reaction takes a little longer, because the first contact with a pathogen actually requires clarification as to what kind of invader it is. As is common everywhere, once something has been recognised or experienced, it is also the case with the immune system that on further contact with the same pathogen, it is recognised, consequently the system reacts more effectively and immediately takes countermeasures against it. The reason why the specific immune system protects the human body against certain diseases in this way is that the symptoms of the disease are significantly weaker or do not appear at all in the event of further contact with the pathogen. The immune system, which has learned everything it can about a pathogen through the first attack, then continues to work with the help of 2 types of cells, namely:

  1. with the T-cells or T-lymphocytes, which the human body has in the bone marrow, but which migrate from there to the thymus to mature and are then deposited in the tissue. In their fight against pathogens, the T cells perform 3 different tasks, namely as:
    T-helper cells, which basically initiate the defence reaction in the body,
    T-killer cells, which recognise and destroy infected cells and also tumour cells,
    T-memory cells, which ensure that the specific immune system directly identifies the specific pathogen already infected once on the next contact and can react quickly against it.
  2. B cells or B lymphocytes are also formed in the bone marrow, and they remain there to mature. Like the T-cells, the B-cells also have names from the place where they mature. The B-cells are always targeted at a particular pathogen, but they only form on that pathogen when the body has contact with it. The B cells are also activated by the T helper cells, and this happens when the pathogen enters the body and matches the B cell. The T-cells in turn then sound the alarm, causing the B-cells to multiply rapidly and transform into plasma cells, which in turn produce numerous antibodies or immunoglobulins/proteins within a very short time that render the pathogen harmless.

While the innate immune system attacks everything that crosses the body’s barriers, the learned immune system is targeted and specialised to specific pathogens. T- and/or B-cells specifically attack a pathogen with specially targeted antibodies, and do so more efficiently even when an initial immune response takes more time because the learned immune system works more slowly than the innate immune system during initial contact with the pathogen.

The immune system can also be strengthened or weakened by a wide variety of influencing factors. For example, many external factors have both positive and negative influences, such as an unbalanced diet, alcohol, nicotine and everyday stress. On the other hand, the immune system can be strengthened by a balanced diet and also by a targeted supply of the necessary micronutrients. The body’s own defences, which are thus addressed, require micronutrients, which are extremely diverse and vital, but which, in contrast to macronutrients such as fat, carbohydrates and protein and other substances that the human organism has to take in as plant and animal food, do not provide the human body with energy, which enable it to be energised and strong, but rather keep it healthy and able to defend itself against disease by means of a functioning immune system.

The abuse of alcohol and cigarettes weakens the human beings’ immune defence and makes them more susceptible to pathogens and infections of all kinds, which is due to the fact that the antibodies for the defence against foreign substances and pathogens resp. immunoglobulins cannot be formed or can only be created very sparsely. The result is, for example, that a wound becomes inflamed very quickly or that wound healing is significantly slowed down, as well as that serious complications can be caused.

Very rapidly, however, these symptoms are intensified, for example, by the duration of the addiction to smoking, how long it has lasted and whether arteriosclerotic vascular changes have already developed that affect the blood supply to the skin, which has a further negative effect on the course of wound healing.

Alcohol is harmful to the entire immune system in a similar way as smoking; it even leads to an overreaction of the immune system, whereby the production of immune cells increases greatly, but later an opposite effect occurs and the killer cells of all kinds decrease and at the same time permanently limit the activity as well as the effectiveness of the immune system.

A human being who is an alcoholic or who frequently and carelessly consumes alcohol in excess will fall ill much more quickly, e.g. with pneumonia, than a human being who thoughtfully and sensibly restrains himself from alcoholic beverages so that neither an addiction nor a state of intoxication or simply a habit of drinking alcohol develops. In any case, alcohol is harmful either way if it is supplied to the body on a daily basis, but is not enjoyed sporadically in small amounts and in a way that is not harmful to the body.

The micronutrients take over key functions for the immune competence, namely in such a way that the supply of the body with all necessary substances or vitamins, minerals, trace elements and secondary plant substances functions, whereby e.g. vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, folic acid or vitamin B9, then also vitamin B12, vitamin D, zinc and iron etc. are significant and important. These have a positive effect on the immune system, whereby vitamin D and zinc are of particular importance for the immune system, because both are of special importance for the normal function of the immune system.

Other essential micronutrients that provide for the immune value of the human body are substances that have a decisive importance for the maintenance of the immune system through a healthy and balanced diet. The most important prerequisite for this is therefore a balanced diet that is such that the immune defence system can function optimally. In this context, overweight or underweight of the body is also to be avoided, which is why care should be taken that:

  1. the body is supplied daily with sufficient vitamins, minerals, trace elements and secondary plant substances, which is usually done through the diet. However, since natural foodstuffs have long since lost their value on Earth due to the application of chemicals and other toxins for rapid growth in the entire agricultural economy and also in the private sphere, even before the middle of the last century, since their invigorating naturalness for real nourishment has lost its value in a comprehensive way due to the use of chemicals and other toxins, the assistance of food supplements in the form of additional micronutrients has become necessary and supportive.
  2. overweight or underweight of the human body is in any case and without exception harmful to health, because first of all overweight increases the susceptibility to infections, while underweight, on the other hand, is usually accompanied by a nutrient deficiency as well as a mineral deficiency, which negatively affects the immune system.
  3. Furthermore, a high-fat diet is to be avoided, because this impairs the function of the immune system and thus increases the susceptibility to infections dramatically and uncontrollably.
  4. Care should be taken to ensure that sufficient omega-3 fatty acids are always consumed, which are contained in high quantities in fish as well as linseed and rapeseed oil, among others.
  5. It is a matter of course in a healthy diet that the diet should be varied and that one main food should not be used repeatedly within 12 days. This is because a diet that is too little varied is completely unable to provide the necessary natural minerals, which impairs the immune system and the general health of the body and thus promotes overweight or obesity.

If this is adhered to and what is learned is trained by the immune system, thereby strengthening the body’s own defences, only then can it function correctly. The immune system itself is a complex system formed by different organs, cells, tissues and signalling substances, which is also constantly alert to ward off any threats from all kinds of germs immediately and as quickly as possible. However, in order for this defence mechanism to really function smoothly, it is necessary for the human beings to pay attention to and do what is necessary.

The immune system is dependent on help and strengthening from the outside, consequently the human being should support it himself, among other things with:

  1. a truly balanced diet, which is varied and appropriate,
  2. as well as with necessary food supplements, which can also consist of tried and tested home remedies.

The intestine in particular, as part of the immune system, has a very great influence on the body’s own defences and thus also on health. The intestine, which is around six to nine metres long in normal human beings and also has a total surface area of around 400 square metres, is responsible for 77 to 83 percent of the immune defence in the entire body of a normal human being. The intestine decides what the intestinal barrier allows to enter the bloodstream and what not. The good bacteria are distinguished from the bad, just as pathogens are denied entry into the bloodstream. The intestine, which is part of the immune system and thus has a very great influence on the body’s own defences, is not only very important for human beings, it is vital. Thus the intestine, with its influence on the immune system, is the most important organ of all in this respect.

The brain is important for the immune system, because it is – but you are not to mention this later, as you are not to mention various other things, but which I will mark specifically so that you know what to keep quiet when you call up our conversation, but which you yourself can of course know, which is why I will also mention it – with regard to … responsible for … and the blood-brain-…, because … the immune cells … in …, which means that the brain has a very important influence on the immune system. … A human being – like you, you are aware of this because we have already talked about this in detail when you suffered a left-sided stroke – whose brain has been damaged by a stroke, is consequently more susceptible to infections caused by pathogens, and this is especially the case when the left hemisphere of the brain has been damaged. It is also worth mentioning that left-sided brain damage has a negative effect on the immune system of the intestine. …

It is also to be explained that in human beings, in animals, as well as in various other living beings, certain genes have an influence on the immune system, and also on various brain functions of various brain areas. Immunological diseases are also able to negatively influence the memory function of the memory and the vegetative nervous system. This is because permanent stress also influences and damages brain activity in the same way as two very important nervous systems are influenced by the brain, namely the sympathetic nervous system, which as part of the autonomic nervous system supplies the intestines in particular, and the parasympathetic nervous system, which belongs to the involuntary autonomic nervous system and is responsible for relieving tension and regeneration, whereby the respiratory rate and heart rate flatten out. Permanent stress can cause lasting damage to the immune system, because stress, like certain other nerve stimuli, is able to penetrate directly into the immune cells in the brain, thus influencing the brain and thus the immune system negatively or positively. In this case, stress in particular is one of the influencing factors that have a very negative effect. The two nerve cords sympathetic and parasympathetic, starting from the brain and running through the whole body, correspond to a necessity that is extremely vital with regard to consciousness and the psyche. They also supply important organs and cells, including the spleen and the lymph nodes, where parts of the immune system are located.

To explain this with regard to the immune system is the most important thing that actually every human being should know.
That is really steep, but whether the majority of Earth-humans really grasp it and really understand it is probably too much to ask. The majority would rather believe in a delusion of God than think for themselves and do what is correct.

But what about recognising, as I learned from Sfath, that there are living beings in the air as well as in the water that have nothing to do with the plankton beings or aeroplankton beings, such as algae, spores, plant seeds and viruses, pollen, thunderstorm beings, bacteria of the canopy spiders, etc.? Living beings, in other words, that have not yet been discovered by scientists because they lack the apparatus and instruments to do so. Is it fair to assume that findings will soon be made in this regard?

That will take a very long time, because the life you are referring to is the finest bioaerosols or the tiniest micro-organisms, which cannot be investigated with the equipment etc. that exists on Earth today, let alone fathom them. These are many times tinier than anything that the scientists responsible for this have been able to find out and determine with their apparatus and devices, because these are still very primitive and far removed from what would be useful to find out what is necessary.

And yet they think how clever they are and that they have eaten all knowledge with the shovels. So it is not, as Sfath said in the 1940s, that what already exists in the new millennium is only a beginning of what must be brought into existence, and that is much more than the earthling could ever imagine. All the technical achievements, which, moreover, will only be brought about from the 21st century onwards, are practically only a drop in the ocean, which can only be touched with gloves, because first everything has to be invented, which will take a long time into the 3rd millennium, and before that is possible – provided that it is possible at all due to overpopulation. This because this had already laid the foundation stone at the beginning of the new millennium for the fact that … … …

But you should …

… of course, you’re right. But if I want to talk about something else, it occurs to me that I have been asked about the biblical giant Goliath, as well as Gog and Magog Enag. Unfortunately, with Sfath I only saw Goliath, who was actually no taller than Danel, who measures 250 cm. But as for the others, I don’t know if they really existed?

I’m afraid I don’t know that either, because I didn’t travel around in the past to find out whether they were real or not.

The tallest giant I know personally, that is Andron, who is 550 cm tall, who Bruni also saw when he was leaning comfortably against the roof skylight at the house. Then, on the way to the air tower, the army night watchman who cut down young trees for more than 3,000 francs saw him. His reaction was completely idiotic, because he ran down to the guardhouse in fear and shot himself.

I am aware of that.

What do you think or what do the Plejaren think about sportsmen and sportswomen playing sports for money instead of doing real work?

The same thing I wonder about concerning football, tennis and other kinds of popular stupidity and that through the stupidity of the spectators and fanatics the players etc. can ‘earn’ a lot of money and live on it in joys and glory, as you often say in other relation, because they get millions through the stupidity of their followers belonging to both sexes, I find that disgusting. We Plejaren do not have such things, if only because we do not know money. And as for the stupidity of the followers, whose enthusiasm often corresponds to fanaticism, these human beings would do well if they were to take a job or a hobby on their own initiative.

Then something about neonicotinoids, which penetrate into the plant cells, as well as other insecticides. In total, all these poisons have already wiped out about 75% of the insect world, as you said, but practically humanity is also being treated with these poisons and exposed to diseases or death. This without the majority of earthlings really caring. Only a few environmentally conscious people are doing something about it, but what they are doing is something like a drop in the ocean, so their efforts are actually useless. Also, according to your measurements, there is much more fine plastic in the air, in the water and in all possible and impossible places on meadows, in forests and everywhere else, that the Earth is really contaminated with all kinds of toxins with plastic. We are mainly talking about plastic that is as fine as dust and is therefore not perceived by human beings, but which is deposited in the lungs and intestines through inhalation and even gets into the brain and thus ultimately impairs its function. This is not yet known to those of our scientists who are concerned with environmental pollution, whereby plastic is also brought up, but not in a form that really corresponds to what you have fathomed with certainty.

Already about 7 years ago we talked privately about the fact that microplastics organically change human beings and their brains, this among other substances, as you said. I also remember that you explained that very fine plastic particles etc. also change the thinking and mentality of human beings, through plastic particles and other material particles that are as fine and small as dust. But the organism of animals and all living beings in general is also affected by this, as you said. But we also talked about the fact that the mentality of the majority of humanity, as well as their general behaviour, could no longer escape dumbing down. Human beings will no longer be able to cope with life properly, which in time will reach global proportions and increasingly bring the psyche of many people into such turmoil and disorder that many suicides will be committed, human beings who have gone crazy will commit murders unexpectedly out of the blue and for incomprehensible reasons, and they will also be mentally ill for the rest of their lives.

Since about the second half of the last century, all the poison spread by the chemical industry has had an effect on all natural foodstuffs and also on the human being’s brain, and thus also on his thinking, and also on the animals, the creatures, the fish, birds and creepers, and on all genera and species of walking beings in general, and also on all genera and species of all other living beings. Consequently, countless living creatures have died up to the present time, and this will continue to be the case from now on and in the future. The application of all kinds of chemicals for many decades has also led to many plants being poisoned and wiped out with chemical poisons, as well as many wild creatures finding no or only scarce food and thus migrating from their traditional areas and settling in new areas, where they may cause damage. Wolves, for example, look for new habitats because in their previous home ranges the hunters have largely shot down their prey. But the same thing is also happening to other life-forms, such as deer, whose young are being killed by irresponsible farmers by ruthlessly mowing down meadows without first searching everywhere in the grass to see where young deer are lying and ensuring that they do not meet a cruel death at the hands of the mowing machines. But many farmers and managers of large agricultural enterprises don’t care, because they are only interested in making money. The fact that a lot of wild life is killed and thus more and more wild creatures are wiped out is of no interest to the money-grubbers.

Many ecological areas and other areas have been destroyed beyond repair by chemicals, and the chemical companies that produce the chemical poison have earned and continue to earn themselves silly with it, unconscionably shovelling billions upon billions. This is also the case with the waste of useless or dangerous substances in general, such as partly with ineffective Corona vaccines, to which many human beings have fallen victim and through which many more human beings will die, because certain vaccines used have not been sufficiently tested or are useless or simply unsuitable in their effectiveness.

And this has been manifesting itself on a daily basis for a long time. We first noticed the dumbing down, as you call it, of young Earth-humans back in 1984. They have also become dependent and fanatical and in many cases without control, also the adult human beings of both sexes, especially from sports fanaticism, which is related to the activities of those who practice sports for financial gain. Earth-humans have also allowed themselves to be enslaved by technology, whereby communication technology in particular has led to a lack of personality, i.e. to the loss of personal relationships between human beings. Connections of a personal nature have developed to the point of insignificance, and marital unions have become dependent on very large financial assets, as well as on the degree of public awareness of the persons.

Continue ReadingThe Immune System

Billy Meier Contact 14th July

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Billy talking with the Plejaren Ptaah

However, as far as the state leaders and a large part of the population of various Earth states are concerned, they are allowing themselves to be beguiled and misled by the two-part state leadership of America and by the Ukrainian warmonger Zelensky, as well as by his feigned anxious pleading – which, as a trained actor, he has more than mastered. This is clearly because all those who support him are, for their part, non-thinkers and thus stupid, unable to make up their own minds. In their non-thinking they are will-less slaves of Zelensky and let him decide how they should align themselves in their opinion and partisanship, thoughtlessly in his and America’s favour, by having him direct their actions according to his and the USA’s will. This is without them being able to realise in their non-thinking, i.e. in their stupidity, that they are ensnared by Zelensky and are absolutely slavishly in bondage to him and America and are being misled by a widely spread false propaganda that Russia and China are the bad guys who are trying to dominate the world with all their might. This corresponds to an unparalleled lie that is being spread worldwide by America and is captivating all believers and supporters of the USA. This is the case with the simplest human beings of the majority of the population, as well as with the leaders of the various states, including Ukraine, who are not capable of thinking for themselves and making their own decisions, but are subjugated by Zelensky, who embodies nothing other than a puppet of America. He is surreptitiously controlled by the powerful of America’s state leadership, who in turn – sometimes knowingly, but usually unknowingly – direct their actions according to the powerful of the dark state leadership who secretly influence them. Thus Zelensky, in his stupidity and greed for power as well as in his pathological megalomania, is rightly controlled by the dark forces of America, as is also the official state leadership of America, whose supreme power, according to our findings, has so far succumbed to a still mild form of senility. The fact is, however, that America’s entire leadership, as well as the Ukrainian President Zelensky, are nothing more than puppets of the American dark forces, which control the entire economy of every sector, as well as all the political machinations of the USA abroad, respectively everywhere on Earth, where America and its secret services have their dirty fingers in the pie, as you like to say. The fact that America is usurping world domination and has been doing so for a long time is truly no secret to those human beings who are still capable of thinking for themselves.

Billy: Already Wendelle Stevens complained to me that the rulers of the USA and their secret services have been striving since time immemorial only for the domination of the world and would truthfully disregard and deceive the people. Still the world has not understood that every war in which the US and with it NATO gets involved is for the sole purpose of securing world domination for America.

Ptaah: That is so and it will remain so.

Billy: Yes, nothing can be done about it, not even by us, which is why we have to go along with it. It is clear to me that I am in hot water and have to fear that I will be shot out of my life because we speak the truth in our conversations. It has been tried 24 times so far, and FIGU core group members have been there several times and were even in danger of being shot, but fortunately they missed, but it may be that once … well, it doesn’t matter. But something else: What about the fact that the Corona epidemic is on the rise again?

Corona Epidemic:
Ptaah: That is an inevitable consequence of the wrong action taken with regard to the perverse orders of the state leaders who removed the compulsory requirement of wearing respirators and keeping their distance.

Billy: So mask wearing and spacing should continue to be observed.

Ptaah: That is and will continue to be required for some time, and that is that the FFP2 respirator is required to be used. So act as I have advised you, because the Corona plague is ….

Billy: … not yet over, I know that, also that the epidemic will never disappear again in such a way that it cannot claim victims again even after 1000 years, because it can just die down and suddenly come back unexpectedly, but again in a new form, because it mutates inexorably over and over again, as it could be practised artificially and will therefore continue to happen in this way. But let’s leave that alone, because the question still arises as to whether one day the truth will come out in the open as to how and why this epidemic came about artificially, precisely through laboratory work in China, whereby Mao and … were the two decisive people that the epidemic could come about on their behalf? In this regard, I don’t know what the distant future holds, because Sfath and I have not fully explored everything far enough.

Ptaah: Yes, all this is correct, but the truth will be stopped with many lies, consequently this will be covered up for a very long time and disclosure will be questionable. We do not know either, for we too have not gone far enough in this matter. For the time being, however, it should not be made known that an American and Mao are the culprits who caused the Corona plague to be produced by laboratory work, that is what I can say. However, it was not intended that this disease should spread into a pandemic, because the intention of … was to cause an epidemic in the USA as an act of revenge for … A ‘research group’ was founded some time ago to cover up the fact, insisting that bats were the original carriers of the Corona virus and had transmitted it to human beings and various animals. But this is not true, as we know very well, because this lie does not correspond to the fact. However, they do not want this to become public, so they are using all kinds of lies and means to try to pin the cause of the Corona epidemic on bats. It is convenient for the liars that flying creatures infected with the disease pathogens were released by the accident in Wuhan and have since spread the disease, not only to human beings, but also to their own kind and to various other genera and species of living beings. However, to fathom these genera and species is a very lengthy matter, so we refrain from doing further research on this.

Billy: Then it is just not determined if at all or when the whole thing will be uncovered. However, for us at FIGU, it is certain that we will abide by your advice and continue to wear the respirators and keep the distance when we meet with foreign people, like visitors.

Ptaah: That is correct, and with foreign visitors you must ensure that proof of non-infection is produced, with no more than 24 hours ago. That should continue to be the case until the Corona epidemic is very low risk of infection.

Billy: But that is still some time away, as I know from my time with Sfath.

Ptaah: About which, however, you are not to divulge any further information.

Billy: I don’t have that in mind, but I can say that at least in the early days of the epidemic, the vaccine thing was a hoax and countless human beings fell for it and also died because of it.

Continue ReadingBilly Meier Contact 14th July

REPORT 28th July

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Extracts from GCR July 28

Themrpool is a very important channel that will be used to post extremely sensitive evidence that has been revealed to us.The channel is owned and managed by the “MR. POOL” – I can’t stress how important it is to join and share this channel with everyone you know. The evidence that will be posted there will be devastating for the fascists. It’s all coming to an end. New beginning for us! The channel will be made private very soon, so only those who join will be able to see and share the bombshell! SECRET VIDEO will be shared in 72 hours, Are you ready to see? SHARE !

Every Q Warrior should share this list of channels – It’s extremely important for all of you to share and follow EVERY channel from this list for a reason that you will soon understand. @JFKAwakenlngQ17, @Q17_mr, @Q_selected, @Q_P0WER, @Survivor_Q
The Investigator:
Hacked documents of Biden:
QAnon Livestream: Punisher Q17:
Private Q Evidence:

White Hat Intel:
Russian, Israel, Australia Military were quite aware that Star Link was a go. Their cables were smiling and they were sharing the news on the inside channels.
The Red Cross is corrupt and used as a piggy bank. Paris accord = scam (trillions) Red Cross = scam (billions) Foreign Aid = scam (trillions) WAR = scam (trillions) and it goes on and on. Who audits where the money actually goes? Who actually receives the money? The hole is deep.
San Juan is Bill Gate’s Getty. San Juan connects Epstein to the CIA, the NSA, and Bill Gates, and organized use of slaves to develop Vril. There are 3 untouched DUMBs on these islands. There is a Submarine entrance, and tubes leading into the Pacific. There is also a major portal in operation off the coast that has been there for 30 years
The game: You won’t see it until you understand it. Understand that there are higher dark forces at the power wheel of this planet who are in control. Powers that do not want the best for you and me. This is your wake up call: WEF/ WHO/ WWF/ UN/ CERN and Switzerland. Switzerland, one of the few countries to remain completely independent during the Second World War. A lot of people talk about (WEF) World Economic Forum, (WHO) World Health Organization, (WWF) World Wide Fund for Nature, (UN) United Nations, (CERN) European Council for Nuclear Research. Where are the headquarters of these organizations located? All in Switzerland.
If you delve into the book ‘The great Reset’ by Professor Klaus Schwab, you will soon discover that this book is a summary of all the ideologies of all these organizations. These organizations are completely led from the rulers of the world. The people with the most money. They are also all maintained by the same shareholders. All these organizations act as if they want the best for people, but if you look at what they actually do, you will soon notice that this is not the case. Also, all these organizations are led by people who claim to have many titles, but are mainly concerned with public administration and total control of the entire world.
The Great Reset begins with Schwab explaining how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the entire world. If you realize that this entire pandemic only exists because it was worked out in CERN and then declared as a pandemic by the WHO, you understand that this is only a continuation of the elaborated plan.
The conceived climate crisis has been completely indoctrinated by the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) to give us the idea that they were really busy saving nature and animals.
The WWF is also an independent foundation registered under Swiss law but led by the International Presidency. The shareholders of this organization are again The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, The Rothschild Foundation and well, it is fully funded from The Bilderberg Group.
The WHO (World health Organization) also claims to be an independent organization that fully stands for global leadership on human health. This organization also consists entirely of gifts from shareholders. Shareholders who keep coming from the same corner.
The UN (United Nations) proclaims that it is there for all people and that it wants to help solve poverty and especially war. They often use the slogan “There is only 1 Earth” – More like “There is only 1 boss”.
if you look at the shareholders of the UN again, you will find out that these are the same people again. And well, these people invest a lot of money in creating war in order to keep their own finances optimal.
All these organizations ultimately have only 1 goal: To completely monopolize the whole world, and to treat ordinary people like animals.
WEF uses the slogan “Committed to improving the state of the world.” Which world? I wonder then because Mr Klaus Schwab may be the founder of this Forum in 1971. He is also, according to the information, the sole chairman of this Forum.

The WEF is also fully linked to the Bilderberg Group.
The indoctrination of the school system is already optimal and is also completely controlled from the WEF, only by George Soros, the great philanthropist who also wants nothing more than to help the people. In any case, he says. You can’t tell me that sex education for children from 4 years old contributes to improving the world.
This is what all these leaders do. They give themselves titles and buy people’s adoration with a lot of money. If you really look at whether these people actually have knowledge, this is often not the case. It is an illusion with wizards and warlocks who under the guise of saving the world are currently destroying the whole world and are more concerned about how to exterminate people than they are really busy making one good world for everyone.
Money and power always come first with the Elders of Zion. With this they have been playing their ultimate divide and conquer game for years. A game that the common people really have nothing to do with.
Symbolism is very important for this group of people. If you look at the logos you will also encounter these a lot. The comparison of the logo of the Red Cross and the Swiss flag is clear I would say.
Now you know now you’re in trouble but it’s gonna be okay. The power of Light also organizes itself. Jump on board. Light always wins. And, so it is.

Military Alliance Operations to capture Cern Super Computer “Tier 0”
In Early 2012 MiL. Operations began to infiltrate the CIA CERN facility and map the underground tunnels systems that connected the European continent through the world using  Super fast Maglev trains .
By 2014 over 300 military operators had infiltrated the deep state CERN operations as workers, technicians, engineers and scientists and by 2014 the first waves of tectonic weapons were used to collapsed tunnel systems that connected France, Italy, Austria to the CIA lake Geneva underground head quarters. Operations were conducted from Norway via Germany with ALLIANCE military force ops. By 2017 The eventual sabotage from within CERN and outside tunnel corridor’s that housed Nuclear Energy were dismantled by Special forces and short Battle took place beneath lake Geneva and by midsummer the Supercomputer came into the hands of Mil. White Hats.
Orders are sent out from CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva to 11 CIA substations around the world, one of which is located in Langley, Virginia. More than 150 “Tier 2” institutions are subsequently connected to the CIA’s 11 “Tier 1” institutions, creating a network of CIA sub-stations that double as Research and Education Network (NREN) centers. Although NRENs are allegedly dedicated to supporting the needs of research and education within a given community, they actually serve as the CIA’s secret sub-station which conducts assassinations, espionage, and terror attacks.
BY 2019 Whites Hats military operations took full control of the CERN.
The technology inside CERN is deeply connected to The ROSWELL CRASH and TESLA CLASSIFIED technology ( both connect time traveling. Roswell UFO technology opens doors to portals 400 Mile’s below the Earth’s crust and mantel that houses another ocean and hidden society)
The French ROTHSCHILDs Elite family who help create the FBI with descendants of Jesuits Army and Napoleon blood lines stole the technology from the United States military in the 1900s. Until now the Q CLASSIFIED operations has finally back in it’s grasp one of humanities greatest machines that measures 17 miles in length and has the power to recreate time/ has healing properties and connects CIVILIZATIONs across the universe and through the Earth’s inner most planetary secrets.
The Khazarian Civilization worshiped Lucifer, or Baal. They were located around Russia and Ukraine. They told everyone they were Jewish in order to avoid the outcry of them being of Lucifer. They were called the Bolsheviks around the turn of the century. The Bolshivik Revolution murdered around 30 million or more by reports. Now these same fake Jewish Bolsehviks went to Israel when it formed and joined others like the Rothschilds, Illuminati in Israel, Mossad and Bloodlines of the Illuminati, politicians, Hollywood.

Continue ReadingREPORT 28th July

NEWS 23rd June

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NWO Globalist Cabal Coercing the Western Powers to Trigger a Full-blown World War III Scenario
The US government just announced they are sending more HIMARS weapon systems to Ukraine since the last batch were so successful in inflicting damage on the Russian military.
Which means that the Kremlin is right now plotting a military response that will shock and awe the decision-making power centers of the Zio-Anglo-American Axis which are recklessly prosecuting the Ukraine proxy war from Brussels, Washington, London and Tel Aviv.
Not only are the Western powers aggressively arming Ukraine to the hilt, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are being secretly commanded from behind the scenes by US, UK and NATO military command centers.

High Alert!!!
At 9 pm EST on Fri. 22 July word was received that the Chinese Elders have signed the proper documents and the RV would start immediately.
Bond Holders and Tier 4B will go together and simultaneously. Zim Bonds will be redeemed to fund projects for Humanitarian purposes. The Iraqi and Iranian Dinars, Vietnamese Dong and India Rupiah were with other currencies in the first basket.

Restored Republics Update:
It has long been said that a major Earth-Shattering Event like a Solar Flare Power Grid Shutdown, Resignation of Biden, Nuclear Threat, or Declaration of War would trigger a Military takeover of Cabal-led governments across the globe.

The purpose of Martial Law: to maintain order until valid elections could be held in each country based on the basic Human Rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

That Great Reveal Mass Military Action was expected to occur sometime between now and Sat. 30 July 2022.

That Military Action would likely include global Martial Law, along with launch of the Emergency Broadcast System and a ten day lockdown of the world economy, while eight hour documentaries played 24/7 to inform the general public on reasons for worldwide Mass Arrests.

It was highly recommended that households store a three week supply of food, fuel, essential items and cash in case of ATM, or Bank failure.

On 3 Nov. 2020 the US Presidential Election was won by President Donald Trump in all 50 states. The Deep State tried to rig it, but official ballots were electronically watermarked and counted by the US Military.

On January 20, 2021, at 12:00 a.m., the United States was taken over by a military government led by Military Secretary General Christopher Miller and the Commander in Chief, the duly elected President Donald Trump.

We were watching a movie to expose the Illuminati Cabal – a movie scripted by the White Hats: Head of the US Provisional Military Government, General Christopher Miller, recently announced that Biden has been dead for three years. Ever since, a fake Biden, played by three different actors, was destroying America. His latest was his intent to sign HR Amendment 4350 that gave him dictatorial powers under Martial Law.

The Real News for Fri. 22 July 2022:
Hillary’s Uranium One Document with her signature, gets leaked.

Fri. 22 July 2022 Washington DC: Why are they installing barbed wire all around Capitol Hill?

“Clinton Cabal Exposed” has made the front page of the New York Post. Drip, drip, drip. The word Cabal is hitting the mainstream now. It’s no longer a conspiracy theory.

Obama’s mother is the product of a fling between Hitler and his housekeeper in Argentina. That means Obama is Hitler’s grandson. Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, is Hitler’s daughter and Obama’s aunt.

AOC Admits Her “Arrest” was Staged:
“If I Go to Jail, I Go to Jail. I Will Never Back Off — I Support Trump and the Constitution!” – Steve Bannon BRINGS THE FIRE on Tucker Carlson Following Friday Court Verdict:

Special Q Forces Intel:
With all the properties and assets seized by Executive Order 13818, the massive construction project began. This process removed all the underground tunnel systems, deep underground military bases in areas throughout the world and replacing any previously used concrete designed by China. That includes pavements, roads, highways and sidewalks – This included our Military with ships that were weakened intentionally, a depleted defense allowing the complete takeover of America.

White Hat Intel:
Trump knew his warnings wouldn’t get through to these thick skulled lunatics. Hence why we’re in the situation we’re in right now. Telling them was never going to be enough. Not with the Fake News Media. Trump knew the only way would be to show them firsthand what life is like under a radicalized socialist extremist government. Then, and ONLY then, will people wake up and realize how good they had it under Trump’s America.
Then you also have to account for the fact that Big Pharma, Big Tech, Hollywood, the Vatican, MSM, the CCP, Iran, & Compromised DC Swamp officials all wanted Trump dead. They wanted him dead so badly that they tried assassinating him more than 30 separate times over the course of 4 years. It got worse once Epstein was in prison. And it got even worse when Trump cracked down on Big Pharma price gouging.
He told us he needed to go away for a while. He told us we won. He told us we will see the triumphant return a lot sooner than we think. He told us how important “Optics” are playing this dangerous game. He told us that we’d be victorious in the end. He told us there’d be a transition into the next Trump administration. He told us how important having faith in Jesus Christ is. He told us the best is yet to come. Well it’s been roughly a month since he’s been out of office & I’m still comfy. I know what’s coming.

Cutting off the Deep State Cabal Kazarian Regime:

Afghanistan has cut off the Deep State CABAL from the heroin connected to big Pharma money productions.
Middle East, South America Venezuela has cut off oil to BIDEN KAZARIAN regime
Several countries in the Americas and EU have cut ties off with the American corporations FIAT money system. Several countries across the world have denied Biden and said NO to attending the his Americas summit meeting invite.
Fall of the Cabal: It’s becoming more and more evident the fall of the world Deep State is taking place and we are inside the Storm! Military Ops were green:
Destruction of the Georgia Guidestones which were under 24 hour surveillance was destroyed by bombs and the full video has disappeared from the security company. Hours later the Guidestones were fully dismantled using heavy machinery.
Fall of the Deep State UK Government as Military Ops standby in assistance, White Hat FBI raid and retrieve computers, hard drives and servers inside the Royal government as several cabinet members resign and several operations took place through London in the early hours before Prime Minister Boris Johnson resigned.
Operation London Bridge is Falling Down in Full effect as the majesty regimen plans for the announcement of the Queens Death to be revealed, which leads to a newly installed government by the people.
In 2021 the UK had 22 Trillion in Gold delivered by the U.S. military from Cheyenne mountains military base operations.
Vatican Underground DUMBS connected to CERN Super Computer. Data is reportedly sent out from CERN via the LHCOPN to 11 “Tier 1” academic institutions in Asia, Europe (Vatican) and North America via dedicated 10 Gbit/s links. Translation: orders are sent out from CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva to 11 CIA substations around the world, one of which is located in Langley, Virginia. More than 150 “Tier 2” institutions are subsequently connected to the CIA’s 11 “Tier 1”
The Vatican Tunnels, over 1000 years old, housed two Supercomputers that connected the world wide money laundering system to the CIA 4rth Reich regimen/ Jesuits/ Rothschilds/ Rockefellers families Digital money laundering system that connected to Asia, U.S. and all of Europe.
Two different fires broke out through Vatican City. Some reports say 3 areas, but Mainstream Media only reports one fire with conflicting reports.
Assassination of the Prime Minister of Japan, who handed over servers and computers to Military Operations, exposing the truth of the Fukushima Event and planned invasion of China through Events: North Korean, Russia, Taiwan, Japan, U S. (But Russia and Taiwan declined to be in the Bush/Obama planned intent). Sources report the Prime Minister was in close contact with Trump. Was his death fake/planned/ a message?
The Fall of Shri Lanka (major plans are slated to use Sri Lanka as a Betta testing ground to see a regimen fall & quickly rebuild through gold backed GESARA currency.
Lebanon currently in Media Blackouts. The country is in current blackouts thru cities and villages as a Military Operation was happening through the country that connected to Arrests and Deep State generals
The largest Kazarian Mafia Regimes in the US, France, Canada and Italy were in current Military operations of COLLAPSE.
France was falling as the Macron Crime Syndicate Regime start jumping ship and abandoning his position as criminal investigation into Macron started.
U.S. Biden Regime in free fall as more mainstream media turn against him. Washington post. New York times Red Pilling Liberals questioned his authority and the whole administration.
Hunter Biden laptop leaks and phone leaks hit the world stage as MSM News reports on Biden and questions U S. Presidency.
Europe was in full collapse as markets crash, small banks close and MSM reports on recession.
Putin summed up the world situation as “the beginning of the fundamental collapse of the American-style world order…of the transition from liberal globalist American egocentrism to a truly multi-polar world.
“Russia and its president Vladimir Putin are conducting this struggle in the name of humanity, against the terroristic and hostile alliance known as NATO,” Venezuelan Foreign Minister Carlos Faria

GESARA means global military forces shrink significantly and all wars cease.
We are transitioning to global CYBERCOM, AI defenses, and smaller elite tactical units.
Thurs. 21 July: US Army confirmation of initiating GESARA plans. The Secretary of the Army and the Chief of Staff of the Army issued a dual-signed memorandum to all Army commanders. The Letter confirms the Army is: -shrinking Total Army org -relying on and increasing Reserves for current ops (confirming older posts on Reserve letters being sent out) -expanding CYBERCOM -reorganizing into 5 MDTF.
Only Military Intelligence will remain. Like Q shows NATO, UK Royals, CIA, Mossad & 5 eyes etc all dissolve.

Continue ReadingNEWS 23rd June

NWO Control Update 26th July

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*If you have been jabbed, do not use a cell phone while you are charging it.
You Will Never Look At Using A Charging Cellphone The Same Way!! Two Cellphone Energy Attacks Caught On Video!!

Facial Recognition – Digital Identity or Digital Dictatorship?
*Important to watch from 9:40
Big brother is watching!
*Cameras being installed all around the world to build a seemingly innocuous digital prison.
Open air concentration camps – smart cities – Australia, Canada.
Facial Recognition on i-phones – Supposedly for security & safety – For Digital Identity.
In China an app is available so you can find your “social score”. Also in Ukraine.

Shedding Confirmed – The Jabbed Are “Vaccinating” the Unjabbed
Dr. Jane Ruby & Dr. Philippe Van Welbergen

Covid/Monkey Pox/Vax Hoax
France provides photos of children who needlessly died from Convid vaccinations.

Golan Ashton (Human rights Lawyer) analysis of the legal situation in Israel regarding compulsory vaccinations: People in Israel suffer existential vaccination pressure. Highest Israeli court: people denied entry to public buildings if they have not been vaccinated or tested. Most doctors are silent for fear of their jobs, anyone who talks is muzzled. No support in the courts, success only possible through strike, resistance and cohesion.

The Pfizer Study Documents: 1000+ pages and a long trail of anomalies & proof of fraud. Pandemic of the unvaccinated? No trace of it in the global “control group” of the unvaccinated. Suppression of the innate immune system by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and microRNAs. Political immunity and double standards in the legal system.

Bluetooth Signals Come From Injected Persons And The Chip Can Be Deactivated Using This Simple Procedure!!
Maria Zeee with Tivon & Hope (Clean Energy Academy)
It could take 1 year before structures formed inside people.
Mike Yeardon suggested 2-5 years before people started dropping dead from the jab.
6-8 babies/kids cremated at a time in a hospital – English funeral director John O’Looney.
Hydrogels & nanotech in Covid jabs.
GO- structures grow & replicate inside the body.
Proteins with nanotech instructions used to build scaffolding within the human body.
People should detox.
A Tesla coil placed over the injection site will neutralise the chip – a large pulsed em field.
Chip not always transmitting a code. It needs to be stimulated.
Chip does not stay at injection site – it may migrate.
There may be more than 1 chip.
*Maybe a Cornet ED-88T can locate the chip. Also a SOTA (Canada) em pulser may neutralise the chip.

Continue ReadingNWO Control Update 26th July

The Real News 21st July

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From Judy Byington

According to General Christopher Miller, Secretary of the Army and Head of the Provisional Military Government of the United States:

On November 3, 2020 the US Election was won by President Donald Trump in all 50 states as proven in watermarked ballots counted by the Military.

On January 20, 2021, at 12:00 a.m., the United States was taken over by a military government led by Military Secretary General Christopher Miller and Commander in Chief, the duly elected President Donald Trump.

Michelle Obama’s mother Mary Robinson recently died. In her Will she left all possessions to “my son Michael Robinson Obama.”

Covid/Monkey Pox/Vax Hoax:
DEATH SHOTS: Not only does Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) not protect against COVID, but official government data from Canada shows that COVID “vaccines” INCREASE the risk of death from Covid.

New COVID-19 vaccines will be designed for “immune imprinting,” leading to more vaccinated people getting sick

Desperate media trying to keep Covid delusion alive, but hospital officials reveal it’s all “hype”

Germany: German Ministry of Health: “One in 5,000 is affected by a severe adverse reaction after a COVID vaccination.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Responds After Fauci Admits Vaccines Don’t Protect ‘Overly Well’ Against Virus:

Do you understand the Big Pharma Evil scam now? Everybody they kill with their toxic pills and opioids are just classified as Cancer, Sudden deaths, cardiac arrests, etc. Big Pharma are protected by the Law and Government with no liabilities. So they are poisoning people worldwide and making TONS of money doing it. Then if they die, they will NEVER correlate to any pills they take and they will say any other cause of deaths. Why do you think prescription drugs rises at the same time as cancer and heart attacks, etc. While Big Pharma profits rises too. It’s a MASSIVE global scam. And all Doctors are just Drug dealers paid commission by corrupt Big Pharma criminals. When doctors clients dies, it doesn’t matter at all, they just replace them with new clients bringing even more money. Do NOT trust your killer Doctor. They are killing people and this is crimes against humanity. This is also why Trump wants death penalty for “Drug Dealers”. This is NOT for natural Cannabis/Mushrooms sellers. This is for Killer Big Pharma Opioids and Doctors sellers that are killing MILLIONS per year with this disguised scam. People are getting poisoned by toxic chemicals in petrolium based meds prescribed by Doctors that are supposed to be health experts helping us not killing us. Doctors get paid commission for selling meds for Big Pharma. Do you really think they think about your health or about money? If one pill is making them more money but worse for you, they’ll always choose money. That’s why they are making supwr high salaries $300k/year and even more. They get paid all inclusive travels and vacations to attend Big Pharma fake “Seminars” and getting brainwashed and bought. This is straight up selling your soul to the Devil. Time to wake up NOW!

Bill Gates Doctor Evil #2. Stanley Johnson, father of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, wrote a novel called ‘The Virus’ in 1982. The novel was originally titled ‘The Marburg Virus’. Johnson got this out-of-print novel republished in 2020 to capitalize on the hysteria generated by the plandemic.

The Real News for Wed. 20 July 2022:

  • Joe Biden just announced he has Cancer.
  • Italy’s PM Draghi is expected to resign tomorrow.
  • Tues. 19 July Barcelona: Catalonia Battles Wildfires: Firefighters, along with local volunteers, are battling huge blazes in the Manresa area near Barcelona, which have engulfed 46 hectares, sending huge columns of smoke into the sky.
  • London: Multiple fires have broken out in the Greater London Area. Firefighters were battling the blazes amid the UK’s hottest day on record where temperatures hit 40.2ºC (104.4ºF), according to The Times.
  • Greece: Massive wildfire rages near Athens, multiple homes destroyed. Cleanout – the battle has arrived at the surface.
  • Idaho: Idaho has an underwater Area 51 and it’s fascinating. In this mysterious lake, there’s more than just a legendary water monster hiding beneath the surface!
  • Nevada: Strange holes have appeared in the Nevada Desert. Under the desert, besides DUMBS and Tunnel Systems, there was a huge submarine port connected to Hoover Dam, and Hoover Dam was undercut from a huge fire at the bottom of the Dam on Tues. 19 July 2022.
  • Dutch government conspiring with WEF to usher in “Great Reset”
  • Dutch government conspiring with WEF to usher in “Great Reset”:
  • Trump confirmed that Hillary Clinton was executed years ago. Trump posted a video of HRC at Gitmo mixed with his debate against her where he said he would appoint a special counsel to investigate her. Trump’s text: She knows where she’s going – 276 – Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay. By posting at 12:04 => 124 = One You See = Body Doubles = Real 1 Executed. These confirmations from Trump help re-assure those in the High IQ Anon community that there are multiple levels of reality occurring right now. In truth, HRC was likely executed in 2019, but in ‘the movie’ HRC is alive, will soon be arrested publicly, tried for her crimes & sentenced accordingly. In truth, Trump is likely still POTUS and we are in Devolution (Shadow Government) and Law Of War. In the movie, Biden is destroying America.
  • On Sat. 23 July the full show of “Antarctica, no longer a Conspiracy Theory” will be available. Highlights only here:
  • Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz slams woke leaders for ‘abdicating their responsibility’ to fight crime causing his chain to shutter 16 profitable stores because of assaults on staff – with MORE closures to come.
  • Russian military recently dropped a new finalized report on the entire US Biological weapons scheme… They claim the four masterminds atop the biological weapons network are Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, Joe Biden, and George Soros. As well as 12 other NATO countries knew of and assisted the US in this operation to develop biological weapons. They also include the US pharmaceutical companies Pfizer, Moderna, and others.
  • Michelle Obama’s mother Mary Robinson dies in Illinois, leaving all her possessions to “my son Michael Robinson Obama.” (It’s against the law in Illinois to change a person’s gender).
  • United Nations announces Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum and UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres have signed an agreement to ‘accelerate’ Agenda 2030. Everyone should be on RED ALERT RIGHT NOW.

Continue ReadingThe Real News 21st July

Real News 20th July

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The Real News for Wed. 20 July 2022:

  • Joe Biden just announced he has Cancer.
  • Italy’s PM Draghi is expected to resign tomorrow.
  • Tues. 19 July Barcelona: Catalonia Battles Wildfires: Firefighters, along with local volunteers, are battling huge blazes in the Manresa area near Barcelona, which have engulfed 46 hectares, sending huge columns of smoke into the sky.
  • London: Multiple fires have broken out in the Greater London Area. Firefighters were battling the blazes amid the UK’s hottest day on record where temperatures hit 40.2ºC (104.4ºF), according to The Times.
  • Greece: Massive wildfire rages near Athens, multiple homes destroyed. Cleanout – the battle has arrived at the surface.
  • Idaho: Idaho has an underwater Area 51 and it’s fascinating. In this mysterious lake, there’s more than just a legendary water monster hiding beneath the surface!
  • Nevada: Strange holes have appeared in the Nevada Desert. Under the desert, besides DUMBS and Tunnel Systems, there was a huge submarine port connected to Hoover Dam, and Hoover Dam was undercut from a huge fire at the bottom of the Dam on Tues. 19 July 2022.
  • Dutch government conspiring with WEF to usher in “Great Reset”
  • Dutch government conspiring with WEF to usher in “Great Reset”:
  • Trump confirmed that Hillary Clinton was executed years ago. Trump posted a video of HRC at Gitmo mixed with his debate against her where he said he would appoint a special counsel to investigate her. Trump’s text: She knows where she’s going – 276 – Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay. By posting at 12:04 => 124 = One You See = Body Doubles = Real 1 Executed. These confirmations from Trump help re-assure those in the High IQ Anon community that there are multiple levels of reality occurring right now. In truth, HRC was likely executed in 2019, but in ‘the movie’ HRC is alive, will soon be arrested publicly, tried for her crimes & sentenced accordingly. In truth, Trump is likely still POTUS and we are in Devolution (Shadow Government) and Law Of War. In the movie, Biden is destroying America.
  • On Sat. 23 July the full show of “Antarctica, no longer a Conspiracy Theory” will be available. Highlights only here:
  • Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz slams woke leaders for ‘abdicating their responsibility’ to fight crime causing his chain to shutter 16 profitable stores because of assaults on staff – with MORE closures to come.
  • Russian military recently dropped a new finalized report on the entire US Biological weapons scheme… They claim the four masterminds atop the biological weapons network are Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, Joe Biden, and George Soros. As well as 12 other NATO countries knew of and assisted the US in this operation to develop biological weapons. They also include the US pharmaceutical companies Pfizer, Moderna, and others.
  • Michelle Obama’s mother Mary Robinson dies in Illinois, leaving all her possessions to “my son Michael Robinson Obama.” (It’s against the law in Illinois to change a person’s gender).
  • United Nations announces Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum and UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres have signed an agreement to ‘accelerate’ Agenda 2030. Everyone should be on RED ALERT RIGHT NOW.

White Hat Intel:

  • It’s about the Flip:
  • The Vatican, UK Royals, CIA and Israeli/ Khazarian/ Bolshevic government Mossad control the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which controls the Mainstream Media, Big Pharma and Big Tech.
  • The UK Royals, Israel and CCP teamed up to commit espionage against the USA.
  • Who owns the CIA and Mossad? The Queen.
  • Who is responsible for 9/11? The Queen.
  • The Commonwealth was dissolving, with the Seven Kingdoms coming.
  • To become King you disband the Queen.
  • Turkey was taking Turan, while the US was taking the UK reign over Canada, Australia, NZ and Pacific Islands.
  • In 1855 ISIS was formed by Kings of Morocco & Libya. [Hassan Family]
  • They signed in the Mohameddi Law which was to kill the bloodlines of Jesus Christ [Druze].
  • Six years later they merged with Skull n Bones Rothschilds, Schiff, Rockefellers, Scherff aka Bush, Kissingers, etc.
  • The UK Royals artificially inseminated by the Rothschilds, had taken control of the Sanussi [HASSAN] Family of Libya. See the Sanussi Family [Black Flag]
  • ISIS was already created, it was just merged over.
  • Skull n Bones ISIS assassinated JFK.
  • See JFK meeting Crown Prince Hassan of Libya & King Hassan 2 of Morocco.
  • See Obama’s first year of Presidency, 2009.
  • Green Day released a song called “Know Your Enemy.” They told you ISIS will rise & don’t be blinded by “Lies in your eyes.”
  • Zbigniew Brzezinski created Tim Osman/OBL in the late 70s.
  • The Sanussi Hassan Family Flag and ISIS Flag were both black.
  • Sanctioned by the Queen of England, these guys killed JFK.
  • The clues are all in the Q Drops.
  • John Jr is after the Queen.
  • Trump will be the 19th President with John Jr. as VP.
  • In 2024 they stand down Trump to become King and he hands over the presidency to John Jr.
  • The US vs. China Tech War was a drama of epic proportions. Hence, why Stellar Networks was taking off.
  • Who controls China? Who owns the Wuhan Labs? Who was saved for last? The Balfour Declaration? UK & French Khazarian Rothschild’s “DID” control UK Royals, ISRAEL, CIA etc. The 1871 Act of England was flipped in 2019. It just was not yet exposed. (Think POTUS standing in front of the Queen)
  • There were three sides of the Triangle, plus the bombing of the 13 Illuminati families in Venice.
  • Saudi Arabia started happening in 2012. But just after “Las Vegas” failed, there was an assassination attempt on King Salman & POTUS in 2017.  (35 Saudi Prince’s including Bin Talal plus 2/300 officials were arrested.
  • The first Side FLIPPED very early. Rothschilds’ Central Banks, 1871 Act of England, Balfour Dec., UK Royals, Intel Agencies CIA, Mossad, Mi5, Vatican, Operation Defender Europe, plus Soros (that five foot-long gold casket was very interesting) – all of this in 2019, 2020, 2021.

Sun. 17 July 2022 in Washington DC the US Capitol construction continues according to footage of a Facial Recognition Camera at 5 pm EST on Tues. 19 July.

Continue ReadingReal News 20th July

Greatest Global Military Intel Sting

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Restored Republic Update: From a GCR
According to General Christopher Miller, Secretary of the Army and Head of the Provisional Military Government of the United States:

  • On November 3, 2020 the US Election was won by President Donald Trump in all 50 states as proven in watermarked ballots counted by the Military.
  • On January 20, 2021, at 12:00 a.m., the United States was taken over by a military government led by Military Secretary General Christopher Miller and Commander in Chief, the duly elected President Donald Trump.
  • Joe Biden died three years ago. The role of fake Joe B is played by three actors. All of these actors talk and do what President Trump and the White Hat Military tell them to do. 
  • The White House, Capitol and all the federal buildings in Washington have been empty and closed since January 20, 2021.
  • The new Global Alliance of White Hats controls the situation of the whole planet.  Soon it will all be over!  In just a few days!
  • Near Death of Civilization Event: Nuclear Alarm sirens were on, yet most all cameras facing East in the nation have been shut off. Something big was going to happen. Prepare your minds for a near death experience of civilization event. What country would turn their cameras off that are there to warn it citizens? What are they hiding from us? Think about that. This is a matter of national security.
  • A Tues. 19 July explosion at Hoover Dam was believed connected to their Nuclear Reactors.
  • Evidently on Thurs. 21 July Joe Biden intended to sign “Climate Executive Orders,” giving him Military powers over the American people, even though just 1% of Americans named “Climate Change” as the most important issue facing the country in a recent NYT poll.
  • Australia just announced that it’s Military will become part of the US Military for all intents and purposes. Militaries are joining forces against invisible enemies within. This was done earlier but it’s public now. Canada, New Zealand and the Tongan Islands were expected to soon follow.
  • Could it be that certain departments in the US military are working behind the scenes to save the world from tyranny?
  • Australia: Now the Gas is running out…They are literally lying about everything. They even know the time, 5-730 pm tomorrow, they’ll simply switch it off….If you haven’t already realized, heads up, it’s a manufactured demolition…They work on fear, scaring you into compliance.
  • Michelle Obama’s mother Mary Robinson died in Illinois, leaving all her possessions to “my son Michael Robinson Obama.” It’s against the law in Illinois to change a person’s gender, so the wording of the Will couldn’t be changed or Michael-Michelle would receive nothing.

The Greatest Global Military Intel Sting Qperation in the Greatest Show on Earth:

  • Up to this date the Trump Presidency has been a secret Military Operation with the goal of cleaning up the planet from the Globalist New World Order Cabal and their dark minions.
  • General Christopher Miller, Secretary of the Army and Head of the Provisional Military Government of the United States, stated: “To my colleagues from Bulgaria: I understand from your comments that there has been a great fever and excitement in Bulgaria over the visit of the U.S. Secretary of the Military, fearing that this man will force Bulgaria into a war with Russia.  I bet many of you joined later and still believe the media that the United States has a new government headed by Joe Biden, who died three years ago. I also understand that many people do not read my posts carefully or visit my site by mistake.
  • In short, the US Election on November 3, 2020 was won by President Donald Trump in all 50 states.  The Deep State tried to rig it and the media reported that Joe B. won it for himself.  BUT! The official ballot was electronically watermarked, which the forgers were not aware of.  So every vote cast for President Trump was recorded on a quantum server and the fate of every ballot is known.
  • The Military Alliance behind President Trump decided to show people how deeply corrupt all government institutions were, and since then we have been watching a movie that really aims to open our eyes and wake us up so that this never happens again.
  • On January 20, 2021, at 12:00 a.m., the United States was taken over by a military government led by Military Secretary General Christopher Miller and Commander in Chief, the duly elected President Donald Trump. 
  • Until the November 2020 elections, Gen. Cr.  Miller was director of the National Counter-Terrorism Service, a disciple of Gen. Michael Flynn. 
  • The role of fake Joe B is played by three actors. I wrote about it and I will not repeat it.  Moreover, his entire “crew” is a cast selected by President Trump’s team.  All of his ministers are actors whose actions have no legal value – including this fake military minister who is visiting Bulgaria and making such a fuss – Lloyd Austin.
  • All of these actors talk and do what President Trump and the White Hat Military tell them to do.  This whole show is about waking people up and doing a lot of work behind the scenes.
  • The White House and the Capitol and all the federal buildings in Washington have been empty and closed since January 20, 2021. These people have never set foot there, nor do they have access to the Pentagon!  They are actors!  Hold on to it!
  • President Vladimir Putin is currently crushing the last remnants of the New World Order.  They are allies and collaborators of President Trump.  Supreme Commander in Chief of the US Army is President Trump!  He would never send US troops against any nation on the planet!  So there is no reason to fear American soldiers.
  • Here in Greece they are already looking forward to their second year as liberators from the Junta. There will be no world war!  Russia and the United States have been allies in all wars so far.  This is all just propaganda from the last remnants of globalism.
  • The new Global Alliance of White Hats controls the situation of the whole planet.  Soon it will all be over!  In just a few days!
  • Everything under control!  Bulgarian political leaders are controlled by Soros, but they don’t know he is gone, and they follow the instructions of the World Economic Forum in Davos through the Brussels headquarters.
  • This film is coming to an end.
  • The Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z ~ Part Two ~ The New Silk Road. The Takedown of the Cabal’s Evil Plan.
Continue ReadingGreatest Global Military Intel Sting

PCR Test Fraud

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My Lab Isolation, Purification, Characterization and Causation Findings
*I watched the video & wrote this transcript:

Conclusion: Samples of blood from 1,500 people who tested positive were analysed. The conclusion was –
NO: virus, SARS-Covid 2, variants, monkey pox (jab side effect – you are detoxing) or even flu.

  • So, PCR testing is a fraud. A positive test is meaningless. Used as a scare tactic.
    Contacted by the lab principal investigator (PI – chief scientist)
    1500 positive samples from S. California. Given $1.5 million grant from NIH to do the isolation of the novel virus.
    20 lab members started process of isolation, etc
    Carried out late April 2020 – Sept 2020
    The PI wanted the tests done x3 – different batches. She was upset that we did not isolate SARS-Covid 2 the first time.
    First time didn’t find anything – only cellular debris – not even flu – under the microscope.
    Found the same thing with the other 2 tests.
    Koch postulate – used ferrets instead of mice – 100 injected with samples; control group 100 – saline.
    They should get same symptoms. Nothing happened – all healthy.
    Contacted 100 universities with these results – only 6 replied.
    They replicated the process. Found the same thing – nothing.
    7 labs contacted the CDC – Robert Redfield the director.
    He said, just call it Sars-Covid 2. If you don’t, I will make sure that you never work in a lab again, your lab will be closed down.
    Our group decided to publish our findings -we went to 21 journals. The last one was Oct 2021 – the Danish Medical Journal. First they said, yes, then no.
    June 2020 t0 Aug 2020 “We called the CDC & asked them to send a sample – they didn’t – they made excuses.” Finally April 2021 the lab was raided by the FBI – everything was confiscated. Fortunately, she & 3 other people had saved everything, including the actual paper copies. “We have all that & can still publish.”

Covid/Monkey Pox/Marburg Virus/Vax Hoax:

  • There are no randomized data, nor even a single observational study on vaccinations that has shown a reduction in severe disease in this age group 6mo-4year. Government-sponsored misinformation on the Vaccines from the administration seeking to police misinformation. Pathetic.
  • Ghana Confirms First Cases Of Marburg Virus. Health officials in the west African nation say 98 people are now under quarantine as suspected cases are rising. Both patients who recently contracted the virus have died in hospital.
  • The Damage Is Undeniable: “The Only New Thing That Happened in 2021 Is the COVID-19 Vaccine” 40,000 deaths and 3.5 million injuries have been certified. Dr. Peter McCullough: “Pull them off the market! … They [scientists from Columbia] have the U.S. Number at 287,000 [dead] Americans … and that’s concordant with what we’re seeing in life insurance.”
  • Dr. Paul Marik: EVERYTHING They Have Said Is a Big Fake Lie. “The truth will come out; you can’t hide it forever. And everything they have said, everything, from masks from lockdowns, from social distancing from vaccination from remdesivir, from paxlovid, is a big fat lie.”
  • If Masks actually worked, they would have been banned just like Hydroxychloroquine:
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Extracts from Judy Byington GCR

This Government is the Virus
The Media is How it Spreads
People’s Behavior is the Pandemic
Common Sense is the Cure

“The power system continues only as long as individuals try to get something for nothing. The day when a majority of individuals declares or acts as if it wants nothing from the government, declares that it will look after its own welfare and interests, then on that day the power elites are doomed.” ~ Antony C. Sutton

Dr. Judy Mikovits on the Plan to Inject Humanity With Cancer Viruses, “They’ve been doing this for the last 40 years….never take another shot”

Parents, in God’s name, we plead, under no condition do you inject your child with the COVID injection as it will subvert their innate immune system and can kill them: you can kill your own child.
…Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, PhD

Covid-19 vaccines have been found to increase the risk of contracting HIV and Cancer, while Fauci owns the patents on Coronavirus, AIDS, H1N1, Ebola, Swine Flu, BSE, Zeca and SARS.

The Fall of the Cabal

It’s becoming more and more evident the fall of the world Deep State is taking place and we are inside the Storm! Military Ops were green.
The destruction of the Georgia Guild Stones, which was under 24 hour surveillance, was done by bombs and the full video has disappeared from the security company. Hours later the Guild Stones were fully dismantled using heavy machinery.
The fall of the Deep State UK Government as Military Ops stand by assisting a White Hat FBI raid that retrieved computers, hard drives and servers. Inside the Royal government several cabinet members resigned and several operations took place throughout London in the early hours before Prime Minister Boris Johnson resigned.
Operation London Bridge is Falling Down was in full effect. The majesty’s regime plans for the announcement of the Queens Death to be revealed. That will lead to a newly installed government by the people.
In 2021 the UK had 22 Trillion in Gold delivered by the U.S. military from Cheyenne mountains military base operations.
The Vatican Underground DUMB was connected to the CERN Super Computer. Orders are sent out from CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva to 11 CIA substations around the world, one of which is located in Langley, Virginia. More than 150 “Tier 2” institutions are subsequently connected to the CIA’s 11 “Tier 1.”
For over 1,000 years the Vatican Tunnels housed two Super Computers that connected a worldwide money laundering system to the CIA 4th Reich regimen/ Jesuits/ Rothschilds /Rockefellers families in a digital money laundering system that connected to Asia, the US and all of Europe.
Two different fires broke out throughout Vatican City. Some reports say the fires were in three areas, but Mainstream Media only reports one fire with conflicting reports.
The Assassination of the Prime Minister of Japan who knew all the full reports and handed over servers and computer to Military operations that exposed the truth of  the Fukushima Event and planned invasion of China through Events in North Korean, Russia, Taiwan, Japan and the U S. Though, Russia and Taiwan declined to be in the Bush/Obama planned intent. Sources report the prime minister was in close contact with Trump. Was his death fake/planned/ a message?
The fall of Sri Lanka: Major plans were slated to use Sri Lanka as a Betta testing ground to see a regimen fall & quickly rebuild through gold backed GESARA currency.
Lebanon was currently in media Blackouts throughout cities and villages. A Military Operation was happening throughout the country that was connected to arrests and Deep State generals.
The largest Kazarian Mafia regime that covers the US, France, Canada and Italy was in collapse. France was falling as the Macron crime syndicate regime started jumping ship and abandoning positions. A criminal investigation into Macron has started.
The US Biden Regime was in free fall as more Mainstream Media turned against him. The Washington Post and New York Times were Red Pilling the liberals and questioning Biden’s authority and whole administration. Hunter Biden’s laptop and phone leaks have hit the world stage as MSM news reports on Biden and questions the U S. Presidency.
Europe was in full collapse as markets crash, small banks close and MSM reports on recession.
Putin summed up the world situation as “the beginning of the fundamental collapse of the American-style world order…of the transition from liberal globalist American egocentrism to a truly multi-polar world.”

White Hat Intel: Attack on which country?? Finland?
The attack impacted both the Ministry of Defense’s website and the foreign ministry’s site. The defense ministry earlier issued an urgent tweet saying its website was experiencing and attack and would have to shutter until things were resolved.
The attacks are suspected as coming from Russia, also given reports that a Russian government aircraft may have breached Finnish airspace on Friday
A Friday report in Axios suggested that NATO applications from neutral countries Finland and Sweden could be ‘imminent’.
Deep State Angela Merkel has sent police and German prosecutors to raid the federal finance and justice ministries in Berlin just weeks before the election. This comes at a sensitive point for Scholz, who opinion polls suggest has a good chance of becoming Germany’s next Chancellor.
The 80% percent controlled Democratic Media has started a smear campaign and now has escalated into False Flag Operation set by the Deep State government controlled by Merkel and her handlers.

Covid/Monkey Pox/Vax Hoax:
‘I’m really angry about it, she spent the last ten days of her life alone and I can only imagine absolutely terrified and scared.’ Mark Steyn speaks to step-daughters of Lucy Taberer, who died after taking the Covid vaccine in March of 2021.
Dr. Judy Mikovits on the Plan to Inject Humanity With Cancer Viruses, “They’ve been doing this for the last 40 years….never take another shot”
WARNING: Parents, in God’s name, we plead, under no condition do you inject your child with the COVID injection as it will subvert their innate immune system and can kill them: you can kill your own child. …Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, PhD
The US Supreme Court Cancelled Universal Vax Mandates After Ruling That The Covid Pathogen Is Not A Vaccine, Unsafe and Must Be Avoided At All Costs. Big Pharma and Anthony Fauci lost a lawsuit by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and a group of scientists:
Covid-19 vaccines have been found to increase the risk of contracting HIV and Cancer, while Fauci owns the patents on Coronavirus, AIDS, H1N1, Ebola, Swine Flu, BSE, Zeca and SARS.

Food, Fuel and Goods Shortages:
Russia is about to play it’s most dangerous cards – and the west is not ready: By abruptly shutting off supplies, Putin would deliver a colossal shock to our oil and gas-dependent economies. Stock markets would plunge and thousands of companies would go bankrupt from being unable to afford energy supplies.

Protests and Demonstrations:
Indian farmers are joining in the fight against mandates. You don’t want to piss off farmers. They might not have bullets, but they got lots of manure to fire at you.
US: The truckers in LA are protesting the new law they want to roll out getting rid of drivers who are self-employed. The controllers don’t want self-sufficient people. They want you weak and dependent on the system, eating bugs and owning nothing.

Judy Note:
There was every indication that the 2020 Election has been, or will be overturned. Audits in different states including Arizona, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania show extensive voter fraud.
Huge construction going on in front of White House
Large prison barge sitting in NY harbor
CIA Chemical Trails Fill the Sky, especially in Oregon where the flora and fauna were being poisoned.
JFK Jr. has been US VP since 2019
Saudi Arabia and several other countries have joined BRICS and the Global Currency Reset to gold/ asset- backed currencies
Millions have died worldwide from the Vax Bioweapon that the Chinese Communist Party manufactured in the US – where they now run a Child Vax Center in New York City.
The Euro has dropped to a 20 year low.
Russia has announced a ten day shutdown of their Natural Gas supply line to European countries.
Sun. 10 July DUMBS around Vatican City on fire: There’s four heat spots close to Vatican City as White Hats continue to clean up DUMBS Globally.
Covid-19 vaccines have been found to increase the risk of contracting HIV and Cancer, while Fauci owns the patents on Coronavirus, AIDS, H1N1, Ebola, Swine Flu, BSE, Zeca and SARS.

Continue ReadingNEWS REPORT 15th July

From GCR 13th July

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Covid/Monkey Pox/Vax Hoax:

  • Dr. James Thorp: “The Vaccine Has Been The Greatest Unmitigated Disaster In The History Of Medicine. I’m seeing all types of malformations, miscarriages, abnormalities, abnormal bleeding, growth restriction, separation of the placenta. We have millions of complications worldwide.”
  • Dr. Russell Blaylock: “500,000 Americans Have Died After Being Vaccinated. Why would you tell people to take a vaccine that so far has killed hundreds of thousands of people just in this country? In the past, if a vaccine killed 50 people, they would pull the vaccine. That’d be the end of it. This has killed hundreds of thousands of people, and they keep promoting it. They keep calling it safe; they keep calling it effective.”

Benjamin Fulford from Donald J. Trump Live:

  • According to NSA sources, “White Hats” are currently attacking the Fort McPherson base complex in Atlanta, Georgia. It is here that the Rockefeller citadel of AT&T & CNN conducts fake psychological operations of the Joe Biden Administration.
  • To see how bad things are psychologically with Biden, watch how he reads quotes from his teleprompter. “End quote. Repeat the line”.
  • According to Canadian intelligence sources, Biden’s fall will be followed by a similar move in Canada. “Justin Castro will be removed from office and humiliated in front of the world community. The Canadians, supported by the Military Alliance, are waiting for a signal to act,” they promise.
  • For their part, Dutch farmers warn Prime Minister Mark Rutte: “The protests will continue. We have the support of millions of people. There will be actions that Holland has never seen.
  • It looks like it started in China too. People are rebelling against the CCP machine. Banks collapsed there, and the police were unable to stop the protesters by fraudulently manipulating their mobile devices to make them look like they had “Covid.”
  • The Chinese people should understand that George Soros boasted that his people took over China in 1987. We had a video of him saying that, but it seems to have been deleted from our computers and from the internet. However, the fact that the regime there agrees with the fake pandemic and the accompanying excessive social control is a clear sign that they are not working for the Chinese people.
  • An MI6 source says: “The days of the G7, G20 and the like are over. Their failure will be reflected in an economic crisis leading to global unrest, similar to what we are seeing in Sri Lanka. All these archaic prime ministers should be captured and shot along with all these old habits. Clear the deck.”
  • When the regime finally falls, people will hear a lot of shocking things. Here are some clues as to the nature of the horrifying truths that will come to light during the public trials and hearings that will follow the worldwide defeat of HMM:

The TRUMP Card was getting ready to be played:

  • Kash Patel was hitting so many interviews (Q linked channels and podcasters). Recently Patel on FOX interview admits to giving Elon Musk five billion $ to create Rockets for DOD (this alone should tell you MUSK is a White Hat, and that back channels are important!)
  • Starlink Satellites are Particle Weapons. The weapons track every Nuclear Silo on earth and destroy every launched Nuclear Rocket in two seconds and vaporizes them.
  • It’s been long reported by Patriots – Anons – Freedom Voices – that Musk and Starlink is a Military Operation connected  behind the scenes to Space Force The Guardians US Intelligence Agency number #18.
  • The U.S. Military has far exceeded technology in the future of weapons, healing technology and travel. Everything connects back to Tesla and Donald Trump’s genius uncle John G. Trump.
  • John G. Trump was a recipient of the National Medal of Science and a member of the National Academy of Engineering. Trump was noted for developing rotational radiation therapy. Together with Robert J. Van de Graaff, he developed one of the first million-volt X-ray generators and later created the radar system.
  • These accomplishments were published by the controlled Media. Behind the scenes John Trump was a student of Tesla and lived near him in the same neighborhood. They are both connected to military Operations, Time Travel Operations and the Philadelphia Experiment. To this day their works and creation of Time Travel projects and machines are hidden in full operations in the Cheyenne Mountains and under Lake Geneva.
  • Before Q popped up in 2017 there was a man in the early 2000s who randomly popped up in time lines and placed/ applied for Patents. This man’s child was John Quincy St. Clair of the Hyperspace Research Institute and is perhaps the 21st Century’s most important inventor. Later on he simply became known as John Q

Could Derry Londonderry Northern Ireland be the real centre of everything?

  • The Guilds/Freemasons of the City of London built the historic walls of Derry in Northern Ireland….and also gifted Derry with the name London…a bit of a  poisoned chalice as the people have been fighting over the city’s name ever since. 
  • Derry’s historic walls have 7 gates and a network of tunnels underneath that no one talks about. There are so many important buildings within the walls and curiously named streets like London Street, Palace Street etc all in the same area. Worth checking out some of the businesses in London Street. It was the first planned city in Ireland. 
  • Lots of charities, youth and mental health services and NGOs too and lots of arts organizations including a big theatre…a favoured spot for visiting dignitaries like the Dalai Lama. 
  • The Clintons were also big fans of the city, as was Esther Rantzen, who even set up a branch of Childline there.
  • Bodies/skeletons have been found/dug up over the years in the car park behind the Freemasons Hall and in other places within the walls but they were quickly forgotten about and the ground covered over.
  • Derry has ties to Marina Abramovich going back to the 80s and Damien Hirst’s mother is from the city…as is James Hewitt.
  • Heard that Facebook was supposed to be moving here and there are now a ton of tech/data companies who have popped up in the city in the last few years including Singularity and Learning Pool- who received the first ever European investment made by the Carlyle Group. There is a branch of Terramar on the same street … in the same building until very recently as Void art gallery….one of whose last exhibitions was of artist Eva Rothschild. 
  • One school (that now resembles a prison camp) St Columb’s College has produced two Nobel laureates. ..John Hume…founder of the SDLP and one of the main architects of the Good Friday Agreement….and Seamus Heaney…Bill Clinton’s favorite poet.
  • There are so many other links…there is a Starfort at Ebrington and Derry is only down the road from Redcastle, Greencastle and Castlerock…which make up a triangle shape on a map taking in both sides of the border between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. The Giant’s Causeway is just up the road.
  • And talking of borders, the artist Bill Drummond was in Derry doing an art project with Void art gallery on the same day Nancy Pelosi was in town…and which curiously was the day journalist Lyra McKee was murdered. 
  • Worth checking some of this stuff out. You know how these baphomets like to flip things. Maybe it’s not London we should be looking at…but Derry. I always wondered what Rupert Murdoch was doing in Derry on the day of the Brexit vote. 
  • The world’s biggest Halloween celebrations there, too. Just saying.
Continue ReadingFrom GCR 13th July

Real News 12th July

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Real News Headlines for Tues. 12 July 2022:
*Militaries Positioning worldwide, Russia & China amassing troops in Central & South America.
Worldwide food shortages loom.
*Eugenicists and Gates buying up US farm land to destroy it, Nanotech in soil, 102 major fires destroy food industry facilities. Trudeau’s nitrogen policy will decimate Canadian farming, as it has in the Netherlands.
*US livestock producers now just days away from running out of animal feed due to supply chain disruptions.
*Georgia Guide Stones, Vatican Obelisk destroyed.
*Former Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel is Hitler’s Daughter, while Barak Obama is Hitler’s Grandson.
*Assassination of ex Prime Minister of Japan who exposed the truth of Fukushima Event and the planned invasion of China.
*Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Mansion in LA was a CIA and Mossad Institution.

Governments Falling:
Russia summed up the world situation as “the beginning of the fundamental collapse of the American-style world order…of the transition from liberal globalist American egocentrism to a truly multipolar world.”

*Europe was in full collapse as markets crash and small banks close, while the Mainstream Media begins to report on the Recession.

*The Kazarian Mafia and governments through Estonia, Israel, Sri Lanka, UK and Ireland have fallen.
*The largest Kazarian Mafia regimes in the US, France, Canada and Italy are in current Military Operations of collapse.

The fall of the Deep State UK government: as Military ops stand by in assistance, White Hat FBI raid/retrieve computers/hard drives/servers inside the Royal government as several cabinet members resign and several operations took place through London in the early hours before Prime Minister Boris Johnson resigned.
Operation London Bridge is falling down in full effect as the majesty regimen plans for the announcement of the Queens Death to be revealed which leads to a newly installed government by the people.
In 2021 the UK had 22 Trillion in Gold delivered by the U.S. military from Cheyenne mountains military base operations.

Assassination of Prime Minister of Japan who knew all the full reports and handed over servers and computers to Military operations that exposed the truth of Fukushima Event and planned invasion of China through Events in North Korean, Russia, Taiwan, Japan and US. (Russia and Taiwan declined to be in the Bush/Obama planned intent). Sources report the Prime Minister was in close contact with Trump. Was his death fake/ planned/ a message?

Sri Lanka:
The fall of Sri Lanka (major plans were slated to use Sri Lanka as a Beta testing ground to see a regiment fall and quickly rebuild through gold backed NESARA/ GESARA digital currency).

Lebanon currently in media BLACKOUTS. Military Operations were happening throughout the country that were connected to arrests and fall of Deep State generals.

France was falling as the Macron crime syndicate regime started jumping ship. Macron was abandoning his position as criminal investigation into him have begun.

The US Biden regime was in free fall as more mainstream media turned against him. The Washington Post and New York Times were red pilling the liberals and questioning his authority and the whole administration.

Vatican underground DUMBs were connected to CERN Super Computer: The Vatican Tunnels over 1000 years old, housed two Supercomputers that connected the world wide money laundering system to the CIA 4rth Reich regimen/ Jesuits/ Rothschilds /Rockefellers families. This was a digital money laundering system that connected to Asia, US and all of Europe.
Two different fires broke out through Vatican City. Some reports say three areas, but Mainstream Media only reports one fire with conflicting reports.

Continue ReadingReal News 12th July

Covid/ Monkey Pox/ Vax Hoax

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*White Hat Intel: North Carolina University Chapel Hill level 4 lab Duke University is where the SARSI COVID 19 originates from. Covid-19 Sarsi did not escape from Wuhan. The real truth was that there were hundreds of U.S. funded Bio-labs across the world which received the SARS and other pathogens from the U.S. and then grew the Pathogens in mass formation (multiplied the production of the SARS, Bird Flu, Ebola) and released the Pathogens in sequence in many countries.

*Why did the Deep State Cabal fund so many biolabs? The answer is pathogens are easily disrupted by the air, water, fire (heat, cold) surrounding atmosphere including the chemical compounds created by the Earth, trees and plants photosynthesis and chemical reactions in oxygen. (Climate changes include alternations in one or more climate variables including temperature, precipitation, wind, and sunshine. These changes impact the survival, reproduction, or distribution of disease pathogens and hosts, as well as the availability and means of their transmission environment.)

*Wuhan connected NC Baric Lab created the new mRNA Vaccine against multiple Coronaviruses.

*Funders included NIH-NIAID, NCI, Chan-Zuckerberg, BioNTech, NC Coronavirus Relief Fund

*The notorious University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Baric Lab, which previously turned a bat Coronavirus into a human Coronavirus, which could cause an epidemic (and pandemic), and has been connected to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, claims to have “developed an mRNA vaccine that protected mice against a range of Coronaviruses.” And, allegedly, “the results point the way toward a universal Coronavirus Vaccine that could prevent future pandemics” (NIH news release July 20, 2021).

*Funding-support includes Burroughs Wellcome Fund (Postdoctoral Enrichment Program Award); Hanna H. Gray Fellowship from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute; NIH NIAID T32 AI007151; NIAID F32 AI152296; Chan Zuckerberg Initiative; North Carolina Policy Collaboratory at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, with funding from the North Carolina Coronavirus Relief Fund established and appropriated by the North Carolina General Assembly; National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), NIH, US Department of Health and Human Services awards, BioNTech SRA; as well as an animal models contract from the NIH (HHSN272201700036I).

*Getting closer to exposing who created Cancer and all the Pandemics: Dr Judy Mikovits joins Mike Adams and she’s dismayed, that despite all of her best efforts to warn people for the past year and the best efforts of people like Dr Luc Montagnier, Dr Dolores Cahill, Dr Sherri Tenpenny and many others who predicted this mass murder, and yet it happened, anyway.“100 million Americans have been injected with a synthetic virus with…the most dangerous spike protein, consisting of HIV, XMRV and SARS.”

*Fauci has been behind every Pandemic since 1984: Dr. Mikovits reminds us that the lab origins of the current pandemic are hardly novel; that every “pandemic” has had lab origins since 1984 when Anthony Fauci started working at the NIAID, starting with AIDS. “HIV/AIDS; you’ll remember the story of how we were lied to by Tony Fauci, Bob Gallo, the people at the top of NIH, CDC, FDA, even then. So the scenario, the game plan is exactly the same.

*“We knew the spike protein, alone, the envelope protein, alone is the disease, so they can all backtrack, because they just injected everyone in the world with a synthetic deadly virus. They injected the poison. The word ‘virus’ means ‘poison’ and they injected it into everybody in the world, so they can back off now, because they’ve accomplished their end game. You will have customers for life and you will succeed at mass-murder.

*“You’re going to kill everyone with HIV, you’re going to kill the 6% of America that had XMRV, when we were supposedly debunked. Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus is the mouse’s syncytin gene. So we knew the mouse virus was in everybody from the vaccines. We knew the flu vaccine put people at risk of dying of COVID…what I think what everybody has to wake up to is NEVER, EVER, EVER get another shot and we will never, ever, ever see another pandemic.

*The Covid motive is to kill sick people to avoid trillions in insurance. “We’ve been creating these in our labs my entire career. This was my job.” She says their motivation is “To kill people and cover up these crimes. Remember, they’re cremating people, so you can’t realize it was the vaccine strain, so you can’t realize that we were right in 2011, in 1984.

*“When our paper that was ultimately published in Science in October of 2009…and the entire upper echelons of the government realized that these things were coming out of our laboratories and they re-wrote history then. They called it…an ‘unintended spread of a Biosafety Level 2 contaminant.’

*“It’s not ‘Biosafety Level 2’, when it’s contagious cancer, contagious prostate cancer, contagious ovarian cancer, lung cancer! And who are the people now, who they’re inoculating? We never inoculated an AIDS patient! They have an acquired immune dysfunction or deficiency! They can’t make an appropriate antibody or immune response of any kind, that’s why they’re sick. So why, now would you inject them, if the intention is now to kill them and call it ‘COVID’ – it’s not COVID! You created the cancer. You created the disease and now you’re murdering the victims to cover up your crimes.

*“We’ve been lied to for 40 years…[HIV] was spread by a Hepatitis vaccination program with a contaminated vaccine. Who dies in the first wave of HIV? All the people that had HIV and XMRV; mouse viruses from a contaminated blood supply. This is what our book showed…

*You can’t mix animal tissue and aborted fetal tissue. You’re actually injecting into the most vulnerable people another animal’s virome and other viruses.

Continue ReadingCovid/ Monkey Pox/ Vax Hoax

Nightmare Pfizer Baby And Toddler Data

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Karen Kingston: Nightmare Pfizer Baby And Toddler Data!! Study Never Should Have Happened!!
Babies Having Seizures After First Dose!! Placebo Group Received Vaxx!! Placebo Group 99% Dropout Rate After Third Dose!! Severe Adverse Effects Documented!!
This video requires a fair bit of concentration to watch until the end – I have yet to do so.
Here is the essence of the first part of the video:
4,500 babies enrolled in the study
At the end of the 24 week trial, 1300 were left. The other 3,100 dropped out! Or did they drop dead!!

3100 had dropped out
This withdrawal could be entered by the clinical moderator – didn’t show up for a visit because of serious adverse events, hospitaisation or death
Up to the organisation to enter the reason
Independent review board – reason for withdrawal unknown
Is there reason to believe they were dead – Yes
Are cases recorded in hospital – no final diagnosis given

Brothers and sisters this video is about turning your Wi-Fi off at night

Deep State Mind Control
The DEEP STATE had planned long ago for you stay in your home and live through computers AI world.
They plan to control all humans through these networks of Metaverse, a New World Order government where they control everything you say and do.
They plan for billions to die in the real world from a bioweapon virus’s death vaccines shots, poverty and planned wars.
Billions more will be controlled through the Metaverse – a place where you can’t smell, feel, touch, taste the fake virtual reality. The Metaverse is the Deep State Plan “where you will own nothing and be happy.”
MRNA Nano Graphene Oxide will connect all to the Metaverse.
Billions of people are already buying fake apartments, land, fake insurance, fake digital Gucci bags for their Avatars that cost thousands and thousands of dollars. Even millions.
Your child has been conditioned already to live digital games online. Now they take the next steps of full mind control: the Metaverse.


Chris Sky: What Is Really Going On In Netherlands, Australia And Canada!!

Continue ReadingNightmare Pfizer Baby And Toddler Data

Restored Republic

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On Mon. 4 July at 8 am EST and on the hour every hour there were major announcements in Washington DC and certain other cities asking people to stay in their homes (while the White Hats made arrests)
On Tues. 5 July John F. Kennedy Jr. was said to have appeared in public for the first time: “I, John F Kennedy Jr, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”
On Tues. 5 July Mass Arrests Began in Washington DC and other Cities; over 70,000 California Truckers were forced off the roads and the large Hadron Collider particle accelerator out of CERN was activated by the White Hats: .
All Deep State generals, colonial, commands in Military through the world will be exposed at the end of the Events.
Europe must fall first because this is where the Deep State roots harbor most of it’s command: Kazarian Mafia, Jesuits, Rothschilds, Davos Group, ect. Currently the European Union is admitting they are inside a collapse.
Through the collapse of Europe, NATO and the UN will be exposed, as will Deep State Central Banking.
Since last Summer every military throughout the world was positioning and getting ready for Events – that are now here. We are inside Black Swan Events.
Flights were no longer going in or out of Iraq, and in other countries including 80% of commercial flights in the US due to the White Hats wanting to arrest certain people. Those flights resumed on Thurs. 7 July so Bond Holders could get to their appointments.
For the last five days the EBS and CERN Hadron Collider were being tested.

History Overload
Ready for a brain overload? Who is Patrick Bouvier Kennedy?
Abraham Lincoln was Abraham Kahlooni of the Druze Bloodline, from the line of the Davidic Kings and descendants of Jethro, the Priest of Median in the Bible and the Torah (Exodus 2:18). They descend from an ethnic minority called the “Druze,” and they inhabit the Golan Heights area of Israel from the town of Qunaitara & Majdal Shams and before that the town of “Kahloonia” in Mount Lebanon [45 Km south east of Beirut]
Abraham Lincoln had 4 children with wife Mary Todd Lincoln – Robert Todd Lincoln, William Wallace Lincoln, Edward Baker Lincoln and Tad Lincoln two of which were sent to Libya to live – they didn’t die as recorded. These were William Wallace Lincoln and his brother Tad.
William Wallace was brought to Benghazi – Libya in 1863, they changed his identity, and was raised by The Sanussi Royal family of Libya and living in that Country for the rest of his life.
William became known as “Omar Mukhtar,” the great freedom fighter who fought against The Italian Military invasion of Libya from 1911, until his arrest near Caves Valley (180 Km east of Benghazi), on Friday [11th September 1931] when he was defending those Holy Valleys of Marcus the Evangelist, Valley of The Bible and Mary’s Lake in the region of Cyrene 280 Km east of Benghazi.
He was transferred to face trial on Tuesday 15th September 1931 held by The Italian Military Tribunal in Benghazi, the trial ended in just one day. He was sentenced to death and was hung on Wednesday 16th September 1931, (age 81) in The Town of Solluk 50 Km south of Benghazi “US Peridous”- Libya.
William had 3 daughters and one son. Saidea, Gaillea & Mary. His only son was taken and shot by the Italian military police in downtown Benghazi in 1942.
Mary, William’s daughter met and married a Prince – Said Issa H Kahlooni – from Golan Heights born in the Orchards in Mt Lebanon. The family Tree of Issa Kahlooni is well known in Lebanon Syria and Israel – Issa means Jesus. They arrived at the Port of Derna in Libya in March 1911. They had 2 boys who were both kidnapped from Benghazi, and handed over to mafia boss family Joseph Kennedy and was raised by him and his wife Rose Kennedy. They would later be known as John F Kennedy and Joe Kennedy. John F Kennedy was raised to become the 35th President of the USA. He is not a Kennedy, he is a Lincoln/Kahlooni.
John married Jackie Kennedy and had four children: Arabella Kennedy, John F Kennedy Jnr, Patrick Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy. Patrick and Arabella didn’t die as recorded. Patrick Kennedy was flown to Libya. Joe Kennedy was Flynn’s Father. John F Kennedy Jnr is Ezra’s Grandfather. Tad Lincoln was Donald Trump and Elvis’ grandfather.
Elvis, Trump, Assange, Lincoln Kahlooni, JFK, Joseph, John F Kennedy Jr and Patrick are all Lincoln/Kahlooni and are cousins.
Elvis Presley is the TIP OF THE SPEAR. Elvis was in the SPEARHEAD Division & also kept a SPEAR TIP on his book shelf. Elvis told us all on August 15 1977 via the WOW Signal that he wasn’t going to be dying. Ask Howard Hughes.
The HH, John G Trump & Nikola Tesla connection is very important.

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World News 9th & 10th July

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White Hats
“The Enormity of What is Coming Will Shock The World”
Nuclear Standoff
“All major countries will go into Military Activation and Positioning.”
“Events will continue to escalate and create a worldwide ripple effect. Major countries will Arm up. Nuclear Missiles were positioned and ready. China, Taiwan, India, Pakistan, Iran, Africa, Europe and the Middle East already have Nukes.”
“A Great Crash is coming with the collapse of the financial markets. Millions of people are already pulling their money from the stock markets around the world. The sanctions on Russia created a ripple through banking and world corporation systems that move food, goods, supplies, money markets between Russia, China, U.S, EU, Canada and South America. The crash is ongoing. Mainstream Media isn’t fully reporting. People are going to be blinded sided by the Cyber Attacks of the Century that will blackout the world supply chains.”

Global Financial Crisis:

The fake false market reports have done their jobs giving hopium to tens of millions of sleeping sheep who were about to wake up to a collapse (not a Recession, a Depression).
Alex Jones is fear mongering in his podcast because he’s going to lose billions with his investors. What Alex Jones isn’t telling his listeners is that when everything collapses the American dollar, the real origins of the American coin (precious metals) is coming back.
Unknown to most around the world, the U.S. military that confiscated the Vatican gold and tunnels in Switzerland with over 600 military carriers carrying the Gold has already been divided into major countries: The UK, Europe, Canada has silver backed, but the rest of the world was given gold (that is in secure locations around the world.

White Hat Intel:

Russian, Israel, Australia Military was quite aware that Star link was a GO.
On The Clock means Cyber to shutdown all systems on the Planet. NSA will flood the internet with a whole heap of incriminating evidence. The Space Force will turn the whole planets power off. Switching over to Free Tesla Energy. Mr Pool showed us all Trains will be halted. They work on big Electrical Grids. All Social Media Platforms will be removed and New Ones will be replacing them with the new Quantum Internet controlled in space. It is un-hackable. Download your Data if you don’t have 2nd copies of photos etc. We have been warned of the Global Cyber Security Crisis.
The story and EVENT of Dong Jingwei defecting from the CCP goes much deeper than you can imagine! His connection and information connects all the keys. Dong Jingwei Head of Counterintelligence for Chinese Ministry of Security also served as Vice Minister for State Security of China. Absolute pain and panic is hitting DC Intel agencies – US Elites, banks, MSM, ect. You have more than you know. Q
Lithuania: massive Cyber Attack. Over a 1000 websites CRASH. Multiple government sites & portals down. Mobile services frozen. Several private investment firms hit. A Russian-speaking hacking group, known as Killnet, claimed responsibility for at least SOME (but not all) of the hacks, saying they were in retaliation for Lithuania blocking the shipment of some goods to the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad, which is wedged between Lithuania and Poland.”It is highly probable that such, or even more, intense attacks will continue into the coming days, especially against the communications, energy and financial sectors,” acting NKSC Director Jonas Skardinskas
The fall of the European Union Deep State (DAVOS, Jesuits, Kazarian, Cabal Rothschilds) was causing an inside job of Cyber Attacks, causing money to be stolen through Lithuania and the country won’t be able to see the stolen finances till weeks later. The DEEP STATE in EU is desperate for money as the systematic financial COLLAPSE continues.
A look at the situation in Europe, the US and around the world makes it very clear we are dealing with the end of an era. Even the Jerusalem Post, the flagship newspaper for the former Khazarian mafia stronghold of Israel, admits this now: We are nearing the death of the old geopolitical system and of the world order that has kept repeating itself from the medieval ages.
It seems, finally, that this cycle of plague, war and famine will be the last of Western hegemony and the birth of a new world order, a new world order which will probably bring back the balance of power to Asia and Africa, which were the centers of global wealth and power long before the industrial revolution.
Trump Card: many are hinting at the TRUMP Card getting ready to be played.
Kash Patel hitting so many interviews (Q linked channels and podcasters). Recently Patel on FOX interview admits to giving ELON MUSK 25 BILLION $ to create Rockets for DOD (this alone should tell you MUSK is a White Hat….. And back channels are important!)
In the know: Starlink Satellites are Particle Weapons, track every Nuclear Silo on earth and destroy every launched Nuclear rocket in 2 seconds and vaporizes them.
It’s been long reported by PATRIOTS/ANONS/ FREEDOM VOICES that MUSK, STARLINK is MILITARY OPERATION and connected behind the scenes to SPACE FORCE The guardians U.S. INTELLIGENCE agency number#18
The U.S. Military has far exceeded technology into the future of Weapons, healing technology and travel. Everything connects back to Tesla and Donald Trump’s genius uncle John G. Trump.
John G. Trump was a recipient of the National Medal of Science and a member of the National Academy of Engineering. Trump was noted for developing rotational radiation therapy. Together with Robert J. Van de Graaff, he developed one of the first million-volt X-ray generators and later created the radar system. These accomplishments were published by the controlled Media.
Behind the scenes John Trump was a student of Tesla and lived near him in the same neighborhood. They are both connected to Military Operations – Time Travel Operations such as The Philadelphia Experiment. To this day their works and creation of Time Travel projects and machines are hidden and in full operation at the Cheyenne Mountain and under Lake Geneva.
Before Q popped up in 2017 there was a man in the early 2000s who randomly popped up in time lines. This man’s name was John Quincy St. Clair of the Hyperspace Research Institute and is perhaps the 21st Century’s most important inventor. Later on he simply became known as John Q

John Q applied for Patents on:

1: Internet Cellular Phone Prepaid Service

2: Walking Through Walls Training System

3: Electric Dipole Spacecraft

4: Internet Accessible Mail Box System

5: Full Body Teleportation System

6: Remote Viewing Amplifier

7: Electric Dipole Moment Propulsion System

8: Permanent Magnet Propulsion System

9: Triangular Spacecraft

10: Photon Spacecraft

11: Water Energy Generation.

Continue ReadingWorld News 9th & 10th July

Scare Event – China

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  • Maybe Simon Parkes is correct. These events are more likely to happen next Tuesday/Wednesday USA time.
    This is a chess game. The White Hats have to keep the Deep State guessing, therefore in a panic. This is frustrating for us.At least, when it does happen, we are less likely to be shocked.

Big Intel Update! It’s Getting Hot!!!
Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward, & Danielle
July 8
*This is what I have extracted from much of the video. Are we close to what we want to happen?

Danielle: “Massive, massive, massive news”.
I just got off the phone from Daniel Bowrell(?) who gave this info –
In less than 5 hours Executive Order 13959 is going into effect –
List of companies that are going to be taken down by the US -prohibiting investment in Communist Chinese military companies. This basically is a declaration of war –
Parley is already down.
All big media channels will go down in a couple of hours.
Huawei, Alibaba, 3GD companies, Bitcoin will crash
Declaration of war will effectively be taking place.
Project Odin will be activated – Starlink – EBS
Global media controlled by 6 people

Simon – thought it would be next week.
China putting a lot of pressure on N Korea – up the anti on nuclear threats
N. Korea is already on board with Trump
US expected to respond if China acts, using Rods of God to destroy nuclear weapons
Under the 3GD China still has a lot of (nuclear?) weapons – needs to be taken down
A lot of issues now between Israel & Iran
A number of oil tankers in the gulf have already been mined – MSM quite
We need it to go global, taking it off the US election
So we can go into martial law, making it a global problem
It’s going to be scary – necessary to take all systems of corruption down & alert the world.
This will mean this EO will take place & therefore take down the whole Chinese market

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USA 2020 Election Overturned

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US Supreme Court Has Overturned the 2020 Election Due to Voter Fraud

Georgia Guidestones – Phil Godlewski
This video starts with loud music – be prepared! He mentions Satan, but this is a non-existent entity.
Near the end the video is disrupted. The next video is a continuation.

English Georgia Guidestone Internally Destroyed

Phil Godlewski part 2 July 6 2022:
NOTE:  Phil is a former U.S. Military Intelligence Officer… and one of the few chosen ANONs by the White Hats who has been disclosing Intel according to the Alliance requests.

  • Fact: The 2020 Election has been overturned by the SCOTUS due to voter fraud.
  • At this time we are waiting for the SCOTUS to be protected, as well as their families.
  • The overturn of the 2020 Election is the End of the Cabal. They are not in power and never will be again.
  • Fact: There will not be a Special Election. The numbers will be revealed. Donald Trump has been awarded the Presidency of the United States. This is not “a potential path of what could happen.” This has happened.
  • Fact: This 2020 Election case has been in existence since the beginning of all of this. Evidence was presented to SCOTUS in secret. There was a Docket that no one knew about, especially the Press.
  • Fact: Roe vs Wade was a giant distraction. While the Press was looking at that… other matters were being handled.
  • Fact: We will never be in this situation again.  Donald Trump will return to power and that is when “big things” start happening.
  • The TSA: There preparation for “continuity of government’ within their organization for the higher ups in TSA. The Directive was from 2012 (when they were about to yank Barak Obama). In 2012, the military was about to remove the sitting President of the United States of America… Barack Obama… and after he “won… yes, you guessed it, Election Fraud was involved with it… so they were literally about to yank him from office, and a coup was about to happen.  They had no other choice… but then, Donald Trump agreed to run for the President of the United States in 2016.

Continue ReadingUSA 2020 Election Overturned

Emergency Broadcast System

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The Emergency Broadcast System, JF Kennedy Jr.:

  • Undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light.
  • On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout.
  • POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment. It is time to take back our country and make America great again. Let us salute and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring forth peace, unity, and return power to the people.
  • Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials.
  • On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity.
  • Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast.
  • We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).
  • The primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides). The spillover in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all please pray.
  • Confirmed: The Military has been in training for implementation of the Emergency Broadcast System.
  • The trigger for the EBS will be vaccination mandates worldwide with lockdowns.
  • The EBS will ensure everyone is safely placed in their home and able to witness the historical moment that reveals all of the truths, cover ups etc. through the EBS, which is imminent. All is scheduled to happen.
  • A practice test is going to happen, so get prepared. There must be a test and then a review of all occurrences and activities. The possible implications on a National and Global level can be quite complicated so things must be in alignment to the protocols. Yes there are many consequences if things aren’t done with precision and perfection. This is the practice run before the real one folks to see responses and accuracy to what is forthcoming which changes humanity.
  • The schedule is now finally firm, but again I’m just the messenger. Be ready to adjust if needed in regards to possible time changes. Only a select few know the moment of exact and precise timing of events. For security and other obvious reasons it must be properly kept private.
  • During those 10 Days of Communication Darkness the following things will happen:
  • The EBS will play eight hour videos, three times a day for ten days of Communication Darkness.
  • We will receive 7 “Trumpets ” aka EBS  text messages on our phones alerting us to tune into our TV at this time.
  • Our phones will only work for 911. The Signal App, which is military encrypted, will be available.
  • Our TV’s will only show three explanatory movies on a continuous loop for the 10 days. It will cover topics of Arrests, Tribunals, Fraud Corruption, Pedophilia etc.
  • Our Internet will not work during that time. Our ATM’s will not work. After the 10 days of Communication Darkness, we will connect to a new Quantum Internet.
  • People are urged to stock up on at least three weeks of food and water. We are promised the new Star-link Internet System by the end of the month.
  • As we speak the teams coordinating this important historic event are revamping the EBS to ensure the utmost security for all involved so remain patient as things get finalized. They want to make certain there are not any interferences of any sort at all. Those making the plan want no one to panic whatsoever because it’s simply the release of the truth.
  • After the EBS and 8 hour 24/7 movies, all will change. Humanity moves to peace and prosperity. It is the end of Financial and Human enslavement. Old systems of Government, Education, Finance, Health, Trade and Commerce etc., will all be dismantled and replaced.
  • We will have new currency called the USN US NOTE and gold backed.
  • It is our hope that this message reaches enough people to make a meaningful impact. We cannot yet telegraph this message through normal methods for reasons I’m sure everyone here can understand.

From Codez XVII:

Confirmed: Military in training for Implementation of the Emergency Broadcast System
The trigger for the E B S will be
Vaccination mandates worldwide with lockdowns. When this in fact occurs you will know we are right around the corner from a new world folks, do not get angry, and do not panic whatsoever. This is needed. Yes it truly must happen like this so we can transition to a bright future. It is part of the script and
last phase of, indeed gut wrenching, awakening movie that was necessary to awaken the masses. This will ensure everyone is safely placed in their home and able to witness the historical moment that reveals all of the truths, cover ups etc. through the E B S which is imminent. All is scheduled to happen. The practice test is going to happen on so get prepared.There must be a test and then a review of all occurrences and activities. The possible implications on a National and Global level can be quite complicated so things must be in
alignment to the protocols. Yes there are many consequences if things aren’t done with precision and perfection. This is the
practice run before the real one folks to see responses and accuracy to what is forthcoming which changes humanity . We hear the schedule is now finally firm, but again I’m just the messenger. Be ready to adjust if needed in regards to possible time changes. Only a select few know the moment of exact and precise timing of events. For security and other obvious reasons it must be properly kept private. Again the E B S is going to air playing an 8 hour video. It will be replaying 3 times a days for 10 days Communication Darkness.
During those 10 Days of Communication Darkness the following things will happen. We will receive 7 “Trumpets ” aka E B S text messages on our phones alerting us to tune into our TV at this time. Our phones will only work for 911 and we are informed the Signal App, which is military encrypted will be available. Our TV’s will only show 3 explanatory movies on a continuous loop for the 10 days. It will cover topics of Arrests,, tribunals, fraud corruption , pedophilia etc
Our internet will not work during that time. Our ATM’s will not work. After the 10 days of Communication Darkness, we will connect to a new quantum internet.
People are urged to stock up on at least three weeks of food and water. We are promised the new Star-link Internet System by the end of the month.
Again I repeat be prepared with food, water, toilet paper, generators etc. for this great awakening reveal.
As we speak the teams coordinating this important historic event are revamping the E.B.S to ensure the utmost security for all involved so remain patient as things get finalized. They want to make certain there are not any interferences of any sort at all. Those making the plan want no one to panic whatsoever because it’s simply the release of the truth.
After the E B S and we’ve gone through the 10 days mainstream media blackout and sat through all the 24/7, (eight hours long movies), do we go back to normal like business as usual?
Answer is: After E B S and the 8 hours long 24 7, movies all will change. The, life support, attached to the old and evil systems will be pulled. Humanity, and planet Earth simultaneously move to quantum reality consciousness system (Peace and Prosperity). End of Financial and Human consciousness enslavement. Old systems of Government, Education , Finance, Health, Trade and Commerce etc., will all be dismantled and replaced.
We will have new currency called the USN US NOTE and gold backed.
The time is now to alert as many who will listen. Do not have too much pride. Go warn those you love even though they think you’re crazy. Your goal for others is truly to help absorb the shock of what is coming.— SOURCE UNKNOWN

Q Clearance Patriot My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).

POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment. It is time to take back our country and make America great again. Let us salute and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring forth peace, unity, and return power to the people

It is our hope that this message reaches enough people to make a meaningful impact. We cannot yet telegraph this message through normal methods for reasons I’m sure everyone here can understand. Follow the questions from the previous thread(s) and remain calm, the primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides). The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all please pray.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love is kind.”
God bless my fellow Americans.
“John F. Kennedy Jr.”
July 3, 2022

Continue ReadingEmergency Broadcast System

Immune and Overall Health

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Posts about health will appear on my health website at a later date.
The Plejaren are 25 – 30 million years more evolved than we Earthlings. Perhaps we should take note of their advice!

Optimization of Metabolism for Immune and Overall Health
Contact Report 619; Ptaah
Date of Contact: 2nd April 2015
Date of Translation: 10th April 2019

Actually, the fundamental and decisive point or the ultimate point in the whole of the health of the human body – as in any other form of life – is metabolism, because if it functions properly, then the immune system is also in order and the body is less susceptible to diseases and suffering of all kinds. Can you say something about that for once, please?
39. The immune system is the centre of health, and this depends on a well-functioning metabolism, through which every single cell of the body is supplied with everything it needs and which very quickly removes all useless substances and toxins from the body.
Ptaah goes on to explain about how to maintain a healthy metabolism, speaks to the importance of
chewing food properly rather than “swallowing down” and gives nine instructions to follow that are easy to incorporate into daily life.

1) The amino acid L-Tyrosine promotes mental performance, concentration, and conscious/mental/
emotional fitness. Healthy to be used in the short term, the natural stimulant has no side effects and can be used in times of high conscious and physical demands. L-Tyrosine is a superior alternative to psychotropic drugs which should never be administered to the body.

2) Drink only pure spring water or filtered water, because only pure water enables the body to flush out all environmental toxins, metabolic toxins, residential toxins and various other every day pollutants.
Coffee and tea also contain necessary water but should be used sparingly. The amount of water a person drinks each day depends on their diet and lifestyle. If one is eating a diet heavy in water-rich foods, less pure water needs to be consumed but a person eating the standard terrestrial diet of flours, baked goods, processed foods, meat, sausages, heavily seasoned food in general, sweets, etc. then drinking significantly more pure water is advisable.
70: Since all the harmful substances absorbed from the environment and
through food are one of the main causes of many malfunctions in the human organism and lead to
many diseases, stimulating the metabolism to excrete and flush it out is one of the most important
steps on the path to intensive health.

3) Eating smaller and more frequent meals and an overall calorie-reduced diet rather than lavish and
large main meals can stimulate and regulate the metabolism in a sustainable manner. If too many calories are eaten at once then the body tends to store them as fat but also if too few calories are consumed then the body switches into hunger mode and stores carbohydrates as fat, so a balance of calorie intake and careful food selection is important.
76. Therefore, the various small meals and snacks should understandably not consist of ready-made soups, roasted and salted nuts, sandwiches and sweets, etc., but of fresh berries, tropical fruits, unsweetened fruit bars, vegetables, pumpkin seeds, poppy seeds, salads, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and fruit, as well as other foods rich in vital substances.
77. These foods are mainly alkaline and provide the body with an incredibly large amount of stimulating vital and mineral substances, which are very important for the metabolism.

4) The metabolism can and must be stimulated by simple sporting activities. It is particularly important that, as a rule, slightly fewer calories are consumed than are needed for the actual immediate use. If sporting or working activity is carried out, the body burns calories and makes better use of the food consumed, which is why it is necessary to be physically active in one way or another every day.

5) The metabolism can also be stimulated with soluble dietary fibers which bind large amounts of water and therefore swell in the gastrointestinal tract, ensuring a smooth digestion and also cleansing the intestines so that nothing can get stuck in them and no “cinders” can form. Psyllium seed shells/husks are an especially beneficial form of soluble fiber that should be taken daily upon rising on an empty stomach and again one hour before dinner, whereby one tablespoon each time is sufficient. One tablespoon of mineral earth (bentonite clay) can be added in the evening serving for an added cleansing benefit to the psyllium husk.

6) The metabolism can be stimulated with natural, high-quality, organic, cold-pressed coconut oil which contains medium-chain triglycerides, simply called MCT and which are contained in nature in only very few oils. These fats are not absorbed by the body and are not stored as fat. MCTs lower cholesterol levels and supply the body with high-quality energy and promote the absorption of calcium and magnesium. [Organic, cold-pressed] coconut oil is an ideal choice for cooking because it is heat-stable and does not develop any harmful substances while other oils that are treated industrially cannot do this and thus strain the organism.

7) A healthy diet consisting of natural foods and products is a necessity, also seeing to it that the foods eaten are balanced between acidic and alkaline. Acidosis can form in the body from eating too much acidic food, causing ailments and suffering in the body and resulting in a whole range of health complaints such as chronic bronchitis, diabetes, rheumatic diseases, gout, migraine, fatigue, osteoporosis, sleep disorders or even states of depression and moral dejection, etc.
106. If therapeutic measures against mild acidosis are necessary, they are usually very
simple, and the person can carry them out without medical help.
107. The only thing you need to do is to make sure that you do not eat an excessive amount of
alkaline and acid, but a balanced diet, and that you exercise sufficiently.

8) Stress and worries must be avoided because they affect the nerves, morale and mood. Stress-related ailments and bad moods can be avoided by eating the right foods and the body can be supplied with certain useful food supplements that strengthen the nervous system. In addition, holistic measures are necessary to make people happy again and to counteract these diseases of civilization, which together with all sorts of physical-organic diseases, are based on the causes of toxic environmental influences and false lifestyles.

9) The earth human is increasingly confronted with toxic metals and radioactivity, which burden and
damage the immune system and vital organs. Because wide areas of Earth, the waters and the air as well as the direct environment of terrestrial humans are contaminated by all the poisonous substances it is no longer possible to completely avoid contact with them and it is important to make sure that as much food as possible is free from these toxins. This is possible only by purpose-built cultivation in one’s own gardens and fields where no artificial fertilizers and no toxins of any kinds are used. Even with organic or BIO foods it is not possible to ensure that no toxins were used.

39. If these nine rules for eating habits, food preparation and food production are
observed and continuously implemented and integrated into everyday life, then after only a few
days the first successes and recognizable effects in terms of successful metabolic regulation will
become apparent.

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Dr. ‘Zev’ Zelenko’s Death – Murder?

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*The death of Zeb Zelenko stirs up emotions of both anger & sorrow! We have learned so much from this hero!
From “State of the Nation”:

Dr. Zev Zelenko’s Death

“My cancer is what prepared me for the COVID-19 pandemic. Without it, I would not have developed my passion for searching for answers that others said couldn’t be found, and without it I could not have held to the persecution and ridicule I received for daring to treat patients. I have looked death in the eye and I have been made ready to meet God. I fear nothing on this earth.”

— Dr. Zev Zelenko

Dr. Zev Zelenko’s Powerful Final Words To Us

First, by being assaulted with their slow-motion cancer bioweapon …
… and then as a sitting duck on the operating table during cancer surgery—TWICE.

*SOTN Editor’s Note: There’s a HUGE back story here which must be told.  Dr Zev Zelenko would not want it any other way.  In truth, his story is our story.  All of our stories and, before COVID-19, it did not get any bigger than the “Cancer Industry” story that began with the ultra-secret decades-long cancer bioweapon program.  That depopulation project commenced with the post World War II childhood vaccination programs and continues in earnest up to this very day with greater lethality and injury than ever.  And that’s only one vector of attack; there are several others which will be addressed in this post over the next few days.

The short version of that back story goes like this.  After WW2, the New World Order eugencists launched the Super Vaccination Agenda which manifested as the standardized American childhood vaccination programs implemented in all elementary schools nationwide.

Once this cancer-inducing enterprise was firmly in place, the Baby Boomers became the first generation to be regularly exposed to cancer-causing toxins intentionally put into those harmful ‘vaccines’.  Then, all it takes for the cancer to be induced is for the serially vaccinated individual to be exposed to various triggers.

This is exactly why the Baby Boomers have seen such an epidemic of cancers pre COVID-19; and a veritable explosion of all cancers during the Covid era, especially among those genocide victims who received multiple Covid ‘vaccines’ and their equally cancer-causing boosters.

KEY POINT: In light of the quote from Dr. Zev Zelenko, it’s clear that he was a one-man powerhouse who was ready and willing to play his courageous role in the Third Millennium’s version of David and Goliath.  The Powers That Be knew that Zev had NO fear—NONE—where it concerned his fighting to the death the worldwide medical tyranny.  It’s quite certain that the Medical Mafia viewed Zev just as Rick Deckard was viewed in Bladerunner: “He’s a goddamn one-man slaughterhouse.”  Which means that Zev had to be taken out one way or another before he rubbed off on any other medical doctors.  For the single greatest threat to the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda would be an uprising of brave physicians who witnessed the extraordinarily high incidence of both vaccine injuries and vaccine-induced death.  Truly, TPTB had Zev’s number way before OPERATION COVID-19 was even launched; all they had to do was activate his cancer which they can do via a variety of triggering techniques and mechanisms, and then intensify it when he became a very serious problem to maintaining the official Covid narrative.

In case the reader did not get it, not only was Dr. Zev Zelenko a target of the highly organized Cancer Bioweapon Program, rather, all of US are cancer ticking time bombs. Similarly, if any one of US poses a real threat to the Global Biosecurity Superstate, killing us via the propagation of a highly aggressive cancer is easy.

What follows is a response to an SOTN reader who understandably questioned this extremely important narrative.

That’s why we call it a “stealth assassination”.
Zelenko didn’t know it.  Which means they
can kill anyone, anytime, anywhere with
their cancer bioweapons and no one even
suspects it; not even the targeted victims.
Just like Steve Jobs was quite obviously taken
out with pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer,
a rare and often slower-growing form of
pancreatic cancer.

Btw, we are all being stealthily murdered
(or injured)
over several decades via these
vaccination and adult flu shot
programs, which were deliberately formulated
as cancer bioweapons.  The
weaponized Covid
vaccines have proven
conclusively that Big
Pharma will purposely commit genocide
of an entire populace.

The point of this exposé was to show all
of US who have been vaccinated, especially
as children, that the cancer bioweapon can
be easily triggered
during adulthood…and
then exacerbated via microwave and EMF
weapons such as 5G.  They can also aim their
satellite-based scalar interferometer weapons
at an entire city. 

The currently raging epidemic of cancers is
also being intensified by the relentless
spraying of toxic chemtrails, as well as
selective releases of industrial pollution in
cities like Wuhan, Milan, Tehran, Guayaquil
and New York City.  

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The Smoking Gun

The Ashkenazi Jewish bloodline is practically immune to the spike protein
Dr. Lee Merritt – Targeted DNA Harvesting & Damage, De-Population, Globalists IMMUNE, Repairing DNA

Maria Zee Interview
*The transcript written by Maria Zee has been modified by me (this blogger) to make it more accurate & readable.
The Spike Protein:
In the first ten minutes or so Dr. Merritt points out that, regardless of whether there is any such thing as a virus or not, it is the spike protein that is making people sick.
Early on, in what was until then unprecedented, scholarly papers were withdrawn from medical publications.Those papers proved that the spike protein had been derived from HIV, leaving no doubt that it was genetically engineered.
When alternative news sites like ZeroHedge picked up on the fact that the spike protein is a bioweapon, they were simply de-platformed and thus began the complete betrayal of all human life on earth by a media that in the last two years has become the very embodiment of evil…
Synthetic Pathogen:
Dr. Merritt goes on to say this “toxic nano particle,” a synthetic pathogen, is not airborne. To say that it is airborne is a big lie. It was spread manually in Wuhan, parts of Lombardy [Italy] and in New York City. Then a massive worldwide campaign was launched, through a rigorously censored media and politicians, who were either bought and paid for or were incompetent or both, to spread not a virus but the fear of a virus. This demonic charade was presided over and directed by mad scientist extraordinaire Dr. Anthony Fauci, who vacillated between telling people they did not need a mask to they should wear one to bed and two when they go out.
“Vaccine” Bioweapon:
Predictably the majority of people, already scared to death, without doing the due diligence they would do before they bought a car, ran out and got themselves injected with a “unknown unproven genetic agent” containing DNA coding instructions to produce the spike protein in their own body. The vaccine is the real bioweapon and everything else has been disinformation to cover up the damage the vaccine is doing.
The PCR test doesn’t work and never has worked, leaving the existence of this so called virus highly questionable. Also, you cannot have a variant of a virus that does not exist.
To avoid extinction of the species the “vaccine” wears out by the third generation. I guess we will have to wait and see if that kind of empathy has been extended to the human race but clearly, they do not need to “vaccinate” everybody to infect everybody.

Hereditary Immunity:
About thirty minutes in Dr. Merritt cuts to the chase. Such a plan if surreptitiously carried out by an elite group would be suicidal, that is if they were not certain they had hereditary immunity to the spike protein. The Americans have been caught harvesting genetic samples in China and in 2017 in Russia. With the advent of the Human Genome Project, it became feasible to modify the spike protein to electrostatically adhere to particular genetic sequences.
Prior infectious pathogens never got past the respiratory system but “this stuff actually hooks in; this bioweapon they made from genetic material actually hooks into your ACE2 pathway and we’ve got ACE2 pathways all over the body. But the strength in which it hooks in depends on your genetics.”
Blogger Note: Viral infectious pathogens reside in the respiratory system (nasal passages, back of throat, bronchial tubes & lungs) – where they can be defeated, such as nebulising hydrogen peroxide. “Vaccines” are injected into the bloodstream. The ACE2 ‘receptor’ is a specific protein on the surface of many cell types which provides the entry point for the spike protein (made in the body via the mRNA in the jab) to hook into & infect a wide range of human cells, therefore various organs.

The Ashkenazi bloodline is practically immune to the spike protein.
This is an abstract from a scientific paper published in the summer of 2020, telling you exactly what your chances of being killed or maimed by the spike protein are according to your race: